Tag Archives: Obiee

OBIEE in hebrew

Boris has set up an OBIEE blog in hebrew: http://obiee.co.il/.
Translatesd : http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=iw&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://iloug.org.il/BI/ 

For those of you who also have a non english OBIEE blog feel free to sent me a link and I will gladly advertise it here.

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OBIEE11g FireFox 10 problems

For those of you having problems with the new FireFox 10 client. Michal Novy posted a solution on Christians Blog:

Hi, I found the way how to do a workaround:
1. type "about:config" into an address bar
2. right click anywhere and choose New / String
3. name it "general.useragent.override"
4. put the value "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 6.1; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0"
5. refresh OBIEE login screen
Then it works without any problems!

Seems that Oracle is already working on some patches: see patch # 13564003 released by Oracle Support which repairs this limitation.

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OBIEE11g / BIP Quartz Scheduler

Seems that Oracle is using there own standard for the Date Time format in the BIP quartz scheduler. They are not using standard ticks (starting on 1-jan-0001) but a milliseconds count starting on 1-jan-1970. So 1-Jan-2012 = 1325376000000. IE: a whole day is 86400000 ticks.

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OBIEE10g Auto Suggest Prompt

A client asked me if I could create an auto suggest prompt for him. (ie: Google Style Prompt). Basically he wanted an edit box prompt which would fill an suggestion box which he could tab trough to make the right selection.

Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. But I didn’t reinvent the wheel Knipogende emoticon ! The people at jQuery already did the bases, I simple adapted it for usage in OBIEE 10g.

1. Download the jQuery UI package here. Install it in your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use).

2. Download the jQuerySetup from here.

3. Add the setup script to a textbox on your dashboard page:


Alter files locations if needed, don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox.

4. Add a dropdown prompt to your dashboard page.


5. Create a javascript file in your b_mozilla directory’s called: autocomplete.js

function SetAutoComplete(PromptColumn){
    var domNode = document;
    var tagName = '*';
    var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
    var y ="";           
    for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
    if (tags[i].className  == 'GFPFilter') {
        if (tags[i].getAttribute('gfpbuilder').indexOf(PromptColumn) != -1)
            y = tags[i].getAttribute('sid')           

                $( "#"+y ).combobox();           

6. After the dropdown prompt add a textbox with:

<script src="res/b_mozilla/autocomplete.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript"> 
    SetAutoComplete('C1  Cust Name');

7. Add your report and run the dashboard:


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OBIEE10g AutoRunPrompt

A client asked me if I could create an auto run prompt for him. Basically he wanted an edit box prompt which would updated his report after each character has been typed. Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. It uses the onkeyup event to fire the GFPDoFilters filter event.

The script can be downloaded here: download COBIEEJS.

Copy the file to your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use)

How to use it?

1. Add an edit box style prompt to your dashboard:


2. Add a textbox with:

<script src="res/b_mozilla/cobieejs.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript"> 
  AutoRunPrompt('C1  Cust Name');


don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox

3. Add your prompted report:


Run the dashboard:


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