Category Archives: Rene Kuipers

store non-OBIEE objects in the catalog

Thanks to John Minkjan ( I was able to disclose (and secure) non-OBIEE content on a dashboard.

Using the regular Upload functionality you can easily upload a (for instance) PDF file into the Shared Folders of the webcatalog.

The awkward thing is, that if you put a link on your dashboard and use the Browse button to navigate to the particular folder, you don't see the PDF file since it is not an OBIEE object.

A workaround for this is to create a (dummy) analysis and store it in the same folder as the PDF. Then, as described above, put a link on your dashboard and navigate to the dummy analysis. As a final step, (since you now have the path to the folder where the PDF resides) replace the name of the OBIEE analysis with the PDF's name.
There you go ! Now you can have a link on your dashboard to non-OBIEE objects and use your security model on it !

Kind regards,

Upgrade OBI to findings

Upgrading OBI to is quite... ehm... challenging.
My first advice would be: perform a complete fresh installation of Weblogic 10.3.5 and OBI (A so-called Out-Of-Place upgrade). An in-place upgrade is a LOT OF WORK and involves a lot of manual steps and scripting.

But, even the Out-Of-Place upgrade comes with challenges.
First of all, the installation is fine. (Although I tried to install this right after the release of the latest version of Java (7) and I didn't manage to get this up and running so I switched back to using 6u26.)
The migration of the security realm, setting up the Application Roles, everything is fine.
There is actually no need of upgrading the rpd file. Just point Weblogic to the correct file and it works.

But the WebCat is a different story...

In the version of instanceconfig.xml there is this entry in the section that says: change the upgradeandexit "false" value to "true"

The documentation does not mention this entry. It mentions the previous syntax, which is something like ps:catalog etc. /ps:catalog

Setting its value to true and restarting the presentation server should (I believe) perform an upgrade of the webcatalog.

(BTW: the install doc of the SampleApp also doesn't mention the tag, but the tag)

What I did find is loss of functionality. So the version and the post-upgrade version of the same dashboards act differently.
For instance: Graphs that have conditional formatting no longer animate. And also ALL our gauges lost their footer. because after the upgrade the @1 reference in the footer had changed after the upgrade to @0.

What else went wrong ? I'm still investigating. I'll keep you posted.

Kind regards,

Upgrade OBI to findings

Upgrading OBI to is quite... ehm... challenging.
My first advice would be: perform a complete fresh installation of Weblogic 10.3.5 and OBI (A so-called Out-Of-Place upgrade). An in-place upgrade is a LOT OF WORK and involves a lot of manual steps and scripting.

But, even the Out-Of-Place upgrade comes with challenges.
First of all, the installation is fine. (Although I tried to install this right after the release of the latest version of Java (7) and I didn't manage to get this up and running so I switched back to using 6u26.)
The migration of the security realm, setting up the Application Roles, everything is fine.
There is actually no need of upgrading the rpd file. Just point Weblogic to the correct file and it works.

But the WebCat is a different story...

In the version of instanceconfig.xml there is this entry in the section that says: change the upgradeandexit "false" value to "true"

The documentation does not mention this entry. It mentions the previous syntax, which is something like ps:catalog etc. /ps:catalog

Setting its value to true and restarting the presentation server should (I believe) perform an upgrade of the webcatalog.

(BTW: the install doc of the SampleApp also doesn't mention the tag, but the tag)

What I did find is loss of functionality. So the version and the post-upgrade version of the same dashboards act differently.
For instance: Graphs that have conditional formatting no longer animate. And also ALL our gauges lost their footer. because after the upgrade the @1 reference in the footer had changed after the upgrade to @0.

What else went wrong ? I'm still investigating. I'll keep you posted.

Kind regards,

OBIEE Catalog and Application Roles

Hi !
When adding Application Roles as members to other Application Roles, the Presentation Server only 'sees' the ultimate parent of that hierarchy. So If you have an Application Role called 'Analyst' and there are other Application Roles member of this 'Analyst' Role, only the 'Analyst' role is known to the presentation server and also to the Catalog !
So remember this when setting access privileges on catalog objects !


OBIEE Catalog and Application Roles

Hi !
When adding Application Roles as members to other Application Roles, the Presentation Server only 'sees' the ultimate parent of that hierarchy. So If you have an Application Role called 'Analyst' and there are other Application Roles member of this 'Analyst' Role, only the 'Analyst' role is known to the presentation server and also to the Catalog !
So remember this when setting access privileges on catalog objects !
