Tag Archives: Business Intelligence
Oracle Reveals Pricing for Its SAP HANA Rival Exalytics, Signaling Imminent Release
There is a lot of fuz lately about the Exalytic price model. Here is an article that compairs the pricing model of Oracle’s Exalytics against SAP’s HANA.
Source: pcworld.com
Author: Chris Kanaracus
Oracle made a splash on Tuesday when it announced the general availability of its Big Data Appliance, but the company also quietly released pricing information for Exalytics, another new member in its family of specialized hardware-software appliances and a likely competitor to SAP’s HANA product, suggesting that a general-availability announcement for that product is imminent.
Both Exalytics and HANA incorporate in-memory databases, providing a performance boost over systems that read and write data from disks. HANA was released in June.
Oracle’s Engineered System price list, which was updated Tuesday, states that the Exalytics In-Memory Machine X2-4 costs US$135,000, along with an additional $29,700 for annual support and other fees.
The machine consists of a single server with 1TB of RAM and four Intel Xeon E7-4800 processors, each with 10 cores, according to an Oracle whitepaper. Exalytics machines can also be clustered together.
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i Alone – de Centrale rol van informatie binnen de onderneming
Mijn presentatie “i Alone” is nu ook te downloaden.
Voor meer achtergrondinformatie behorende bij de presentatie verwijs ik graag naar de volgende artikelen:
“de i Factor” , gepubliceerd in FD Outlook
“BIdy Gonzales”, gepubliceerd in Optimize
“Geld verdienen met informatie”, gepubliceerd in Tijdschrift voor IT Management .
Veel lees plezier!
BIdy Gonzales
Mijn laatste artikel gepubliceerd in Optimize is nu te downloaden. Volgende week zal ik hierover presenteren op de Oracle Benelux UserGroup Event in Brussel: BIdy Gonzales‘.
In het kort alles over hoe een snelle en agile BI architectuur, organisatie en methode in te voeren.
BI met de snelheid van Speedy Gonzales
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