Category Archives: Rene Kuipers

Progress on TRC

Working late... Today we finished the installation of Translational Research Center 3.0.1 in The Netherlands. Wow. It's a huge patchset. Why didn't Oracle call it 3.1 ;-) But, what's fixed now is, amongst other things, the VPD configuration. Now only the data is shown to the right users if they have the correct authorisation. Also, the loader for Complete Genomics NGS data works. Another big leap forward: because of a reference visit tomorrow we loaded the Glioblastoma dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas. For these patients, also DNA Sequence variants, RNA expression data as well as Copy Number Variation data is loaded. What a great analyses can be done now ! Currently, we're working on some custom BI dashboards for deeper Cohort analyses... Looks promising !

It’s been a while…

It's been a bit quiet lately. Not because of lack of interest, on the contrary. I've been very busy. From a BI perspective, lots of things have changed. I focused more on the back-end side of things (database, ODI etc) and also had some time with other vendor's tools. Let's leave it at that... :-) But first and foremost: I've been playing around with Oracle TRC. Translational Research Center. It's a platform based on Oracle Software (Database, Weblogic, ODI and OBI) that supports researchers and doctors in diagnosing patients. It offers the possibility of combining clinical data with genomic data. Which is of course very useful and necessary when you want to aim for personalized treatments. There is nothing more personal than an individual's DNA. Version 3.0 is out, so I'm figuring out what has changed. In the coming weeks, I'll be installing and configuring TRC at a customer's site and post progress here ! Regards, René

Rittman Mead BI Forum Atlanta, GA

Today is my first day at the Rittman Mead BI Forum in Atlanta, GA.
My 'Ignite-style' presentation on Groups, Roles and Issues went pretty well. I think... :-)
Great sessions, great insight from Oracle Corp and listening to Stewart Bryson (@stewartbryson) is always a good thing to do !

Rittman Mead BI Forum 2012

This years BI forum (#biforum) is open for registration!

All information on topics, speakers and locations can be found here:

Direct registration links for Brighton and Atlanta respectively are here:
Booking form for UK BI Forum Event (Brighton, May 8th – 11th 2012)
Booking form for US BI Forum Event (Atlanta GA, May 15th – 18th 2012)

My session abount Groups, Roles and Issues is scheduled for the Atlanta edition of the BI Forum 2012

Adding new columns to existing views

In OBI, columns that are added afterwards to an analysis with existing (table-)views are automatically added to these views.
This is the default behavior, where in, existing views needed to be edited to include the new columns.

This can be changed under the Analysis Properties button:

Navigate to the Data tab and toggle between the top two options:

The first option is the default: new columns are automatically added to existing views.
The second option is the options as we know from the release.

Kind regards!