Tag Archives: JAVASCRIPT

The Visual Plugin Pack for OBIEE

Last week we announced the Rittman Mead Open Source project, and released into open source:

  • the excellent Insights project, a javascript API/framework for building a new frontend for OBIEE, written by Minesh Patel
  • Enhanced usage tracking for OBIEE, to track click-by-click how your users interact with the application

Today it is the turn of the Visual Plugin Pack.....

What is the Visual Plugin Pack for OBIEE ?

Visual Plugin Pack (VPP) is a means by which users of OBIEE Answers can use custom JavaScript visualisations without having to write any javascript!

It is a framework that enables developers to build Javascript visualisation plugins, that report builders can then utilise and configure through native OBIEE user interface.

I want to point this out from the very start, that despite its name, the Visual Plugin Pack is not a pack of all-singing, all-dancing, super-duper visualisations for OBIEE.

Instead, VPP should be thought of as a framework that allows you to quickly develop and integrate all-singing, all-dancing, super-duper visualisations that will work natively within OBIEE.

Subtle difference, but an important one.

So what does it do ?

Essentially, VPP allows you to accelerate the development and deployment of custom, configurable and reusable OBIEE JavaScript visualisations.

Back in 2013 I wrote this post describing how to embed a D3 Visualisation within OBIEE. The same method will still work today, but it's a cumbersome process and requires heavy use of the narrative form, which let's be honest, is a painful experience when it comes to JavaScript development.

Some drawbacks with this method:

  • Code editing in the Narrative view is not productive.
  • Reusing visualisations in other analyses requires the copying and pasting of code.
  • Basic Visualisation configuration changes, for example, width, height, colours, font etc requires code changes.
  • Remapping Column bindings requires code changes.
  • JavaScript library dependencies and load order can be tricky to manage.

The Visual Plugin Pack attempts to address these issues by abstracting away the complexities of the Narrative form and allowing developers to focus on visualisation code, not OBIEE integration code.
If you choose to use VPP for your visualisations then you will never have to touch the narrative form, all visualisation development can take place outside of OBIEE in your favourite code editor and deployed to Weblogic when you are done.

VPP also allows you to define design-time controls that affect column bindings and visualisation behaviour. The example visualisation below has been written to accept 5 column bindings and 1 configuration component, which controls the visualisation size. You can create as many column bindings and configuration components as you need

scatterplot matrix

How do I get started ?

You can download or fork the repository from here.

Installation and developer guides can be found on the wiki:-

There are several visualisations that come bundled with VPP, some more polished than others, but they should serve as good examples that can be enhanced further.


If you've got some in-house JavaScript skills and are looking to develop and integrate custom visualisations into OBIEE, then VPP can help alleviate a lot of the frustrations associated with the traditional method. Once you're up and running you'll be able to develop faster, integrate quickly and share your visualisations with all OBIEE report writers.

If you'd like to discuss how Rittman Mead can help with deployment or assist with custom visualisation development feel free to contact us.

Insights – An Open-Source Visualisation Platform for OBIEE

On and off over the last year, I have spent some time developing a customisable framework for building visualisations and dashboards, using OBIEE as the back-end. The result is Insights, a JavaScript web application that offers a modern alternative to OBIEE Answers. As of today, we have officially open sourced the project, so you are free to download, install, hack and contribute as you please.

The primary motive for building this application was to meet some very bespoke reporting requirements for a client, which I mention in my previous blog describing the prototype. During this piece of work I wrote an object orientated interface for the OBIEE web services. The icing on the cake was tying it into Tom Underhill's Visual Plugin Pack.

You can see more information about Insights in a presentation that I did at the recent UKOUG conference here: Bridging the Gap: Enhancing OBIEE with a Custom Visualisation Platform

Since then a lot of the work has been put in to make it developer friendly, visually appealing and hopefully easier to use. I'll be the first to admit that it's far from perfect, but it should be a decent starting point.

Getting Started

In order to use Insights you will need OBIEE or above. Additionally, the application has only been tested using IE11 or Chrome browsers and so compatibility with other browsers cannot be guaranteed.

First, download the application or fork the Git repository.

There is an installation guide in the project at docs/installation.html. Follow this guide to deploy the application on your OBIEE server.


This is a quick step-by-step demonstration creating a basic dashboard, showing off some of the features in the application (apologies if the GIFs take a while to load).

First you log in, using your usual OBIEE credentials. The homepage shows some pre-configured dashboards here, but we're going to click the pencil to create a new one.

Logging in

Next I've dragged in some columns from my subject area, Sample App and run the query, displaying the default table plugin.

Add Columns

In this step, I've gone to the configuration tab, and changed the colour of my table.


Now I change the plugin type using the drop down menu at the top. Notice that my previous table visualisation gets stored on the right. By clicking the Store button manually, it also adds my new pie chart. Then we can flick between them easily.

Store Pie Chart

Filters can be added by clicking the icon next to the column on the subject area panel.


Adding in a sunburst chart, and playing with some of the colours here.


Now we have our visualisations, we can begin constructing our dashboard. You can freely move around and resize the visualisations as you choose. I recommend hiding the panels for this, as the full screen is much closer to what users will see when viewing the dashboard.


The next GIF shows the interaction framework, which can be used to implement UI features where the user interacts with one visualisation and another visualisation on the page reacts to it. In its most basic form, each plugin type can be filtered - where OBIEE runs the query again. Although more complex reactions that are specific to a certain chart type can also be configured, as seen below with the sunburst chart.


Dashboard prompts can be added by clicking the filter icon next to one of the RPD columns. Any visualisations using this subject area will respond to the prompt. The prompt box can be freely placed on the canvas like any other object.

Dashboard Prompt

Finally, we can save the object to the web catalogue. This saves as a hidden analysis object in the OBIEE web catalogue and contains all of the information to recreate the dashboard when loading. All OBIEE security features are preserved, so users will only be able to access folders and reports they have permissions for.

Save to Web Catalogue

Finished dashboards can be viewed in the application once they have been saved. The dashboard viewer will show all dashboard objects in that folder as different pages, available from the left pane. Images can be exported to PNG and PDF as well as data from the visualisations exporting to Excel and CSV.

Viewing Dashboards

So How Do I Learn More?

The slides that I did at UKOUG describing Insights give a comprehensive overview of the design behind the tool. You can find them here.


In a nutshell, those are the main features of the application. Feel free to try it out and have a read through the documentation (available through the application itself or offline as HTML files in the docs directory).

As an open source application there is no official support, however if you experience any bugs or have any requests for enhancements, please post them on the issue tracker.

We hope you enjoy using the app and if you would like to enlist our expertise to help you deploy and develop using this platform, feel free to contact us to discuss it further.

OBIEE Query Blocking as Analysis Protection or Standardization

OBIEE power users and ad hoc report developers get to have all of the fun. But they are sometimes at the mercy of data sources that are not properly tuned for poorly built queries. During development and other aspects of report creation there can be cases where a data source is finicky, where queries need […]

The post OBIEE Query Blocking as Analysis Protection or Standardization appeared first on Art of Business Intelligence Blog.

Enable Your Dashboard Designers to Concentrate on User Experience Rather Than Syntax (or How to Add a Treemap in Two Lines)

JavaScript is a powerful tool that can be used to add functionality to OBIEE dashboards.  However, for many whose wheelhouses are more naturally aligned with Stephen Few rather than John Resig, adding JavaScript to a dashboard can be intimidating. To facilitate this process, steps can be taken to centralize and simplify the invocation of this code.  In this post, I will demonstrate how to create your very own library of custom HTML tags.  These tags will empower anyone to add 3rd party visualizations from libraries like D3 without a lick of JavaScript experience.

What is a “Custom Tag”?

Most standard HTML tags provide very simple behaviors.  Complex behaviors have typically  been reserved for JavaScript.  While, for the most part, this is still the case, custom tags can be used to provide a more intuitive interface to the JavaScript.  The term “custom tag” library refers to a developer defined library of HTML tags that are not natively supported by the HTML standard, but are instead included at run-time.  For example, one might implement  a <RM-MODAL> tag to produce a button that opens a modal dialog.  Behind the scenes, JavaScript will be calling the shots, but the code in your narrative view or dashboard text section will look like plain old HTML tags.

Developing a JavaScript Library

The first step when incorporating an external library onto your dashboard is to load it.  To do so, it’s often necessary to add JavaScript libraries and css files to the <head> of a document to ensure they have been loaded prior to being called.  However, in OBIEE we don’t have direct access to the <head> from the Dashboard editor.  By accessing the DOM, we can create style and script src objects on the fly and append them to the <head>.  The code below appends external scripts to the document’s <head> section.

Figure 1. dashboard.js

01 function loadExtFiles(srcname, srctype){
02    if (srctype=="js"){
03      var src=document.createElement('script')
04      src.setAttribute("type","text/JavaScript")
05      src.setAttribute("src", srcname)
06    } else if (srctype=="css"){
07       var src=document.createElement("link")
08       src.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
09       src.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
10       src.setAttribute("href", srcname)
11    }
13    if ((typeof src!==undefined) && (src!==false)) {
14       parent.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(src)
15    }
16 }
18 window.onload = function() {
19   loadExtFiles("/rm/js/d3.v3.min.js", "js")
20   loadExtFiles("/rm/css/visualizations.css", "css")
21   loadExtFiles("/rm/js/visualizations.js", "js")
22 }

In addition to including the D3 library, we have included a CSS file and a JavaScript file, named visualizations.css and visualizations.js respectively.  The visualizations.css file contains the default formatting for the visualizations and visualizations.js is our library of functions that collect parameters and render visualizations.

The D3 gallery provides a plethora of useful and not so useful examples to fulfill all your visualizations needs.  If you have a background in programming, these examples are simple enough to customize.  If not, this is a tall order.  Typically the process would go something like this:

  1. Determine how the data is currently being sourced.
  2. Rewrite that section of the code to accept data in a format that can be produced by OBIEE.  Often this requires a bit more effort in the refactoring as many of the examples are sourced from CSV files or JSON.  This step will typically involve writing code to create objects and add those objects to an array or some other container.  You will then have to determine how you are passing this data container to the D3 code.  Will the D3 code be rewritten as a function that takes in the array as a parameter? Will the array be scoped in a way that the D3 code can simply reference it?
  3. Identify how configurations like colors, sizing, etc. are set and determine how to customize them as per your requirements.
  4. Determine what elements need to be added to the narrative view to render the visualization.

If you are writing your own visualization from scratch, these same steps are applied in the design phase.  Either way, the JavaScript code that results from performing these steps should not be the interface exposed to a dashboard designer.  The interface should be as simple and understandable as possible to promote re-usability and avoid implementation syntax errors.  That’s where custom HTML tags come in.

Wait…  Why use tags rather than exposing the Javascript function calls?

Using custom tags allow for a more intuitive implementation than JavaScript functions.  Simple JavaScript functions do not support named arguments.  What this means is JavaScript depends on order to differentiate arguments.

<script>renderTreemap("@1", "@2", @3, null, null, "Y");</script>

In the example above, anyone viewing this call without being familiar with the function definition would have a hard time deciphering the parameters.  By using a tag library to invoke the function, the parameters are more clear.  Parameters that are not applicable for the current invocation are simply left out.

<rm-treemap name="@1" grouping="@2" measure=@3 showValues="Y"/>

That being said, you should still familiarize yourself with the correct usage prior to using them.

Now some of you may be saying that named arguments can be done using object literals, but the whole point of this exercise is to reduce complexity for front end designers, so I wouldn’t recommend this approach within the context of OBIEE.

What do these tags look like and how do they pass the data to the JavaScript?

For this example, we will be providing a Treemap visualization.  As could be expected, the example provided by the link is sourced by a JSON object.  For our use, we will have to rewrite that code to source the data from the attributes in our custom HTML tags.  The D3 code is expecting a hierarchical object made up of leaf node objects contained within grouping objects.  The leaf node objects consists of a “name” field and a “size” field.  The grouping object consists of a “name” field and a “children” field that contains an array of leaf node objects.  By default, the size values, or measures, are not displayed and are only used to size the nodes.  Additionally, the dimensions of the treemap are hard coded values.  Inevitably users will want to change these settings, so for each of the settings which we want to expose for configuration we will provide attribute fields on the custom tag we build. Ultimately, that is the purpose of this design pattern.

  1. Name you custom tag
  2. Identify all your inputs
  3. Create a tag attribute for each input
  4. Within a javascript library, extract and organize the the values
  5. Pass those values to D3

For this example we will configure behaviours for a tag called <rm-treemap>.  Note: It is a good practice to add a dash to your custom tags to ensure they will not match an existing HTML tag.  This tag will support the following attributes:

  • name – Name of the dimension being measured
  • measure: – Used to size the node boxes
  • grouping: – Used to determine color for node boxes
  • width: Width in pixels
  • height: Height in pixels
  • showValues: Y/N

It will be implemented within a narrative view like so:

<rm-treemap name="@1" grouping="@2" measure=@3 width="700" height="500" showValues="Y"/>

In order to make this tag useful, we need to bind behaviors to it that are controlled by the tag attributes.  To extract the attribute values from <rm-treemap>, the javascript code in visualizations.js will use two methods from the Element Web API, Element.getElementsByTagName and Element.getAttributes.

Fig 2. Lines 8-11 use these methods to identify the first <rm-treemap> tag and extract the values for width, height and showValues.  It was necessary specify a single element, in this case the first one, as getElementsByTagName returns an array of all matching elements within the HTML document.  There will most likely be multiple matches as the OBIEE narrative field will loop through query results and produce a <rm-treemap> tag for each row.

In Fig 2. Lines 14-41, the attributes for name, measure and grouping will be extracted and bound to either leaf node objects or grouping objects.  Additionally lines 11 and 49-50 configure the displayed values and the size of the treemap.  The original code was further modified on line 62 to use the first <rm-treemap> element to display the output.

Finally, lines 99-101 ensure that this code only executed when the <rm-treemap> is detected on the page.  The last step before deployment is documentation.  If you are going to go through all the trouble of building a library of custom tags, you need to set aside the time to document their usage.  Otherwise, regardless of how much you simplified the usage, no one will be able to use them.

Figure 2. visualizations.js

01 var renderTreemap = function () {
 02    // Outer Container (Tree)
 03    var input = {};
 04    input.name = "TreeMap";
 05    input.children = [];
 07    //Collect parameters from first element
 08    var treeProps = document.getElementsByTagName("rm-treemap")[0];
 09    canvasWidth = treeProps.getAttribute("width") ? treeProps.getAttribute("width") : 960;
 10    canvasHeight = treeProps.getAttribute("height") ? treeProps.getAttribute("height") : 500;
 11    showValues = treeProps.getAttribute("showValues").toUpperCase();
 13    // Populate collection of data objects with parameters
 14    var mapping = document.getElementsByTagName("rm-treemap");
 15    for (var i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) {
 16          var el = mapping[i];
 17          var box = {};
 18          var found = false;
 20          box.name = (showValues == "Y") ? el.getAttribute("name") +
 21                                          "<br> " +
 22                               el.getAttribute("measure") : el.getAttribute("name");
 23          box.size = el.getAttribute("measure");
 24          curGroup = el.getAttribute("grouping");
 26          // Add individual items to groups
 27         for (var j = 0; j < input.children.length; j++) {
 28            if (input.children[j].name === curGroup) {
 29                input.children[j].children.push(box);
 30                found = true;
 31            }
 32          }
 34          if (!found) {
 35            var grouping = {};
 36            grouping.name = curGroup;
 37            grouping.children = [];
 38            grouping.children.push(box);
 39            input.children.push(grouping);
 40          }
 41    }
 43    var margin = {
 44        top: 10,
 45        right: 10,
 46        bottom: 10,
 47        left: 10
 48    },
 49    width = canvasWidth - margin.left - margin.right,
 50    height = canvasHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom;
 52    // Begin D3 visualization
 53     var color = d3.scale.category20c();
 55     var treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
 56        .size([width, height])
 57        .sticky(true)
 58        .value(function (d) {
 59        return d.size;
 60    });
 62    var div = d3.select("rm-treemap").append("div")
 63        .style("position", "relative")
 64        .style("width", (width + margin.left + margin.right) + "px")
 65        .style("height", (height + margin.top + margin.bottom) + "px")
 66        .style("left", margin.left + "px")
 67        .style("top", margin.top + "px");
 69    var node = div.datum(input).selectAll(".treeMapNode")
 70        .data(treemap.nodes)
 71        .enter().append("div")
 72        .attr("class", "treeMapNode")
 73        .call(position)
 74        .style("background", function (d) {
 75        return d.children ? color(d.name) : null;
 76    })
 77        .html(function (d) {
 78        return d.children ? null : d.name;
 79    });
 81    function position() {
 82        this.style("left", function (d) {
 83            return d.x + "px";
 84        })
 85            .style("top", function (d) {
 86            return d.y + "px";
 87        })
 88            .style("width", function (d) {
 89            return Math.max(0, d.dx - 1) + "px";
 90        })
 91            .style("height", function (d) {
 92            return Math.max(0, d.dy - 1) + "px";
 93        });
 94    }
 95    //End D3 visualization
 96 }
 98  // Invoke visualization code only if rm-treemap tag exists
 99  var doTreemap = document.getElementsByTagName("rm-treemap");
100  if (doTreemap !== null) {
101    renderTreemap();
102  }


Figure 3. visualizations.css

01  .treeMapNode {
02     border: solid 1px white;
03    border-radius: 5px;
04    font: 10px sans-serif;
05    line-height: 12px;
06    overflow: hidden;
07    position: absolute;
08    text-indent: 2px;
09  }

Putting it all together

The first step to implementing this code is to make is accessible.  To do this, you will need to deploy your code to the weblogic server.  Many years ago, Venkatakrishnan Janakiraman, detailed how to deploy code to weblogic in his blog about skinning.  For this application this process still applies, however you don’t need to be concerned with the bits about modifying the instanceconfig.xml or skinning.

Once that the code has been deployed to the server, there are literally only two lines of code required to implement this visualization.  First the libraries need to be included.  This is done by sourcing in the dashboard.js file.  This can be done within the Narrative view’s prefix field, but I have chosen to add it to a text section on the dashboard.  This allows multiple analyses to use the libraries without duplicating the load process in multiple places.


The text section should be configured as follows. (Note: The path to Dashboard.js is relative to the root path specified in your deployment.)



From the Narrative View, add the <rm-treemap> tag to the Narrative field and populate the attributes with the appropriate data bind variables and your desired settings.



This should result in the following analysis.


In summary:

  1. Deploy the dashboard.js, visualization.js and visualization.css files to weblogic
  2. From a dashboard text section, source in dashboard.js, which will in turn include visualization.js and visualization.css
  3. Add the <rm-treemap> tag to the Narrative field of a Narrative view.

As you can see implementing custom HTML tags to serve as the interface for a D3 visualization will save your dashboard designers from having to sift through dozens if not hundreds of lines of confusing code.  This will reduce implementation errors, as the syntax is much simpler than JavaScript and will promote conformity, as all visualizations will be sourced from a common library.  Hopefully, this post was informative and will inspire you to consider this pattern or a similarly purposed one to make your code easier to implement.

OBIEE10g Auto Suggest Prompt

A client asked me if I could create an auto suggest prompt for him. (ie: Google Style Prompt). Basically he wanted an edit box prompt which would fill an suggestion box which he could tab trough to make the right selection.

Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. But I didn’t reinvent the wheel Knipogende emoticon ! The people at jQuery already did the bases, I simple adapted it for usage in OBIEE 10g.

1. Download the jQuery UI package here. Install it in your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use).

2. Download the jQuerySetup from here.

3. Add the setup script to a textbox on your dashboard page:


Alter files locations if needed, don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox.

4. Add a dropdown prompt to your dashboard page.


5. Create a javascript file in your b_mozilla directory’s called: autocomplete.js

function SetAutoComplete(PromptColumn){
    var domNode = document;
    var tagName = '*';
    var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
    var y ="";           
    for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
    if (tags[i].className  == 'GFPFilter') {
        if (tags[i].getAttribute('gfpbuilder').indexOf(PromptColumn) != -1)
            y = tags[i].getAttribute('sid')           

                $( "#"+y ).combobox();           

6. After the dropdown prompt add a textbox with:

<script src="res/b_mozilla/autocomplete.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript"> 
    SetAutoComplete('C1  Cust Name');

7. Add your report and run the dashboard:


Till Next Time