Tag Archives: Obiee

Obiee – A special subject area to handle the dashboard parameters prompts

All the prompts in OBIEE are column based prompt. You can’t create a prompt if you don’t select a column. And as it’s the only way to set up a variable for a formula, it’s impossible to bypass this constraint. In our case, we don’t care about the value in the dimension column as we [...]

Obiee – How to suppress detail rows of a master group in a pivot view ?

You have detail rows of a group in a pivot table that you want suppress, We have two solutions : - if you don't need a total by "promo Category" (by post or by internet), you can create a new dimension with a formula - if you want a total by "promo Category", we must perform a cross conditional formatting.

Obiee – How to mix string and number data type in one column and get a sum ?

Sometimes, you want to mix number and string data type in one column because you want to send a conditional message : For instance, : * if value > 1000, write "To Big" else value * if value is null, write "No Data" else value But If you write a function, on this way, you get a error message. Here is how to do to avoid it.

OBIEE Using SQL based scale makers

Recently on my question page I was asked to make a step by step example on how to use SQL based scale markes in a graph.

Let's start with a simple report based on the sample sales repository:



And put it in a vertical bar graph:


If we want to add a scale marker goto the image axis scaling menu and press image Edit Scale markers, press add:image

Click on the edit button image


Now the trick is to enter an SQL statement for which the first column gives back the value you want to use for your scale marker. In this case:

SELECT MIN("F1 Revenue"."1-01 Revenue (Sum All)" ) saw_0, "D0 Time"."T02 Per Name Month" saw_1 FROM "Sample Sales" ORDER BY saw_1

Do the same for the MAX marker:

SELECT MAX("F1 Revenue"."1-01 Revenue (Sum All)" ) saw_0, "D0 Time"."T02 Per Name Month" saw_1 FROM "Sample Sales" ORDER BY saw_1

Play around with the Marker caption, color en line width:


And have a look at the results:


Till Next Time

OBIEE OBI – Forum Live

Dutch only this time:

3 Juni is het weer zover, de tweede versie van OBI Forum Live.

Zoals u waarschijnlijk al gehoord hebt zijn de eerste sprekers al bekend; Mark Rittman (RittmanMead) en Emiel van Bockel (Centraal Boekhuis).

Wij zoeken natuurlijk nog veel meer boeiende sprekers.

Dus heeft u een goed verhaal over uw uitdagingen met OBI - EE en wil u die met de rest van de Nederlandstalige gebruikers delen, neem dan even contact op: john punt minkjan at ciber punt nl of  +31 (0)40 - 232 90 90

Tot 3 juni