Tag Archives: ALL POSTS

OBIEE101 I’m still around ;-)

Thanks everybody for the interest in my whereabouts.

Yep, I'm still around. Just very very busy on a huge OWB migration.

Hope to be back soon we some OBIEE stuff.

Till Next Time

OBIEE10g Auto Suggest Prompt

A client asked me if I could create an auto suggest prompt for him. (ie: Google Style Prompt). Basically he wanted an edit box prompt which would fill an suggestion box which he could tab trough to make the right selection.

Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. But I didn’t reinvent the wheel Knipogende emoticon ! The people at jQuery already did the bases, I simple adapted it for usage in OBIEE 10g.

1. Download the jQuery UI package here. Install it in your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use).

2. Download the jQuerySetup from here.

3. Add the setup script to a textbox on your dashboard page:


Alter files locations if needed, don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox.

4. Add a dropdown prompt to your dashboard page.


5. Create a javascript file in your b_mozilla directory’s called: autocomplete.js

function SetAutoComplete(PromptColumn){
    var domNode = document;
    var tagName = '*';
    var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
    var y ="";           
    for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
    if (tags[i].className  == 'GFPFilter') {
        if (tags[i].getAttribute('gfpbuilder').indexOf(PromptColumn) != -1)
            y = tags[i].getAttribute('sid')           

                $( "#"+y ).combobox();           

6. After the dropdown prompt add a textbox with:

<script src="res/b_mozilla/autocomplete.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript"> 
    SetAutoComplete('C1  Cust Name');

7. Add your report and run the dashboard:


Till Next Time

OBIEE10g AutoRunPrompt

A client asked me if I could create an auto run prompt for him. Basically he wanted an edit box prompt which would updated his report after each character has been typed. Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. It uses the onkeyup event to fire the GFPDoFilters filter event.

The script can be downloaded here: download COBIEEJS.

Copy the file to your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use)

How to use it?

1. Add an edit box style prompt to your dashboard:


2. Add a textbox with:

<script src="res/b_mozilla/cobieejs.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript"> 
  AutoRunPrompt('C1  Cust Name');


don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox

3. Add your prompted report:


Run the dashboard:


Till Next Time

OBIEE11g Golden Rules: Dashboard Building

First of al the original inspiration for these “Golden Rules” Series are based on the “20 GOLDEN RULES FOR REPOSITORY DESIGN” from the people at Peak Indicators. Kudos to them. I just added my own observations.

The series contains:

The “rules” is this article are somewhat in random order

This is really a work in progress, will be updated soon! (Bit pressed for Time Knipogende emoticon  )

Dashboard Design

- Don’t crowd the dashboard

Divide your report over several pages! Check why a user really needs 25 pages…..

- Avoid scrolling

Remember that your developers screen is often bigger then the user screen

- Check for screen size

If the user has only a 1024 * 768, then make your own resolution the same!

- Check for mobile

- Animation

- Colours

Before you start using non standard colours have a look a some colour theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color, not every colour combination does well…..

This is always a “work in progress” and please feel free to make any suggestions!

Till Next Time!