Tag Archives: Obiee

Introducing On Demand Training from Rittman Mead

Rittman Mead is happy to announce that its much anticipated On Demand Training (ODT) service is live, giving people the opportunity to receive expertly written & delivered self-paced training courses that can be accessed online anywhere, at anytime.

We have been delivering technical & end-user courses based on Oracle Analytics products all over the world for the past decade.

While our classroom sessions continue to offer an unrivalled experience for our trainees, we understand that in the modern era, flexibility is important.

ODT has been built based on the feedback of our clients and network so that you can:

  • Experience our training regardless of the distance to travel

  • Keep your member’s of staff on site at crucial periods in your company’s calendar

  • Give participants the ability to reinforce the lessons they’ve learnt afterwards


Use Rittman Meads LMS as your virtual classroom to access all course materials, lesson demos and slides


Get hands on with your very own cloud based training environment


Submit questions to Rittman Meads Principal Trainer network on subjects that might be specific to your everyday use of the product

Each course provides 30 days access to the above, ensuring you have enough time to learn at your pace and re-enforce each lesson.

We’re feeling particularly seasonal down here in Brighton, so to celebrate the launch of our platform we’re offering a 40% discount on our first live course OBIEE 12c Front End Development & Data Visualization between now and January 31st.

Simply use the discount code RMODT12C on checkout to take advantage of this exclusive offer.

For more details and to start your On Demand learning experience with Rittman Mead please check out:

  • Our webpage where you can find out more information about ODT and register an account for our LMS
  • The Rittman Mead LMS where you can view our course catalog and purchase courses

You can also contact training@rittmanmead.com if you have any questions about the service.

Happy Learning!!!

Catalog Validation: Why, What, When, Where and How?

One of the features everybody "loved" about OBIEE 11g were the Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), used to recognize users and groups based on an identifier that could be different from the username. The original aim of GUIDs was being able to distinguish different users sharing the same username coming from multiple Authentication Providers.

The GUIDs management could be tricky especially if they are not in sync between different environments, and could cause a wide range of errors like the inability to login or to see parts of the catalog.

[2016-10-20T09:19:04.000+02:00] [OBIPS] [ERROR:1] [] [saw.security.validate.indexes] [ecid: 0058cGJgGOkBh4sawh3j6G0001QC00000B,0] [tid: 2002437888] XXXX's guid 0A8AC9E0811D11E4AF4FE155B36CBFFD in catalog doesn't match guid 49BB3BB0629311E5BFFE71BB91F31C2B in backend! Aborting! Please UpdateGuids!

After checking the Presentation Services logs (sawlog.log), the solution for most of those errors was simply regenerating GUIDs. The GUIDs regeneration method however isn't something easily doable in a production system since it requires some downtime (a reboot of both the Oracle BI Server and Presentation Services is required).

Why Would you Run Catalog Validation?

You may ask yourself:

Why is he talking about GUIDs when they have been removed in OBIEE 12c?

And you would be perfectly correct. GUIDs misalignment is not a problem anymore in OBIEE 12c but was historically only one of the issues causing catalog corruption and that would require afterwards a catalog validation.

Even without GUIDs catalog corruption is still something that could happen in OBIEE 12c: objects (e.g. analysis, dashboards, agents) owned by deleted users, broken links, corrupted files in the server are only some of the issues that could be present in any OBIEE implementation no matter which version it's installed.
Most of the time corrupted catalogs generate errors which are difficult to diagnose and the manual fixing is not always possible and never easy to do.

The Catalog Validation process, available since OBIEE 11g, is very powerful since provides a detailed analysis - and an automated fix if configured - of all the catalog corruptions.

What is Catalog Validation?

As per Oracle's documentation, the Catalog Validation (CV) procedure does the following checks:

  • Ensures that each object in the catalog is larger than zero bytes: any object with zero bytes size is probably due to corruption and should be removed.
  • Ensures that each item in the catalog has a valid corresponding .atr file: the .atr file contains the properties (permissions, ownership, creation date, modification date etc.) of any object in the catalog. An object without related .atr file is not visible in OBIEE's front-end.
  • Ensures that each link in the catalog is valid: links to deleted or renamed dashboards and analysis will cause an error when clicked.
  • Ensures that the files in the account cache are valid: this step checks that all the accounts are valid and the cache entries (storing user related information) are up to date.
  • Ensures that all XML objects in the catalog pass schema validation: every object (dashboard, analysis, prompt etc.) in the catalog is stored as XML file. This step checks that the XML is valid.
  • Attempts to repair object names that were damaged by ftp programs: moving catalog objects using ftp programs could corrupt the object name.

When Should You Run Catalog Validation?

I've seen Catalog Validation being used only when problems were raised, however it is a good practice to validate the catalog every time a major change is made that impacts it or on a schedule in environments where end users can directly create content.

The following is a list of cases when running a Catalog Validation could be useful:

  • Before an upgrade: running CV before an upgrade and ensuring the consistency helps avoiding problems related to possible corruptions
  • After an upgrade: running CV after an upgrade to ensure that content and security migration worked
  • After a major change: when a major change happens in the catalog CV ensures to missing links or ownership problems are present
  • After a deployment: executing CV after a production deployment to check the content migration and verify the security.
  • On a schedule: execute CV on instances where end-users can create content and to verify accounts.

Please note that a catalog can have corruption even if no front-end enhancements have been made, the following are just some examples:

  • Developer account deletions: all objects owned by that account will be flagged as corrupted
  • Security changes: changing/deleting security roles impact catalog privileges
  • File System corruption: data can be badly written in file system
  • Content deletions: deleting content makes referring objects corrupted

Sometimes the OBIEE environment continues working as expected even if some of the above corruptions are present. Nevertheless on a long period those may be cause of errors especially if upgrades or changes in the security are planned.

Where Do You Run Catalog Validation?

Catalog Validation can be run in every OBIEE instance available, however the following use cases could be particularly interesting:

  • Validating development catalog: once consistency of development catalog is ensured it can then be migrated forward to production
  • Validating production (or smoke test) catalog: validating production catalog to ensure that code promotions happened consistently, that user homes are valid and that no objects (user created or promoted) are broken.

A particularity to note down is that if running CV with a production catalog in a different environment (e.g. development) with a different security store, then many accounts and their related content could be flagged as not-existent and deleted. As a general rule CV should be run on environments sharing the same security as where the catalog is sourced from, allowing a genuine check of the security settings.

Performing a Catalog Validation in production environment is not always possible due to the processes restarts required, a smoke test environment sharing the same security settings would be the perfect target for the test. When running Catalog Validation on a live catalog or when taking a catalog backup ensure that "Maintenance Mode" is activated: setting this flag ON (that can be found under Administration page in OBIEE's front-end) ensures that no changes can be performed in the catalog during the check or upgrade.

Maintenance Mode

How Do You Run Catalog Validation?

In order to run Catalog Validation you need to:

  • Stop Presentation Service[s] (obips): Stopping the component can be achieved either in Enterprise Manager or via command line. Command line syntax has changed between OBIEE 11g and 12c, you can find the two statements in below code
# 11g Syntax
$INSTANCE_HOME/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=obips1
# 12c Syntax
$INSTANCE_HOME/bitools/bin/stop.sh -i OBIPS
  • Create a backup of the catalog: when performing a catalog backup 7-Zip should be the chosen tool. WinZip has know problems with catalog files (see Oracle's doc, chapter "17.10 Archiving and Unarchiving Using Catalog Manager").
  • Create a backup of instanceconfig.xml file (under $INSTANCE_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS)
  • Change instanceconfig.xml file in order to include the validation tags explained in the following section
  • Start Presentation Service[s]: like the stop operation, this can be performed either via EM or command line. Below the code for 11g and 12c
# 11g Syntax
$INSTANCE_HOME/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=obips1
# 12c Syntax
$INSTANCE_HOME/bitools/bin/start.sh -i OBIPS
  • Repeat the steps above until the catalog is fully validated: As explained in section below, several different assessment and automated fixes can be performed. The sawlog.log files will contain entries when corrupted object are present in the catalog. A catalog is fully validated when no corrupted objects are found during CV.
  • Stop Presentation Service[s]
  • Restore original instanceconfig.xml file
  • Start Presentation Service[s]

Catalog Validation configuration

The following tags must be inserted under <ServerInstance><Catalog> tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>  
    <!-- Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Configuration File -->
    <WebConfig xmlns="oracle.bi.presentation.services/config/v1.1">

The tags do the following. See below for an explanation of the values that can be specified:

  • Validate: Main configuration tag. Possible values are
    • None: No Catalog Validation is going to happen, however all the privileges and each object ACLs are cleaned for non-existing accounts
    • OnStartupAndExit: Presentation Service is started, performs the validation based on the following tags and stops. This process can be reiterated multiple times with different options for each element.
  • ValidateAccounts: Verifies the consistency of users, roles and groups.
  • ValidateHomes: Verifies all user's homes, is executed only if ValidateAccounts is set to Report or Clean
  • ValidateItems: Verifies if catalog items are consistent - size greater than zero and valid xml.
  • ValidateLinks: Verifies the consistency of all links in the catalog (e.g. all analysis contained in a dashboard).

The accepted values for all settings except Validate are: are the following:

  • None: no validation will be performed
  • Report: a log is written for every inconsistent item in sawlog.log file under $INSTANCE_HOME/servers/obips1/logs
  • Clean: does the same step as Report plus removing from the catalog the inconsistent object.

As you understand the "Clean" option isn't suggested for all tags, you don't want a dashboard to be deleted only because the owner doesn't exist anymore, but it is the desired choice when you need to remove all the old or corrupted user homes. The "Report" option on the other side provides a way of logging all the corrupted items and fixing them manually.

Catalog Validation is an extremely useful tool, allowing an automated check (and fix) of all the corrupted items in the catalog. Using Catalog Validation together with Baseline Validation Tool provides a way of ensuring the correctness of migrations and developments:

  • Running Catalog Validation before the migration to ensure all objects to promote are consistent
  • Running Catalog Validation after the migration to ensure the consistency of all promoted objects and security
  • Running Baseline Validation Tool between source and target environment to ensure the expected outputs are matching.

Summarizing Catalog Validation and Baseline Validation Tool can be considered complementary: the first checks the catalog objects and security consistency, the second analyses and compares the expected results. Running both alongside any code promotion process should be considered a good practice.

Common OBIEE Implementation Mistakes That Impact Performance

I've recently performed several assessments to help our clients diagnose and fix their OBIEE performance problems. They often share similar design or implementation issues, and I thought it would be useful to present them here as a handy reference:

Mistake 1: No Software Monitoring

The key to happy users is to know there’s a problem before they do, and even better, fix it before they realise. Availability of comprehensive performance metrics is vital to achieve this goal, and Usage Tracking data represent the natural starting point. When enabled in OBIEE, Usage Tracking collects statistics for each query and is helpful to understand usage patterns across dashboards and users, and to analyse performance trends and diagnose specific issue. Whilst Usage Tracking is generally always enabled and data it generates reviewed regularly, other software metrics are not gathered at all or are not available to the BI team, giving only a partial view of the picture.

In addition to gathering and monitoring Usage Tracking data, we would strongly recommend:

  • Proper OS monitoring to capture full breadth of OS metrics on both application and database servers including CPU %, Load Average, Memory, Disk I/O, Disk Busy %, Network I/O. Store historic data for trend analysis with appropriate aggregations (so as to not blunt peaks), and near-realtime granular data for interactive performance diagnostics.

  • OBIEE Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics collection. These metrics provide information regarding Oracle Fusion Middleware components' performance, state, and on-going behaviour.

    OBIEE Performance Analytics Dashboards

All of these can be done and visualised with Rittman Mead OBIEE Performance Analytics Dashboards. Have a look at these videos to see exactly how the dashboards can help, and get in touch with us to request a demo!

Mistake 2: Randomly Changing Configuration Settings

It’s a common belief, or hope depending on available hardware, among online gamers that by changing configuration settings you can fix any software performance issue. Unfortunately OBIEE is not a game and this is not true! Whilst OBIEE does not provide any Boost Performance switch, the defaults are generally a good starting point, and unnecessary fiddling without good reason should be avoided:

  • You can introduce additional problems by mistake.

  • It makes it hard to track what's changed from a default config.

  • If it fixes the problem, could be coincidence - no actual understanding of the underlying problem without proof of it.

We at Rittman Mead are firm believers in a practical and logical approach to performance analytics and optimisation. Eschewing the drunk man anti-method of ‘tuning’ configuration settings at random, we advocate making a clear diagnosis and baseline of performance problems before changing anything. Once a clear understanding of the situation is established, steps are taken in a controlled manner to implement and validate one change at a time.

Mistake 3: Data Transformation at Query Time

You can usually find a lot of data transformation being done in the RPD itself. This is one of the most useful functionality of OBIEE, since data re-modelling in-flight at query time is usually a lot quicker to implement rather than changing the underlying data model and / or ETL processes.

Wrangling data this way in a small number of instances is common, but widespread use is indicative of a data model and / or ETL design that needs modifying to take into account the report requirements, it's difficult to maintain, and it results in less efficient SQL, as well as unnecessary complex SQL.

  • Conditional transformation - Business is always changing and it may require to group data in a way that was not expected when data model has been designed. For example, you can create a logical column using CASE WHEN statement to define a new country grouping which is not present in your data model.

    Conditional transformation example

  • Data cleansing - Sometimes you may need to integrate social networks data into your corporate reports, but you have limited or no control over these contents. For example, you can use the TRIM function to deal with blanks that are expected in a column containing users' reviews for your products.

    Data cleansing example

  • Data conversion - The classic use case for data conversion is when you have to manipulate dates to provide the required format. For example, you can use CAST and Calendar/Date functions to create the format YYYY-MM, required to define the Month level's key of your Date hierarchy, from a date column.

    Data conversion example

  • Opaque views - An opaque view is a physical layer table that consists of a SELECT statement. The typical use case for opaque views is when you have to turn a transactional data model into a star schema. However opaque views mask the true data structure from OBIEE, preventing it from best generating optimal data access queries, and they should be used only when there are no other available solutions.

We recommend to do this kind of transformations once, at ETL time, rather than every time a particular table or column is used in a query.

Mistake 4: Underuse of Double Column Feature

Double Column is probably one of the most undervalued and unused features of OBIEE. It provides a mechanism for associating two logical columns: one column provides the display and description values such as the description of an item; the second column provides a descriptor ID or code column.

Use should be made of the Double Column feature to enable OBIEE to generate more efficient database physical SQL. The principle behind this is that instead of queries running using string-based predicates which may not be indexed in the database or could be less efficient, the user sees the string version of an attribute whilst OBIEE uses the corresponding numerical ID column in the generated query when it queries the database, thus generally creating more optimal execution plans.

As an example, to do this we start with assigning the P0 Product Number column as the descriptor ID column in the Business Model and Mapping layer for P1 Product column:

Double column feature setup example

Let's now create a simple report in Answers containing T05 Per Name Year and 1- Revenue columns, and apply a filter on P1 Product as well. If you are selecting is equal to / is in, is not equal to / is not in or is between operators, then filtering by code values checkbox will be available:

Filter by code values example

Let's check it, and then see, in terms of SQL, how the query filter is generated:

select sum(T216.Revenue) as c1,  
     T795.PER_NAME_YEAR as c2
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T451 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_QTR_D T795 /* D03 Time Quarter Grain */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_FA2 T216 /* F21 Rev. (Aggregate 2) */ 
where  ( T216.Prod_Key = T451.Prod_Key  
         and T216.Prod_Key = 7
         and T216.Bill_Qtr_Key = T795.QTR_KEY
         and T451.Prod_Key = 7 ) 
group by T795.PER_NAME_YEAR  

Double Column feature can also be used to define language independent filters as my former colleague Venkat already noted in another post.

Mistake 5: Suboptimal Report Design

Certain suboptimal report designs that I've seen recently include overcrowded analyses, abuse of table / pivot prompts, and OBIEE used as a data extraction tool.

Overcrowded analyses / Overuse of the Excluded area in Views

An overcrowded analysis is an analysis with an awful lot of columns included in Criteria tab and several different views with many excluded columns. These views can then be displayed all together or spread out different dashboard pages.

This pattern is quite common with clients that migrated from Hyperion Interactive Reporting and the main motivation for it - there is only one analysis to maintain - may sound good. However, since Oracle BI Server retrieves results for all columns specified in Criteria tab, we recommend to create several analyses with a single view rather than adopt this pattern. In this way the BI Server generates more efficient queries and avoids on the fly data aggregation.

As an example, you can use Oracle Sample Application v607 to create and run an analysis with a Line-Bar view as follows. Note the huge number of columns in the Excluded area.

Overcrowded analysis example

This will results in a simple chart with 3 bars and a line connecting 3 points:

Line-Bar view example

Let's open obis1-query.log log file and have a look at the physical SQL generated by the BI Server:

select sum(T418.Units) as c1,  
     sum(T418.Revenue) as c2,
     T762.Name as c3,
     T666.Office_Dsc as c4,
     T666.Company as c5,
     T418.Order_Status as c6,
     T451.Prod_Dsc as c7,
     T451.Brand as c8,
     T437.Employee_Key as c9,
     T42.Calendar_Date as c10,
     T42.Per_Name_Year as c11,
     T666.Office_Key as c12,
     T762.Cust_Key as c13,
     T451.Prod_Key as c14,
     T666.Company_Key as c15
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T451 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_DAY_D T42 /* D01 Time Day Grain */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_CUSTOMERS_D T762 /* D60 Customers */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T666 /* D30 Offices */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_EMPL_D_VH T437 /* D50 Sales Rep (Parent Child Hierarchy) */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_EMPL_PARENT_CHILD_MAP T490 /* D51 Closure Table Sales Rep Parent Child */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T418 /* F10 Billed Rev */ 
where  ( T42.Calendar_Date = T418.Bill_Day_Dt and T418.Cust_Key = T762.Cust_Key and T418.Prod_Key = T451.Prod_Key and T418.Empl_Key = T490.Member_Key and T418.Office_Key = T666.Office_Key and T437.Employee_Key = T490.Ancestor_Key )  
group by T42.Calendar_Date, T42.Per_Name_Year, T418.Order_Status, T437.Employee_Key, T451.Prod_Key, T451.Prod_Dsc, T451.Brand, T666.Company_Key, T666.Office_Dsc, T666.Company, T666.Office_Key, T762.Name, T762.Cust_Key)  

The physical SQL code doesn't look as simple as the resulting view! But the worst is yet to come: it will take about 7 seconds to complete and 256k rows (1.5 GB) will be retrieved from the database!

Let's remove all the excluded columns from the analysis and see what happens to the physical SQL:

select sum(T216.Units) as c1,  
     sum(T216.Revenue) as c2,
     T795.PER_NAME_YEAR as c3
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_QTR_D T795 /* D03 Time Quarter Grain */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_FA2 T216 /* F21 Rev. (Aggregate 2) */ 
where  ( T216.Bill_Qtr_Key = T795.QTR_KEY )  
group by T795.PER_NAME_YEAR  

Definitely far better than it looked before. Moreover it will take about 0.2 seconds - 97% less - to complete and only 3 rows (3 KB) - 99% less - will be retrieved from the database.

Abuse of Table / Pivot prompts

Table / Pivot prompts provides an interactive result set that enables users to select the data that they want to view. However Table prompts doesn’t apply any WHERE condition to the query issued by the BI Server: it will retrieve the full result set first, and then select the data to display on the fly. For this reason we recommend to use Dashboard prompts rather than Table / Pivot prompts.

As an example, you can create and run an analysis with a Pivot Table view as follow:

Pivot prompts example

This will results in a pivot table with 8 rows and 25 columns:

Pivot Table view example

Again, let's open obis1-query.log log file and have a look at the physical SQL generated by the BI Server:

select sum(T418.Units) as c1,  
     sum(T418.Revenue) as c2,
     T666.Company as c3,
     T451.Prod_Dsc as c4,
     T451.Brand as c5,
     T653.Per_Name_Month as c6,
     T653.Per_Name_Year as c7,
     T666.Company_Key as c8,
     T451.Prod_Key as c9
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T451 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_MTH_D T653 /* D02 Time Month Grain */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T666 /* D30 Offices */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T418 /* F10 Billed Rev */ 
where  ( T418.Prod_Key = T451.Prod_Key and T418.Bill_Mth_Key = T653.Mth_Key and T418.Office_Key = T666.Office_Key )  
group by T451.Prod_Key, T451.Prod_Dsc, T451.Brand, T653.Per_Name_Year, T653.Per_Name_Month, T666.Company_Key, T666.Company  

As expected no WHERE condition based on selected values in pivot prompts was applied to the query. It will take about 0.3 seconds to complete and 2k rows (10 MB) will be retrieved from the database.

Now let's replace pivot prompts with dashboard prompts and see what happens to the physical SQL:

select sum(T418.Units) as c1,  
     sum(T418.Revenue) as c2,
     T451.Prod_Dsc as c3,
     T653.Per_Name_Month as c4,
     T451.Prod_Key as c5
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T451 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_MTH_D T653 /* D02 Time Month Grain */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T666 /* D30 Offices */ ,
     BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T418 /* F10 Billed Rev */ 
where  ( T418.Prod_Key = T451.Prod_Key and T418.Bill_Mth_Key = T653.Mth_Key and T418.Office_Key = T666.Office_Key and T451.Brand = 'BizTech' and T653.Per_Name_Year = '2013' and T666.Company = 'Genmind Corp' )  
group by T451.Prod_Key, T451.Prod_Dsc, T653.Per_Name_Month  

It looks better than before, huh? The optimised code will take about 0.1 seconds - 67% less - to complete and 96 rows (0.2 MB) - 95% less - will be retrieved from the database.

OBIEE as a data extraction tool

A large number of clients are using OBIEE mostly as a feed for Excel-marts. Using OBIEE simply as a data extraction tool for lots of data into Excel or other destinations can cause both performance and functional problems. OBIEE is designed to be primarily used as a reporting and analytics tool, with users interacting with the data within OBIEE and, as my colleague Francesco Tisiot already noted in another post, almost any transformation doable in Excel can be achieved in OBIEE, probably faster and with zero impact on local workstations.

This behaviour could highlight a lack of end user training and / or communication between them and BI developers. End users may don't know OBIEE at all, but are used to working with Excel: at the end of the day people just want their job done as painlessly as possible. We recommend to talk to your end users about what they're doing with the data in their destination system, and whether the same can be achieved within OBIEE. If users really do just need the data in Excel, then you should look at how best to do it (Oracle Doc ID 1558070.1).


I've shown here some of the pitfalls that are commonly made with OBIEE. They can impact the performance for end-users, as well as making life more difficult for those building and maintaining the reports.

If you'd like Rittman Mead to take a look at your OBIEE implementation and make sure you're getting the best out of it, please do get in touch!

Advisor Webcast – OBIEE SSL Configuration and Troubleshooting

Advisor Webcast

OBIEE SSL Configuration and Troubleshooting

November 22, 2016

Tuesday , November 22, 2016 10:00 AM (US Pacific Time)
    Tuesday , November 22, 2016 01:00 PM (US Eastern Time)
    Tuesday , November 22, 2016 07:00 PM (Central European Time)
    Tuesday , November 22, 2016 11:30 PM (India Standard Time)

This one-hour Advisor Webcast is recommended for technical users, functional users, system administrators, Database Administrators with prior knowledge of SSL Administration. The webcast covers OBIEE SSL configuration and Troubleshooting.


  • Configuration
  • Troubleshooting

For Additional Information and Registration Details - visit:

My Oracle Support Community
Advisor Webcast - OBIEE SSL Configuration and Troubleshooting

To view scheduled & archived recordings of previous Business Analytics Advisor Webcasts visit:

Oracle Business Analytics Advisor Webcast
Doc ID 1456233.1

CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION : Attendees using recent Chrome or Firefox browser versions maybe required to activate the WebEx plug-in before joining a WebEx meeting. For up to-date information review the WebEx Support page:


Performing a 12c Upgrade with a New Install

Software updates often include new features, and while useful, these new features are often the only driving factors in upgrading software. There's no harm in wanting to play around with the shiny new toy but many software updates also include much more significant changes, such as resolving bugs or security vulnurabilities.

In fact, bug fixes and security patches are usually released on a more frequent schedule than new feature sets. These changes are necessary to maintain a healthy environment. For this reason, Rittman Mead usually suggests environments are always as up to date as possible with the current releases available.

OBIEE was released this past summer, and it seems to have resolved many issues that plagued early 12C adopters. Recently, OBIEE was also released, resolving even more issues with the early 12C versions. With all of the improvements and fixes available in these versions, an upgrade plan should be a priority to anyone currently on one of the earlier releases of 12c (especially

Okay, so how do I upgrade?

Spencer McGhin has already posted a fantastic blog going over how to perform an in-place upgrade for the release. Even though it was for the previous release, the process is very similar. For those interested in reading a step by step guide, or looking to see what would go into the process, I would suggest reading his post here.

However, with OBIEE 12C's new BAR files, we could take another approach to performing an upgrade. Instead of the traditional "in-place" upgrades, we could perform an upgrade using a different process. We could simply perform a brand new install of this OBIEE version and migrate the existing content using a variety of tools Oracle provides us.

If you choose to "upgrade" your environment by performing a fresh install, implementing the upgrade process will comprise of exporting the required files from OBIEE, removing the old version of OBIEE (if you are using the same machine), installing the new version of OBIEE, and then deploying the previously exported content. This process resembles that of a migration, and can be thought of that way, but migrating between 12C environments seems to be much simpler than migrating to a 12C environment from an older environment.

So an upgrade process could instead look like a brand new installation of the new OBIEE version, and then the execution of a handful of commands provided by Oracle to return the environment to its previous state.

But what would we gain from following this process, rather than a traditional in-place upgrade?

It's worth noting that either approach requires careful planning and testing. Performing a brand new install does not remove the necessity of planning an upgrade process, gathering requirements, identifying all content that must be migrated, testing the installation, testing the migration, and user acceptance and validation testing. The proper process should never be ignored, regardless of the implementation method.

Is there any advantage to a fresh install?

For starters, you won't need to pollute your system with old or deprecated scripts/directories. In Spencer's aforementioned blog, he found that after his upgrade process he had to maintain a second middleware home directory. If you upgrade your environment throughout the years, you may end up with hundreds of unused/deprecated scripts and files. Who enjoys the thought that their environment is full of old and useless junk? A fresh install would cull most of these superfluous and defunct files on a regular basis.

Additionally, there is the occasional bug that seems to reappear in upgraded environments. These bugs usually appear to be from environments that were patched, and then upgraded to a new version, which causes the previously fixed bug to reappear. While these bugs are fixed in future patches, fresh installs are usually free from these kind of issues.

Finally, I would argue a fresh installation can occasionally be simpler than performing the upgrade process. By saving response files used in an installation, the same installation can be performed again extremely easily. You could perform an install in as little as three lines, if not fewer:
/home/oracle/files/bi_platform- -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/files/obiee.rsp /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -createRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString localhost:1521/ORCL -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba -schemaPrefix DEV -component BIPLATFORM -component MDS -component WLS -component STB -component OPSS -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -f < /home/oracle/files/db_passwords.txt /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/bi/bin/config.sh -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/files/configure_obiee.rsp

If this is the case, you can just save the response files set up during the first installation, and reuse them to install each new OBIEE version. Of course the required response file structure could change between versions, but I doubt any changes would be significant.

How do I migrate everything over?

So you've chosen to do a fresh install, you've saved the response files for future use, and you have a brand new OBIEE environment up and running. Now, how do we get this environment back to a state where it can be used?

Before performing the upgrade or uninstall, we need to gather a few things from the current environment. The big things we need to make sure we get is the catalog, RPD, and the security model. We may need additional content (like a custom style/skin or deployments on the Weblogic Server, configurations, etc.) but I will ignore those for brevity. To move some these, I expect you would be required to use the WLST.

Catalog, RPD, and Security Model

Lucky for us, the Catalog, RPD, and Security Model are all included in the BAR export we can create using the exportServiceInstance() function in the WLST. You can then import these to a 12C environment using the importServiceInstance() function. Easy enough, right?


If your users are maintained in the embedded Weblogic LDAP, you must export them and then re-import them. This process can be done manually or through the WLST using the Current Management Object.

If users are maintained through an external Active Directory source, then the configurations will be pulled in with the Security Model in the BAR file.

Testing the migration

The final step is, of course, to make sure everything works! And what better way than to use Oracle's new Baseline Validation Tool. This tool is included in OBIEE 12C, and is perfect for testing migrations between environments.

For those unfamiliar, the basic process is this:

  • Configure and run the Baseline Validation Tool against your content.
  • Perform the upgrade (be sure to preserve the previously gathered test results)!
  • Run the Baseline Validation Tool again to gather the new output, and display the compared results.

The output should be an HTML file that, when opened in a browser, will let you know what has changed since the last time it was run. If everything was migrated properly, then there should be no major discrepancies.

Final Thoughts

Is it better to do an in-place upgrade, or a fresh install and migrate current content? The answer, as always, depends on the business. One method adds complexity but allows for more customization possibilities, while the other is likely faster and a more standard approach. Use whichever works for your specific requirements.

It's an interesting idea to install a new version of OBIEE every so often, rather than perform an upgrade, but maybe for some organizations it will simplify the process and alleviate common upgrade issues. If you or your organization are often stuck on older versions of OBIEE because you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the typical upgrade process, maybe you can provision an additional environment and attempt this alternative method.

As previously stated, it is imperative for environments to be as up to date as possible, and this method is simply another, albeit unconventional, avenue to make that happen.