Tag Archives: Obiee

BITeamwork 3.8 is Certified for OBIEE

We are pushing towards are our 4.0 release which will be a huge release for our customers and our development team. On the road there we’ve decided to release this key release for BITeamwork which brings in OBIEE support.

The post BITeamwork 3.8 is Certified for OBIEE appeared first on Art of Business Intelligence Blog.

OBIEE 11g and Essbase – Faking Federation Using the GoURL

This blog is going to address what happens when we can’t take advantage of the Admin tool’s powerful vertical federation capabilities when integrating relational stars and Essbase cubes. In the Admin tool, synonymously referred to as the RPD, vertical federation is the process of integrating an aggregate data source, in this case Essbase, with a detail level source from a data mart. This technique not only has the ability to increase query efficiency and decrease query time, it also has the added benefit of bringing together two powerful and dynamic reporting tools. But like most things, there is a pretty big caveat to this approach. But, before I jump into what that is, some housework. To start, let’s make sure things don’t get lost in translation when going back and forth between Essbase and OBIEE jargon. In Essbase speak, dimensions can be thought of as tables in a relational structure, whereas Essbase generations can be thought of as columns in each table, and members are the values in each column. Housework done, now the caveat. Often, dimensions in Essbase cubes are built in such a way as to not neatly support federation; that is, they are arranged so as to have an uneven number of generations relative to their corresponding relational dimension. It should be noted at this point that while federation is possible with a ragged hierarchical structure, it can get kind of messy, essentially ending up in a final product that doesn’t really look like something an Essbase-centric user community would readily and eagerly adopt. So what then, can we do when federation is out of the question? Let’s frame the solution in the form of a not-atypical client scenario. Say we’ve got a requirement per a large finance institution of a client to bring together their Essbase cubes they’ve used thus far for their standardized reporting, i.e. balance sheets, income statements and the like, with their relational source in order to drill to account detail information behind the numbers they’re seeing on said reports. They’ve got a pretty large user base that’s fairly entrenched and happy with their Smart View and Excel in getting what they want from their cubes. And why shouldn’t they be? OBIEE simply can’t support this level of functionality when reporting on an Essbase source, in most cases. And, in addition to these pretty big user adoption barriers to an OBIEE solution, now we’ve got technology limitations to contend with. So what are our options then when faced with this dilemma? How can we wow these skeptical users with near seamless functionality between sources? The secret lies with URL Action Links! And while this solution is great to go from summary level data in Essbase to its relational counterpart, it is also a great way to simply pass values from one subject area to another. There are definitely some tricks to set this up, but more on those later. Read on.

The Scenario

In order to best demonstrate this solution, let’s set up a dashboard with two pages, one for each report, and a corresponding dashboard prompt. The primary, source report, out of Essbase, will be something that could easily resemble a typical financial report, if not at least in structure. From this high-level chart, or similar summary level analysis, we’ll be able to drill to a detail report, out of a relational source, to identify the drivers behind any figures present on the analysis. In this example, we’re going to be using the Sample App, Sample Essbase subject area to go to the equivalent relational area, Sample Sales. Yes, you could federate these two, as they’ve done in Sample App, however they’ll serve well to demonstrate how the following concept could work for financial reporting against ragged or parent-child structures. Values for Product Type, in the following instance, could just as well be the descendants or children of a specific account, as an example. As well, there is no equivalent relational subject area to use for the sake of the SampleApp Essbase GL subject area. In the example below, we have a summary, month level pivot table giving us a monthly sales trend. The user, in the following example, can prompt on the Year and Customer segment through a dashboard prompt, but as you’ll see, this could easily be any number of prompts for your given scenario.

Monthly Trend Summary:

Solution 1:

In the sales trend example above, we are going to enable our user to click on a value for a revenue figure and then navigate to a detail report that shows products sold for the month by date. Again, this all must be done while passing any chosen parameters from both the dashboard prompt and analysis along to the detail analysis.

Proof of Concept

First, let’s start with the guts of the report example above. As you can see, there is quite a bit more under the hood than meets the eye. Let’s go over the approach piece by piece to help build a more thorough understanding of the method.

Step 1: Include the Columns!

So the idea here is that we want to pass any and all dimensional information associated with the revenue figure that we pick to a detail level report that will be filtered on the set of parameters at the chosen intersection. We can hide these columns later, so your report won’t be a mess. I’ll add here that you might want to set any promoted values to be equal to the presentation variable on its respective dashboard prompt with a default value set, as seen below. This will help to make the report digestible on the compound layout. The following picture shows the prompted values to drive our summary report on Year and Customer Segment. You can do this in the filters pane on the criteria tab with the following syntax:


                            All column values we want to pass need to be represented on the report:


                           Values that will be passed to detail report (in this case, BizTech, Communication, Active Singles, 2012, and 2012 / 11):

Step 2: More Columns!

In addition to the columns that comprise the report, we need to add an additional iteration of every column for all of those added to the report in the first place. In the pictures above, you can see that these are the columns titled with the ‘URL’ prefix. In the column editor, concatenate quotes to the column values by attaching the following string (this is a single quote followed by a double quote and another single quote w/ NO spaces between them):

‘ ” ‘ || “Table”.”Column Name” || ‘ ” ‘

While this step may seem extemporaneous, you’ll see a bit later that this step is all too necessary to successfully pass our column values through our URL Action Links. After you’ve created the custom columns, just group them along with their counterpart in the report, as in the pics above.

Step 3: An Approach to Handling Hierarchies

In the previous pictures, you can see the products hierarchy that comprises the rows to the report. In order to pass any value from the hierarchy as well as its members we are going to have to include its respective generations in the rows as well. For our example, we’re going to use Brand, LOB, and Product Type. In this way, a user can select any sales value and have all three of these values passed as filter parameters to the detail analysis through a URL. You’ll notice that we haven’t given these columns a counterpart wrapped in quotes as you were told to do previously. This is quite on purpose, as we’ll see later. These columns will provide for another example on how to pass values without having to implement a second column for the purpose of wrapping the value in quotes.


When first placing the hierarchy on your analysis and expanding it to where you’d like it for the sake of the report, you can simply select all the column values, right click and then select ‘Keep Only’. This will establish a selection step under the Products Hierarchy to ensure that the report always opens to the specified structure from now on. So, that’s good for now, let’s get to the magic of this approach.


Step 4. Set up the Action Link

In this case, we’re going to ‘drill’ off of the Sales column in our table, but we could really ‘drill’ off of anything, as you’ll see. So, pop open the Interaction tab for the column and select Action Links as our primary interaction. Edit that guy as follows (see URL procedure below). It used to be that we could do this via the ‘P’ parameters, however this method seems to be mostly deprecated in favor of the col/val method, as we shall utilize below.

URL Procedure

http://sampleapp.rittmanmead.com:7780/analytics/saw.dll? – Server URL*
Portal&Path=@{1} – path to dashboard
&Page=@{2} – dashboard page
&Action=@{3} – action to perform, in this case navigate (there are others)
&col1=@{4} – column from target analysis we wish to manipulate (our sales detail analysis)
&val1=@{5} – column from source analysis with which we are going to pass a filter parameter to target
&val4=“@{11}” – will discuss these quoted parameters later on

*Note that this value can be made into a variable in order to be moved to different environments (DEV/TEST, etc…) while maintaining link integrity

The picture above details how to set up the URL link as described above. The col1 value is the column from the target analysis we want to filter using the value (val1) from our source. Be sure to qualify this column from the subject area from which it originates, in this case “A – Sample Sales”.

Ex: “A – Sample Sales”.”Time”.”T05 Per Name Year”

Val1, as these parameters exist in ‘sets’, is the column from our source analysis we want to use to filter the target analysis. This is where our custom, quoted columns come into play. Instead of using the original column from our analysis, we’re going to use its quoted counterpart. This will ensure that any values passed through the URL will be enclosed in quotes, as is required buy the URL. Note that we’re not using a value parameter in this case, but a column instead (the dropdown to the left of the text box).

Ex: ‘ ” ‘ || “Time”.”T05 Per Name Year” || ‘ ” ‘

You can proceed this way to pass as many values as you’d like to your detail analysis, with this coln, valn method. Again, just be sure that your columns are included in the source analysis or the values won’t get ported over. Once you’ve got all your columns and values set up, go ahead and enter them into the URL field in the Edit Action dialogue box, as above. Make sure you reference your variables using the proper syntax (similar to a presentation variable w/ an @ sign):

Ex: col1=@{4} – ‘4’ being the variable name (note that these can be named most anything)

Quoting Parameters

As an alternative to including an extra iteration of each column for the sake of passing quoted column values, we can instead, put quotes around the parameter in our URL, as in the example above. The limitation to this method, however, is that you can only pass a singular value, as in Year, for example. In later posts, we’ll address how to handle passing multiple values, as you might through a dashboard prompt.

Step 5. Set Up the Detail Analysis

For our detail analysis we’re going to set it up in much the same way as our summary. That is, we need to include the columns we want to filter on in the target report as. Unfortunately, our target report won’t simply pick them up as filters as you might put on your filters pane, without including them on the actual analysis. Again, any columns we don’t want visible to a user can be hidden. Below, we simply want to see the Calendar Date, Product, and Revenue, but filtered by all of our source analysis columns.

In the criteria view for our target, detail analysis, we need to make sure that we’re also setting any filtered columns to ‘is prompted’. This will ensure that our target analysis listens to any filter parameters passed through the URL from our source, summary analysis. As a last step, we must again fully qualify our filters, as in the picture below.

This picture shows our Year ‘is prompted’ filter on our target, detail analysis. Note that this column is also a column, albeit hidden, on this report as well. This will act as a filter on the analysis. It is being ‘prompted’ not by a dashboard prompt, in this instance, but by our source, summary analysis.

Step 6. Testing it All Out

Now that we’ve got all the pieces of the puzzle together, let’s see if it works! To QA this thing, let’s put a filter object on the target, detail analysis to make sure that the report is picking up on any values passed. So if we click on a sales value, we should be taken to the target analysis and see that all the parameters we set up were passed. The picture below confirms this!


Hopefully this can be one more trick to keep in the tool belt when faced with a similar scenario. If you have any hiccups in your implementation of this solution or other questions, please feel free to respond to this post. Stay tuned for additional articles related to this topic that go much more in depth. How do you handle passing multiple column values? How do I keep my report query time low with all those extra columns? How do I pass values using the presentation variable syntax? Can I use the Evaluate function to extract the descendants of a filtered column?



The post OBIEE 11g and Essbase – Faking Federation Using the GoURL appeared first on Rittman Mead Consulting.

Deploy the OBIEE AnalyticsRes Folder on a WebLogic Server

Since Oracle BI 11g was released it has sought as to use the /analyticsRes folder of the default OBIEE 11g implementation to store media and programmatic scripting files as a best practice. Although you could create a different folder named arbitrarily, containing a WEB-INF folder with web.xml file to denote it is a JEE deployable […]

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Is OBIEE Supported on Exalytics?

Question: Is OBIEE Supported on Exalytics?

Answer: Manual installation of  OBIEE is only certified on specific Exalytics patchset versions ie. Exalytics Patchset (PS) 5 and Release 

For more information refer Note 2016933.1 -Oracle Exalytics: Is OBIEE Supported on Exalytics?

First Look: Oracle Business Intelligence 12c

As Oracle BI 12c gets released this week at Oracle Open World 2015, there will undoubtedly be a bit of chatter around what this means for Oracle BI Customers, new and existing. Here's a first look at Oracle Business Intelligence 12c (OBIEE 12c).

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