Tag Archives: Obiee

OBI FORUM LIVE, 2nd edition

They Blog en Log…meet the best OBI experts

Following the succesful first edition, the 2nd edition of OBI Forum Live will be organized at Oracle Nederland, “De Meern”. This forum is arranged by CIBER Nederland and Scamander together with Oracle Nederland.

Besides John Minkjan (CIBER) and Daan Bakboord (Scamander), Dutch most known and best (b)loggers at this area, Nicolas Gerard (New Frontiers) and Emiel van Bockel (Centraal Boekhuis) are presenting. And we are very excited to anounce that we’ve got the godfather of all OBI blogs, Mark Rittman, as keynote speaker.

At 3 juni 2009 you are able to meet these most important speakers personaly to debate with them one on one! Don’t miss the 2nd edition of this forum and register now!

Densification with OBIEE logical Sql (Sparse to dense data)

You may want to view the data in [[analytic:dense_sparse|dense]] form, with rows for all combination of dimension values displayed even when no fact data exist for them. And it’s also the most problem that you have when you work with [[analytic:function_time|time series calculations]] as the [[dat:obiee:presentation_service/obiee_period_to_period_lag_lead_function|lag/lead function]], is that the data are not [[analytic/dense_sparse|dense]]. This [...]

Obiee – How to configure the Mail server of Oracle BI Scheduler/Delivers

This article talk about the configuration of the smtp mail server of Oracle BI Scheduler. To set up the smtp server, you must enter at least this information as : * the sender address * the smtp server * the smtp port To be able to save an Ibot, you must have performed the [[dat:obiee:bi_scheduler:obiee_scheduler_configuration|initial [...]

OBIEE and Apex Integration

You may have sometime to change some data in your application. [[ide/apex|Apex]] is a great tool that allow you to develop and deploy rapidly a web based application. Here for our example, we must access to a vendor Apex form to change some values on it. Our goal is to have the report below in [...]

Obiee – Period to period comparison with the analytical function Lag/Lead

During [[http://forums.oracle.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=3403773#3403773|this thread]] on the Obiee forum, [[http://108obiee.blogspot.com/|Goran]] point out a solution for a period to period comparison with the analytical function lag. It was time for me to drill down in this analytical function and to compare it with the obiee time function : ago. [[analytic:analytic_functions:analytic_function_lag|lag and lead]] are analytical functions that can be [...]