Tag Archives: Obiee

OBIEE SampleApp V511 is available via OTN

The lastest Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) SampleApp has been made available.

Download SampleApp v511 now from:
Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

SampleApp is a complete BI virtualized environment for showcasing Oracle BI solutions. It provides a fully self-contained and configured environment with comprehensive out of the box collection of examples to demonstrate Oracle BI capabilities, product integrations, and design best practices.

The V511 prebuilt Virtual Box image includes OBIEE 12c, Visual Analyzer, Advanced Analytics & Oracle Database 12c. It provides numerous examples of OBI 12c capabilities, and includes new features and capabilities of 12.2.1 release.


  • BI 12c Native Advanced Analytics
    • Native Advanced Analytics Function Examples in VA and in Answers
    • R/ORE integration, R visualizations embedding in dashboards
  • VA Projects
    • Numerous VA feature and functional examples
  • Mashups & XSA datasets
    • Numerous external Mash-up demo datasets & examples
    • Joining datasets, persisting BI reports as datasets
  • More...
    • BI Search, new answers Heatmap visual, new BLOB data examples
    • Baseline Validation Tool : ready to use regression results of V506/V511 migration

For additional information refer to the whats new in SA 511 document via the OTN download page.


To assist in getting started, installing and starting the services for Sample App v511 refer to the Quick Deployment Guide made available from the OTN Download Page.

For further assistance in getting started, visit the Oracle BI TechDemo YouTube video Step by Step demo on how to deploy this release. This 4 minute video demonstrates how to download, deploy, setup and run the Sample App v511.

The SampleApp contents and its code are distributed free for demonstrative purposes only.
It is neither maintained nor supported by Oracle as a licensed product.

New Knowledge Article: Information Center For OBIEE Release 12C

(In via Tanya)

The following new My Oracle Support Knowledge Article is available:

Information Center:
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) Release 12C

Doc ID 2068950.2

This article an ideal first stop for all Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c related information. The information center is dynamically generated each night, and covers areas such as: Overview, Install and Configure, and Upgrade

To assist in locating this article for all future updates, it can be easily bookmarked.

To Bookmark - click on the star to the left of the title.

Once bookmarked the star will become yellow, and the article can be quickly accessed from the "Favorites" drop down menu.

A listing of Information Centers and Upgrade Advisors for Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) can be found in the index page:

Information Center: Business Analytics Index (EPM/BI)
Doc ID 1378677.2

Questions specific to OBIEE ...

The My Oracle Support Community is an ideal place to seek & find product specific answers:


Print Options Customization Settings for BITeamwork

In the 3.8.1 version of BITeamwork, we’ve provided a new approach using JSON to provide a very seldom used configuration option to those implementations that need special SSL Print Functionality. A good use case for this is for implementations that are using SSL and have a custom SSL handler or if they wish to create […]

The post Print Options Customization Settings for BITeamwork appeared first on Art of Business Intelligence Blog.

BITeamwork Printing Over SSL for WebLogic Server – Solution

The solution in the case of the BITeamwork Printing over SSL for WebLogic Server issue, it is resolved by adding a java (JVM) option switch to the startup of the WebLogic Server. As you may already be aware, during any Oracle application deployment and startup that uses WebLogic as the application server, there are several options, specific to an application, or ancillary to the process (ex: increase JVM heap size, etc.) that are added as JVM options via configuration files. One such file for OBIEE being started in the WebLogic Server is the setDomainEnv.cmd|sh file. As such, the following JVM option switch will need to be added to the JVM options list and it will resolve the issue mentioned above quite nicely, -DUseSunHttpHandler=true

The post BITeamwork Printing Over SSL for WebLogic Server – Solution appeared first on Art of Business Intelligence Blog.

Action Links in OBIEE 12c – Part 1


With the release of OBIEE 12c, let’s take a look at Action Links and how things may be different compared to the previous release, 11g. Over this three part blog series, we’re going to cover the more popular link types, which are navigating to BI content, and navigating to a web page. However, to sweeten the deal, I’ll also include some tricks for your tool belt which well enable you to do the following:


  • Navigate to a target report, while filtering it on parameters chosen in the source
  • Pass filter parameters via the GoURL syntax from a source report to another, target report
  • Become familiar with the GoURL structure and how to apply it to your business case


In the first installment of this three part series, we’re going look at how to navigate to other reports and dashboards in your catalog through the ‘Navigate to BI Content’ action. This will set you up for parts 2 and 3, wherein we show you some tricks using Action Links.


1. The Action Link UI

By now, there are likely lots of blogs talking about the new look and features of OBIEE 12c, so we can keep this bit short. Suffice to say it got a much needed face lift, with both changes in overall skinning and in its portfolio of icons. While this change in graphics may induce a bit of frustration on part of the developer, I believe this approach to design will end up being a good long term strategy to handle later releases of the product as trends in UX seem to have their feet firmly planted in the stripped down, the clean, and the subdued. Even with this shift, however, the basic processes and series of steps to implement most any of the features in Answers remains the same, Action Links being no different. Just follow these simple steps below to set up your Action Link! After you’ve got a hold of the basics, look to future posts in this series for some tips and tricks using Action Links.


In chosen column, go to the Column Properties menu:


Next, click on the Interaction tab:


Select ‘Action Links’ as the Primary Interaction value and click on the ‘+’ icon. This will display another dialogue box where we will set up the actual properties of the Action Link. Click on the running man icon (this little guy seems to be more intuitive than the green gear):



2. Navigate to BI Content

For the first example, we’re going to select the ‘Navigate to BI Content’ option. This simply allows us to go to another report or dashboard, as though you were clicking on a link in a web page. To implement this on your report, simply follow the steps above and then refer to the steps below.

After clicking on the running man icon, select the ‘Navigate to BI Content’ option. This will be followed by a dialogue box allowing you to select the object to which you want to navigate.


Confirm your selection and then click ‘OK’, not once, not twice, but thrice, at which point you’re taken back to the Criteria tab. From now on, this column will take you to the selected report.

And that’s it! Take a look back here for part 2 on Action Links in OBIEE 12c, which will outline a neat technique on how to implement what’s called a ‘driving document’ to filter values between disparate reports using the navigate action.

The post Action Links in OBIEE 12c – Part 1 appeared first on Rittman Mead Consulting.