Tag Archives: Obiee

Working with OBIEE Data in Excel using ODBC

Look at this picture. I'm sure you've recognised the most favourite data analysis tool of all times - Excel.


But what you can't see in this picture is the data source for the table and charts. And this source is OBIEE's BI Server. Direct. Without exports or plugins!

Querying OBIEE Directly from Excel? With No Plugins? What Is Going On!

The OBIEE BI Server (nqsserver / OBIS) exposes an ODBC interface (look here if you live in a world full of Java and JDBC) which is used by Presentation Services and Administration tool. But a lesser-known benefit of this is that we can utilise this ODBC interface for own needs. But there is a little problem with the OBIEE 12c client installation - its size. Full (and the only possible actually) client OBIEE installation is more than 2 gigabytes and consists of more than 31 thousand files. Not a huge problem considering HDD sizes and prices but something not so good if you have an average-sized SSD.

And the second point to consider. We don’t want to give a full set of developer tools to an end-user. Even if our security won’t let them break anything, why would we stuff his head with unnecessary things? Let's keep things simple.

So what I had in mind with this research was to make a set of OBIEE ODBC libraries as small as possible. And the second aim was avoiding a full installation with cutting out redundant pieces. I need a small "thing" I can easily copy to any computer and then use it.

Disclaimer. Everything below is a result of our investigation. It’s not a supported functionality or Oracle’s recommendation.

I will not describe in full details the process of the investigation as it is not too challenging. It's less a detective thriller and more a tedious story. But anyways the main points will be highlighted.

Examine Working Copy

The first thing I needed to know what changes Oracle's installer does during an installation. Does it copy something to the Windows folder or everything stays in its installation folder? Does it make any registry changes (apparently it does but what exactly)?

For this task, I took a fresh Windows, created a dump of the registry and folders structure of the Windows folder, then installed OBIEE client using normal installation process, made the same dumps and compared them once again.

There were no surprises. OBIEE installer doesn't copy a single byte to the Windows folder (and it's a good news I think) but it creates a few registry keys (what was expected). Anyone who has ever tried to play around Windows ODBC won't be surprised with it at all.

I deleted some keys in order to make this screenshots more clear and readable.

So now I know names of the DLLs and their places. A good point to start. A small free utility Dependency walker helped me to find out a set of DLLs I need. This tool is very easy to use and very useful for finding a missing DLL. Just give it a DLL to explore and it will show all DLLs used by it and mark all missing.

Dependency walker

And a bit of educated guess helped to find one more folder called locale which stores all language files.

So, as a result, we got a tiny ODBC-related OBIEE client. It's very small. With only English locale it has a size about 20 megabytes and consists of 75 files. Compare it to 31 thousand files of the full client.

So that was a short story of looking and finding things. Now goes some practical result.

Folders Structure.

It seems that some paths are hard-coded. So we can't put DLLs to any folder we like. It should be something\bi\bifoundation\server. C:\BI-client\bi\bifoundation\server for example.

The List of DLLs

I tried to find the minimum viable set of the libraries. The list has only 25 libraries but it takes too much place on the screen so I put them into a collapsible list in order to keep this post not too long. These libraries should go under bin folder. C:\BI-client\bi\bifoundation\server\bin for example.

The list of ODBC DLLs

  • BiEndPointManagerCIntf64.dll
  • mfc100u.dll
  • msvcp100.dll
  • msvcr100.dll
  • nqcryptography64.dll
  • nqerrormsgcompiler64.dll
  • nqmasutility64.dll
  • nqperf64.dll
  • nqportable64.dll
  • nqsclusterapi64.dll
  • nqsclusterclient64.dll
  • nqsclusterutility64.dll
  • nqsodbc64.dll
  • nqsodbcdriverconndlg64.dll
  • nqssetup.dll
  • NqsSetupENU.dll
  • nqstcpclusterclient64.dll
  • NQSTLU64.4.5.dll
  • nqutilityclient64.dll
  • nqutilitycomm64.dll
  • nqutilitygeneric64.dll
  • nqutilitysslall64.dll
  • perfapi64.dll
  • samemoryallocator864.dll
  • xerces-c_2_8.dll

Or you may take the full bin folder. Its size is about 240 megabytes. You won't win the smallest ODBC client contest but will save a few minutes of your time.


The second folder you need is locale, it is located near bin. C:\BI-client\bi\bifoundation\server\locale, for example. Again if you agree with not the smallest client in the world, you may take the whole locale. But there are 29 locales and I think most of the time you will need only one or two of them. Every locale is about 1.5 megabytes and has 48 files. A good place for some optimisation in my opinion.

Registry Key

And the last part is registry keys. I need to tell my Windows what is my driver name and what is its path and so on. If it was a usual part of the registry I'd created a file anything.reg, put a code like this into it and imported it into the registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Oracle BI Server"="Installed"


But luckily there is a small console utility which makes the task easier and more elegant - scripted. Microsoft provides us a tool called odbcconf.exe located in C:\Windows\System32 folder. And its syntax is not very obvious but not too hard also. Generally the syntax is the following: odbcconf.exe /a {action "parameters"}. In this case the call is odbcconf.exe {installdriver "Oracle BI Server|Driver=C:\BI-client\bi\bifoundation\server\bin\nqsodbc64.dll|Setup=C:\BI-client\bi\bifoundation\server\bin\nqssetup.dll|APILevel=2|SQLLevel=2|ConnectionFunctions=YYN|DriverODBCVer=03.52|Regional=Yes"}. Here installdriver is the action and the long string is the set of parameters divided by |. It may look a bit complicated but in my opinion it leaves less space for manual work and therefore less space for error. Just one note: don't forget to start a cmd windows as administrator.

Visual C++ Redistributable

If your computer is fresh and clean, you need to install a Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package. It's included in Oracle's client and placed in 'Oracle_Home\bi' folder. The file name is vcredist_x64.exe.


And as a result I got an ODBC driver I can use as I want. And not obvious but pleasant bonus is that I can give it any name I like. OBIEE version, path, whatever I want.

And I can create an ODBC DSN in a normal way using ODBC Data source Administrator. Just like always. No matter this is a hand-made driver. It was properly registered and it is absolutely legitimate.

So just a brief intermediate summary. We can take a full 2+ gigabytes OBIEE client. Or we can spend some time to:
1. Create a folder and put into it some files from the Oracle OBIEE client;
2. Create a few registry keys;
3. Install a Visual C++ 2010 redistributable
And we will get a working OBIEE ODBC driver which size is slightly above 20 megabytes.


So now we have a working ODBC connection, what can it give us?

Meet the most beloved by end users all around the world tool - Excel.

At this point of the story, some may tell me "Hey, stop right there! Where have you got that SQL? And why is it so strange? That's not an ANSI SQL". The evil part of me wants to simply give you a link to the official documentation: Logical SQL Reference and run away. But the kind one insists that even while documentation has done no harm to anyone, that's not enough.

In a nutshell, this is an SQL that Presentation services send to BI Server. When anyone builds an analysis or runs a dashboard, Presentation services create and send logical queries to BI Server. And we can use it for our own needs. Create an analysis as usual (or open an existing one), navigate to the Advanced tab, and then copy and paste analysis' Logical SQL. You may want to refine it, maybe remove some columns, or change aliases, or add a clause or two from the evil part's documentation, but for the first step just take it and use it. That simple.

And of course, we can query our BI server using any ODBC query tool.

And all these queries go directly to the BI Server. This method doesn't use Presentation Services, OBIEE won't build a complex HTML which we have to parse later. We use a fast and efficient way instead.

Join Rittman Mead at the 2017 BIWA Summit!

Join Rittman Mead at the 2017 BIWA Summit!

We invite you to come join us at the annual 2017 BIWA Summit.

Join Rittman Mead at the 2017 BIWA Summit!

This year we are proud to announce that Robin Moffatt, Head of Research and Development, will be presenting on:

Analysing the Panama Papers with Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph

January 31, 2017 | 3:45 pm – 4:15 pm | Room 103

Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph enables the analysis of datasets beyond that of standard relational analytics commonly used. Through Graph technology relationships can be identified that may not otherwise have been. This has practical uses including in product recommendations, social network analysis, and fraud detection. In this presentation we will see a practical demonstration of Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph to load and analyse the “Panama Papers” dataset. Graph algorithms will be utilised to identify key actors and organisations within the data, and patterns of relationships shown. This practical example of using the tool will give attendees a clear idea of the functionality of the tool and how it could be used within their own organisation. If Oracle Database 12cR2 on-premise is available by the time of this presentation, then its new property graph capabilities will also be covered here. The presentation will be based on a paper published on OTN: https://community.oracle.com/docs/DOC-1006400

Kafka’s Role in Implementing Oracle’s Big Data Reference Architecture on the Big Data Appliance

February 1, 2017 | 2:20 pm – 3:10 pm | Room 102

Big Data … Big Mess? Everyone wants Big Data, but without a good platform design up front there is the risk of a mess of point-to-point feeds. The solution to this is Apache Kafka, which enables stream or batch consumption of the data by multiple consumers. Implemented as part of Oracle’s Big Data Architecture on the Big Data Appliance, it acts as a data bus for the enterprise to both the data reservoir and discovery lab. This presentation will introduce the basics of Kafka, and explain how it fits within the Big Data Architecture. We’ll then see it used with Oracle GoldenGate to stream data into the data reservoir, as well as ad hoc population of discovery lab environments and microservices such as Flume, HBase, and Elasticsearch.

(Still) No Silver Bullets: OBIEE 12c Performance in the Real World

February 2, 2017 | 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm | Room 203

Are you involved in the design and development of OBIEE systems and want to know the best way to go about ensuring good performance? Maybe you’ve an existing OBIEE system with performance “challenges” that you need to diagnose? This presentation looks at the practical elements of diagnosing the causes of performance issues in OBIEE, and discusses good practices to observe when developing new systems. It includes discussion of OBIEE 12c and with additional emphasis on analysis of Usage Tracking data for the accurate profiling and diagnosis of issues. Why this would appeal to the audience: – Method-R time profiling technique applied to the OBIEE nqquery.log – Large number of the community use OBIEE, many will have their own performance horror stories; fewer will have done a deep dive into analysing the time profile of long-running requests – Performance “right practices” will help those less familiar with performant OBIEE designs, and may prompt debate from those more experienced. As presented previously at OOW, OUGF, UKOUG, OUG Scotland, and POUG. Newly updated for OBIEE 12c. * Video: http://ritt.md/silver-bullets-video* Slides: http://ritt.md/silver-bullets-slides

What’s new in Training in 2017?

2016 - Thank you for a great year!

Rittman Mead would like to thank everyone that attended or showed an interest in our Training courses in 2016. Since we started back in 2007, Training has been a mainstay of our service offerings.

My personal opinion is that Q3 & Q4 saw the emergence of OBIEE 12c being properly adopted within the marketplace. It made sense for companies to wait for some of the bugs from earlier releases to be ironed out as well as waiting for clarity around the release of things such as Data Visualization Desktop.

It meant that we started to really see numbers pick up in our OBIEE 12c bootcamp. For the first time we’ve really tried to stress the fact that different parts of the course can be suitable for different people based on their everyday use of the product. This has led to more business focused end-users of OBIEE attending our training.

We love travelling and 2016 yet again took us to some amazing places to deliver courses to a variety of different clients. Locations we visited included South Africa, India, Sweden, Jamaica, Bulgaria and Ireland to name a few.

Finally we were really proud to release our new On Demand Training platform in December 2016 with our first online course, OBIEE 12c Front End Development & Data Visualization.

What’s new in 2017

We’re looking forward to another busy year in 2017 and it’s certainly already underway!!

Our public training schedule has been published with a number of courses available in OBIEE & ODI.
Here you can find the course dates for UK & Europe

And here you can find the courses available in the US

2017 will also see the release of some new courses including:

Advanced Analytics and Oracle R

We are seeing more and more investment in Predictive Analytics projects from companies looking to make as much value out of their data as possible.
Our 3 day course will teach you about the tools available & the techniques required to start or continue your Predictive Analytics journey.

From acquiring to tidying and transforming data, moving into the types of Predictive Models and how to the deploy them, our course will strengthen your knowledge and teach you valuable techniques.

The Advanced Analytics & Oracle R course will be available from March 2017, please get in touch for more details.

ODI 12c Bootcamp

2017 will also see the refresh of our ODI 12c Bootcamp. There are some very handy new features in the latest version such as the Big Data Integration and also Lifecycle Management. We'll also be including some lessons on advanced techniques such as Groovy Scripting in ODI.
We’re looking forward to teaching these extra modules soon.

The new course will be released in Q2 2017.

On Demand Training

We will be adding more courses to our On Demand Training platform throughout 2017. We recognise the value of classroom instructor led training however we also understand that people have busy lives and that sometimes flexibility to learn at your own pace is important.

Our On Demand Training platform provides this opportunity whether you’re trying to reaffirm your learning post-classroom training or looking to learn a new skill for the first time.

Courses that will be added online in 2017 include OBIEE 12c RPD Modeling, OBIEE 12c Systems Management & Performance, OBIEE 11g Front End Development, ODI 12c Bootcamp, ODI 11g for BI Apps and many more….

For more information and updates, please head to our webpage

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) Suite Bundle Patch is Available

The following Bundle Patch has been released for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

This bundle patch download is available from the My Oracle Support | Patches & Updates section.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 11g
Bundle Patch

Patch 25189841

This is a Critical Patch Update (CPU). It is cumulative and includes all prior bundle and CPU patches.

If you have not applied libOVD (Patch 21895214) to the oracle_common home, then you need to apply it for new installations.  If you have applied the Patch, then it is not necessary to apply it again.

The following OBIEE Web Services Critical Patch Update (CPU) patches are also recommended and applied to the oracle_common home:

  • Patch 24580895: WEBSRV BUNDLE PATCH

The instructions to apply the patches are contained in the readme file for Patch 25189841 ; which is the master patch, consisting of individual zip files:

  • 25214935 Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP)
  • 24533980 Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Components from Oracle BI Installer (BIFNDNEPM)
  • 25214874 Oracle Business Intelligence Server (BISERVER)
  • 25217499 Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services (BIPS) (BIFNDN)
  • 24346370 Oracle Business Intelligence ADF Components (BIADFCOMPS)
  • 25266214 Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Client Installers and MapViewer
  • 21517672 Oracle Business Intelligence Third Party
  • 25054309 Oracle BI Mobile App Designer

      The single patches are not available separately and should all be applied according to the readme

      NOTE: Refer to the readme for FULL list of instructions on how to install this bundle patch.

      Prior to proceeding with this OBIEE Bundle Patch implementation and related downloads refer to the Readme file for important information. It is important to verify that the requirements and support paths for this patch are met as outlined within the Readme file.

      The Readme file is available from the Patches & Updates download screen.

      To locate the latest available Patch information visit the Knowledge Article:

      OBIEE 11g: Required and Recommended Bundle Patches and Patch Sets
      Doc ID 1488475.1

      For an introduction to OBIEE Suite Bundle Patches, which includes information on the bundle patch lifecycle, availability, and version names, refer to Knowledge Article:

      OBIEE Suite Bundle Patches
      Doc ID 1591422.1

      In addition, you should familiarize yourself with this new document:

      Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update July 2016 Availability
      Doc ID 2136219.1

      To share your experience about installing this patch ...

      In the MOS | Patches & Updates screen for OBIEE Patch 25189841, click the "Start a Discussion" and submit your review.

      Have a question for OBIEE specifically ....

      The My Oracle Support Community " OBIEE (MOSC) " is the ideal first stop to seek & find product specific answers:

      OBIEE (MOSC)

      Web-Based RPD Upload and Download for OBIEE 12c

      I was among the people who were dancing and singing after finding out some of the OBIEE 12c new features. The feature I liked the most was a scripted deploy of an RPD file from a developer’s computer. I hate to make dozens of clicks for every deploy of an RPD in 11g. You may object and say that there is WLST in 11g which can do the same and even more. Well, you are right. Except for one thing: WLST is a server-side thing. Information security folk don’t like to give direct access to a server to OBIEE developers. And not every developer is capable of using it.

      In OBIEE 12c the only way to upload and download RPDs from a developer’s local machine to the OBIEE server is through the command line. We’re big fans of the command-line approach because it enables automation, reduces the risk of error, and so on. But not all people like a script everything approach as we do. Many of OBIEE developers don’t like to use a command line to do what they used to do with their mouse for years. And today we have a solution for them!

      Disclaimer. Everything below is a result of our investigation. It’s not a supported functionality or Oracle’s recommendation. It makes use of undocumented web services that Oracle may remove or change at any time.

      Some time ago Robin Moffatt lifted the lid on OBIEE 12c Web Services. He found out how to use curl to do the same things Oracle does with their data-model-cmd (datamodel now) script. But that was purely for geek interest and intended to give us more understanding of what's going on inside of the OBIEE, not give us a new tool. So the next obvious step was to make a user-friendly interface over that web services so any OBIEE developer could utilise this sacred knowledge.

      The Simplest Sample

      Modern computer technologies offer us a lot of tools to build GUIs, but we wanted to keep it as simple as possible and because OBIEE’s front end is web-based, use of HTML for our RPD tool was the obvious choice too.


      Let's start with RPD download.
      Here is the curl script to call OBIEE web service and get RPD file.

      curl -X "POST" "" \  
      --data-urlencode "target-password=Admin123" \
      --basic --user weblogic:Admin123 \
      > downloadrpd.rpd

      an animated gif of curl download

      As you can see it's pretty simple. We send a message to http://<host>:<port>/bi-lcm/v1/si/ssi/rpd/downloadrpd using POST method. As a parameter, we send a password to set to the downloaded RPD file (target-password=Admin123) and authentication information (weblogic:Admin123). As a result, we get bytes of the RPD which we redirect to the downloadrpd.rpd file. And now we want a GUI for this script. Actually, Robin already did it.

            <FORM action=""
               method="post" target=_blank>
                 New password for downloaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="target-password"><BR>
                  <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

      pic of a local download HTML form

      This is not a snippet of code you somehow should incorporate into your system. No. That's almost complete GUI for RPD download! The only thing you need to do is to change hostname and port to match your system. That's all. Simply create an HTML file, put this code into it, change host and port, open with a browser, Enjoy!

      This form has no field for authentication because OBIEE server will ask us for login and password at the first call and will maintain this session later.


      The upload was a little bit more tricky from the curl side. Let's take a look at the script:

      curl -X POST \  
           "" \
           --form "file=@sample.rpd;type=application/vnd.oracle.rpd" \
           --form "rpd-password=Admin123" \
           --basic --user weblogic:Admin123

      an animated gif of curl upload

      Here we call another service to upload our file. Our parameters are:

      1. sample.rpd - the RPD file to upload
      2. type=application/vnd.oracle.rpd - MIME type of this file (that was the main trick).
      3. rpd-password=Admin123 - the password of sample.rpd
      4. weblogic:Admin123 - information for authentication.

      But the GUI for this task is surprisingly simple. I expected it to be monstrous with lots of JS but in fact, it is small and easy. The minimum viable version is almost as simple as the upload one.

            <FORM action=""
               method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target=_blank>
                 File to upload <INPUT type=file name="file"><BR>
                 Password for uploaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="rpd-password"><BR>
                 <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

      pic of a local upload HTML form

      The use of this piece of code is exactly the same as for download. Simply put it into an HTML file, change host and port. Use it.

      Keep in mind that for the both forms field names are fixed and shouldn't be changed. For example, the field for a file to upload should have name "file" and for a password - "rpd-password". Without it, magic won't work.

      But there is a thing about this part that we could still improve. Depending on the browser you use it shows the response message either in the same window or downloads it as a text file. And this message is a JSON file.

      In real life, this message is a one line JSON but here it is a more human-readable formatted with jq and slightly polished by hands.

        "clazz": ["rpd-response"],
        "links": [
            "href": "",
            "rel": ["self"]
        "properties": {
          "entry": [
              "key": "si",
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "value": "ssi"
              "key": "description",
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "value": "RPD upload completed successfully."
              "key": "desc_code",
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "value": "DESC_CODE_RPD_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL"
              "key": "status",
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "value": "SUCCESS"
        "title": "RPD-LCM response, SI=ssi, action=Upload RPD"

      As you can see here, we have "description" field which holds a human readable message, "desc_code" field is the same but more suitable for automated processing and "status" field which is the first candidate to be used in automatic procedures.

      It's easy to read this file but most of the time you'd prefer a simple "Success" message, right?

      Going Further

      These HTML forms do the trick. A developer can now download and upload RPD file easily with a minimum of clicks and without a need to learn a command-line interface. Security is managed by Weblogic server. Sounds good, right? But we can do it even better. From my point of view absolutely necessary improvements are:

      1. Add some JS to make diagnostics more user-friendly.
      2. Put these forms to a server so every developer in an organisation can use them.

      Adding Some JavaScript Magic

      My intent from the very beginning was to keep things as simple as possible. I’m not sure that this time my choice of JavaScript library (JQuery) was the simplest for this task, but anyways the code I have to write is very small so I like it.

      <script src="./jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>  
      $("#upload").on('submit', function( e ) {
          $.ajax( {
              url: $(this).attr('action'),
              type: 'POST',
              data: new FormData( this ),
              processData: false,
              contentType: false,
              dataFilter: function (data, type){$("#response").html(JSON.parse(data).properties.entry[1].value.value);$("#response").append('<details>'+data+'</details>');}
      <FORM id=upload action=""  
               method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                 File to upload <INPUT type=file name="file"><BR>
                 Password for uploaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="rpd-password"><BR>
                 <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">
      <div id=response></div>

      The script reads the form and sends it content to the server, then it reads the answer, parses it and shows in a user-friendly way. Note that it does need the Jquery library to work. The problem with this code is that it won't work locally. If you try to use it in the same way as previous samples it won't do anything. But if we take a look at the developer console of the browser we immediately find the answer. OBIEE blocks my cross-domain JavaScript call.

      a pic of developer console

      That could become a problem but I was going to put these files on a server anyway so that all developers could access it.

      Deploying It to a Server

      What I want to do now is to put my forms to some place accessible with a browser from a server where OBIEE works. To achieve that I should do a few steps.

      1. Create a directory on the server.
      2. Put my files to that directory.
      3. Expose the directory with a web server.

      There are no special requirements for the place for a directory I will create. It just should be accessible by a web server (Weblogic). I prefer to keep all user content in one place so my choice is to place it somewhere inside $ORACLEHOME/userprojects.

      a pic of location

      But there is one special requirement for the directory content. It should have a subdirectory WEB-INF with web.xml file inside.

      a pic of web.xml

      For my current purposes, almost empty web.xml is just fine. That may be not the best option for the real life but I'm trying to keep things simple, remember?

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
      <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"  

      I combined both download and upload forms into one rpdtools.html file and added some styling for a nicer look. From the functional point of view, these forms and script were not changed. And then I put this combined file and Jquery library into my "static" directory.

      a pic with directory contents

      Now everything is ready for the final step. I need to deploy this directory to Weblogic server so the users can access it with a browser.

      Login to Weblogic console and deploy static folder as an application.
      a pic of wls console

      For more details on deploying folders to WLS, see the Official documentation on web.xml and Deploying Using Shared Folders.

      And now the most exciting part of the process. Witness the power of this fully operational battle station! I mean RPD tools.
      a pic of the final result


      We showed here a very simple way of adding a web-based GUI for uploading and downloading RPD to any OBIEE 12c system. You can take it and adjust to suit your needs and be a useful day-to-day tool. Deploying this code to a server allows to give an access to it to all OBIEE developers in an organisation and add some cool JavaScript effects. But keep in mind that it uses non-documented services and is not supported by Oracle in any way. This means that it can stop working after an upgrade. Well, in that case, we'll have to invent something new for you.

      In case you want to play with this tool, here is a link to our GitHub obi-web-rpd-tools.