Tag Archives: Oracle BI Suite EE

OBIEE SampleApp v406 Amazon EC2 AMI – available for public use

I wrote a while ago about converting Oracle’s superb OBIEE SampleApp from a VirtualBox image into an EC2-hosted instance. I’m pleased to announce that Oracle have agreed for us to make the image (AMI) on Amazon available publicly. This means that anyone who wants to run their own SampleApp v406 server on Amazon’s EC2 cloud service can do so.



Important caveats

Before getting to the juicy stuff there’s some important points to note about access to the AMI, which you are implicitly bound by if you use it:

  1. In accessing it you’re bound by the same terms and conditions that govern the original SampleApp
  2. SampleApp is only ever for use in your own development/testing/prototyping/demonstrating with OBIEE. It must not be used as the basis for any kind of Productionisation.
  3. Neither Oracle nor Rittman Mead provide any support for SampleApp or the AMI, nor warranty to any issues caused through their use.
  4. Once launched, the server will be accessible to the public and its your responsibility to secure it as such.

How does it work?

  1. Create yourself an AWS account, if you haven’t already. You’ll need your credit card for this. Read more about getting started with AWS here.
  2. Request access to the AMI (below)
  3. Launch the AMI on your AWS account
  4. Everything starts up automagically. After 15-20 minutes, enjoy your fully functioning SampleApp v406 instance, running in the cloud!

How much does it cost?

You can get an estimate of the cost involved using the Amazon Calculator.

As a rough guide, as of November 2014 an “m3.large” instance costs around $4 a day  – but it’s your responsibility to check pricing and commitments.

Be aware that once a server is created you’ll incur costs on it right through until you “terminate” it. You can “stop” it (in effect, power it off) which reduces the running costs but you’ll still pay for the ‘disk’ (EBS volume) that holds it. The benefit of this though is that you can then power it back up and it’ll be as you left it (just with a different IP).

You can track your AWS usage through the AWS page here.


  • Access to the instance’s command line is through SSH as the oracle user using SSH keys only (provided by you when you launch the server) – no password access
    • You cannot ssh to the server as root; instead connect as oracle and use sudo as required.
    • The ssh key does not get set up until the very end of the first boot sequence, which can be 20 minutes. Be patient!
  • All the OBIEE/WebLogic usernames and passwords are per the stock SampleApp v406 image, so you are well advised to change them. Otherwise if someone finds your instance running, they’ll be able to access it
  • There is no firewall (iptables) running on the server. Since this is a public server you’d be wise to make use of Amazon’s Security Group functionality (in effect, a firewall at the virtual hardware level) to block access on all ports except those necessary.
    For example, you could block all traffic except 7780, and then enable access on port 22 (SSH) and 7001 (Admin Server) just when you need to access it for admin.

Using the AMI

  1. You first need to get access to the AMI, through the form below. You also need an active AWS account.
  2. Launch the server:
    1. From the AWS AMI page locate the SampleApp AMI using the details provided when you request access through the form below. Make sure you are on the Ireland/eu-west-1 region. Click Launch.
    2. Select an Instance Type. An “m3.large” size is a good starting point (this site is useful to see the spec of all instances).2014-11-11_22-42-48
    3. Click through the Configure Instance DetailsAdd Storage, and Tag Instance screens without making changes unless you need to.
    4. On the Security Group page select either a dedicated security group if you have already configured one, or create a new one.
      A security group is a firewall that controls traffic to the server regardless of any software firewall configured or not on the instance. By default only port 22 (SSH) is open, so you’ll need to open at least 7780 for analytics, and 7001 too if you want to access WLS/EM as well
      Note that you can amend a security group’s rules once the instance is created, but you cannot change which security group it is bound to. For ad-hoc purposes I’d always use a dedicated security group per instance so that you can change rules just for your server without impacting others on your account.
    5. Click on Review and Launch, check what you’ve specified, and then click Launch. You’ll now need to either specific an existing SSH key pair, or generate a new one. It’s vital that you get this bit right, otherwise you’ll not be able to access the server. If you generate a new key pair, make sure you download it (it’ll be a .pem file). 2014-11-11_22-49-29
    6. Click Launch Instances
      2014-11-11_22-51-09You’ll get a hyperlinked Instance ID; click on that and it’ll take you to the Instances page filtered for your new server.
      Shortly you’ll see the server’s public IP address shown.
  3. OBIEE is configured to start automagically at boot time along with the database. This means that in theory you don’t need to actually access the server directly. It does take 15-20 minutes on first boot to all fire up though, so be patient.
  4. The managed server is listening on port 7780, and admin server on 7001. If your server IP is the URLs would be:
    • Analytics:
    • WLS:
    • EM:

On the server

The server is a stock SampleApp v406 image, with a few extras:

  • obiee and dbora services configured and set to run at bootup. Control obiee using:
    sudo service obiee status
    sudo service obiee stop
    sudo service obiee start
    sudo service obiee restart
  • screen installed with a .screenrc setup

Accessing the AMI

To get access to the AMI, please complete this short form and we will send you the AMI details by email.

By completing the form and requesting access to the AMI, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood the terms and conditions set out by Oracle here.

Rittman Mead anuncia su catálogo de cursos en Español y en Portugués.


UnitedKingdom-ukflag brazil-flag

Tenemos el agrado de anunciarles que desde ahora Rittman Mead ofrece su catálogo completo de cursos en Español y en Portugués.  Esta es una gran noticia para quienes viven en América Latina, España y Portugal, ya que ahora pueden recibir la mejor capacitación, incluyendo el material teórico/práctico, en su idioma local.

Los cursos se dictan tanto en forma remota, con clases virtuales en vivo a través de nuestra plataforma web como también en forma presencial. De ambas maneras, cada estudiante recibirá el material teórico/práctico en forma electrónica y tendrá acceso durante el curso a una máquina virtual de uso exclusivo, para realizar las prácticas.

Ofrecemos un amplia variedad de cursos de Oracle Business Intelligence y tecnologías de Data Warehousing: desde cursos intensivos de 5 días (bootcamps)  a conjunto de cursos específicos orientados por rol de trabajo. Acceda al catálogo completo en Español, Portugués o Inglés.

¿Está interesado en nuestros cursos o quiere ser nuestro partner en capacitación? No dude en consultarnos al mail training@rittmanmead.com

Auditing OBIEE Presentation Catalog Activity with Custom Log Filters

A question that I’ve noticed coming up a few times on the OBIEE OTN forums goes along the lines of “How can I find out who deleted a report from the Presentation Catalog?”. And whilst the BI Server’s Usage Tracking is superb for auditing who ran what report, we don’t by default have a way of seeing who deleted a report.

The Presentation Catalog (or “Web Catalog” as it was called in 10g) records who created an object and when it was last modified, accessible through both OBIEE’s Catalog view, and the dedicated Catalog Manager tool itself:

But if we want to find out who deleted an object, or maybe who modified it before the most recent person (that is, build up an audit trail of who modified an object) we have to dig a bit deeper.

Presentation Services Log Sources

Perusing the OBIEE product manuals, one will find documented additional Logging in Oracle BI Presentation Services options. This is more than just turning up the log level en masse, because it also includes additional log writers and filters. What this means is that you can have your standard Presentation Services logging, but then configure a separate file to capture more detailed information about just specific goings on within Presentation Services.

Looking at a normal Presentation Services log (in $FMW_HOME/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/) you’ll see various messages by default – greater or fewer depending on the health of your system – but they all use the Location stack track, such as this one here:

[2014-11-10T06:33:19.000-00:00] [OBIPS] [WARNING:16] [] [saw.soap.soaphelpers.writeiteminfocontents] [ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000001ede,0:1] [tid: 2569512704] Resolving and writing full ACL for path /shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand[[
Path: /shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand
AuthProps: AuthSchema=UidPwd-soap|PWD=******|UID=weblogic|User=weblogic
ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000001ede,0:1
ThreadID: 2569512704

And it is the Location that is of interest to us here, because it’s what gives hints about the types of log messages that can be emitted and that we may want to filter. For example, the one quoted above is evidently something to do with the Presentation Catalog and SOAP, which I’d guess is a result of Catalog Manager (which uses web services/SOAP to access OBIEE).

To get a full listing of all the possible log sources, first set up the BI command line environment with bi-init:

source $FMW_HOME/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup/bi-init.sh

and then run:

sawserver -logsources

(If you get an error, almost certainly you didn’t set up the command line environment properly with bi-init). You’ll get an list of over a thousand lines (which gives you an idea of quite how powerful this granular logging is). Assuming you’ll want to peruse it at your leisure, it makes sense to write it to disk which if you’re running this on *nix you can simply do thus:

sawserver -logsources > sawserver.logsources.txt

To find what you want on the list, you can just search through it. Looking for anything related to “catalog” and narrowing it down further, I came up with these interesting sources:

[oracle@demo ~]$ sawserver -logsources|grep catalog|grep local

Configuring granular Presentation Services logging

Let us see how to go and set up this additional logging. Remember, this is not the same as just going to Enterprise Manager and bumping the log level to 11 globally – we’re going to retain the default logging level, but for just specific actions that occur within the tool, capture greater information. The documentation for this is here.

The configuration is found in the instanceconfig.xml file, so like all good sysadmins let’s take a backup first:

cd $FMW_HOME/instances/instance1/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/
cp instanceconfig.xml instanceconfig.xml.20141110

Now depending on your poison, open the instanceconfig.xml directly in a text editor from the command line, or copy it to a desktop environment where you can open it in your favourite text editor there. Either way, these are the changes we’re going to make:

  1. Locate the <Logging> section. Note that within it there are three child entities – <Writers>, <WriterClassGroups> and <Filters>. We’re going to add an entry to each.

  2. Under <Writers>, add:

    <Writer implementation="FileLogWriter" name="RM Presentation Catalog Audit" disableCentralControl="true" writerClassId="6" dir="{%ORACLE_BIPS_INSTANCE_LOGDIR%}" filePrefix="rm_pres_cat_audit" maxFileSizeKb="10240" filesN="10" fmtName="ODL-Text"/>

    This defines a new writer than will write logs to disk (FileLogWriter), in 100MB files of which it’ll keep 10. If you’re defining additional Writers, make sure they have a unique writerClassId See docs for detailed syntax.

  3. Under <WriterClassGroups> add:

    <WriterClassGroup name="RMLog">6</WriterClassGroup>

    This defines the RMLog class group as being associated with writerClassId 6 (as defined above), and is used in the Filters section to direct logs. If you wanted you could log entries to multiple logs (eg both file and console) this way.

  4. Under <Filters> add:

    <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="RMLog" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.catalog.local.moveItem" information="32" warning="32" error="32" trace="32" incident_error="32"/>
    <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="RMLog" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.catalog.local.deleteItem" information="32" warning="32" error="32" trace="32" incident_error="32"/>

    Here we’re defining two event filters, with levels turned up to max (32), directing the capture of any occurences to the RMLog writerClassGroup.

After making the changes to instanceconfig.xml, restart Presentation Services:

$FMW_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl restartproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Here’s the completed instanceconfig.xml from the top of the file through to the end of the <Logging> section, with my changes overlayed the defaults:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Configuration File -->
<WebConfig xmlns="oracle.bi.presentation.services/config/v1.1">

      <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><CatalogPath>/app/oracle/biee/instances/instance1/SampleAppWebcat</CatalogPath>



            <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><Writer implementation="FileLogWriter" name="Global File Logger" writerClassId="1" dir="{%ORACLE_BIPS_INSTANCE_LOGDIR%}" filePrefix="sawlog" maxFileSizeKb="10240" filesN="10" fmtName="ODL-Text"/>
            <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><Writer implementation="CoutWriter" name="Console Logger" writerClassId="2" maxFileSizeKb="10240"/>
            <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><Writer implementation="EventLogWriter" name="System Event Logger" writerClassId="3" maxFileSizeKb="10240"/>
            <!--  The following writer is not centrally controlled -->
            <Writer implementation="FileLogWriter" name="Webcat Upgrade Logger" disableCentralControl="true" writerClassId="5" dir="{%ORACLE_BIPS_INSTANCE_LOGDIR%}" filePrefix="webcatupgrade" maxFileSizeKb="2147483647" filesN="1" fmtName="ODL-Text"/>
            <Writer implementation="FileLogWriter" name="RM Presentation Catalog Audit" disableCentralControl="true" writerClassId="6" dir="{%ORACLE_BIPS_INSTANCE_LOGDIR%}" filePrefix="rm_pres_cat_audit" maxFileSizeKb="10240" filesN="10" fmtName="ODL-Text"/>

            <WriterClassGroup name="All">1,2,3,5,6</WriterClassGroup>
            <WriterClassGroup name="File">1</WriterClassGroup>
            <WriterClassGroup name="Console">2</WriterClassGroup>
            <WriterClassGroup name="EventLog">3</WriterClassGroup>
            <WriterClassGroup name="UpgradeLogFile">5</WriterClassGroup>
            <WriterClassGroup name="RMLog">6</WriterClassGroup>

            <!--  These FilterRecords are updated by centrally controlled configuration -->
            <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path="saw" information="1" warning="31" error="31" trace="0" incident_error="1"/>
            <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><FilterRecord writerClassGroup="File" path="saw.mktgsqlsubsystem.joblog" information="1" warning="31" error="31" trace="0" incident_error="1"/>

            <!--  The following FilterRecords are not centrally controlled -->
            <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="UpgradeLogFile" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.subsystem.catalog.initialize.upgrade" information="1" warning="32" error="32" trace="1" incident_error="32"/>
            <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="UpgradeLogFile" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.subsystem.catalog.upgrade" information="1" warning="32" error="32" trace="1" incident_error="32"/>
            <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="RMLog" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.catalog.local.moveItem" information="32" warning="32" error="32" trace="32" incident_error="32"/>
            <FilterRecord writerClassGroup="RMLog" disableCentralControl="true" path="saw.catalog.local.deleteItem" information="32" warning="32" error="32" trace="32" incident_error="32"/>



Granular logging in action

Having restarted Presentation Services after making the above change, I can see in my new log file whenever an item from the Presentation Catalog is deleted, by whom, and from what IP address:

[2014-11-10T07:13:36.000-00:00] [OBIPS] [TRACE:1] [] [saw.catalog.local.deleteItem] [ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000002cf1,0:1] [tid: 2458068736] Succeeded with '/shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand 2'[[
Path: /shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand 2
SessionID: p8n6ojs0vkh7tou0mkstmlc9me381hadm9o1fui
AuthProps: AuthSchema=UidPwd|PWD=******|UID=r.mellie|User=r.mellie
ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000002cf1,0:1
ThreadID: 2458068736
HttpCommand: CatalogTreeModel
HttpArgs: action='rm',_scid='QR5zMdHIL3JsW1b67P9p',icharset='utf-8',urlGenerator='qualified',paths='["/shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand 2"]'

And the same for when a file is moved/renamed:

[2014-11-10T07:28:17.000-00:00] [OBIPS] [TRACE:1] [] [saw.catalog.local.moveItem] [ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000003265,0:1] [tid: 637863680] Source '/shared/Important stuff/copy of Sales by brand', Destination '/shared/Important stuff/Sales by brand 2': Succeeded with '/shared/Important stuff/copy of Sales by brand'[[
Path: /shared/Important stuff/copy of Sales by brand
SessionID: ddt6eo7llcm0ohs5e2oivddj7rtrhn8i41a7f32
AuthProps: AuthSchema=UidPwd|PWD=******|UID=f.saunders|User=f.saunders
ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000003265,0:1
ThreadID: 637863680
HttpCommand: CatalogTreeModel
HttpArgs: path='/shared/Important stuff/copy of Sales by brand',action='ren',_scid='84mO8SRViXlwJ*180HV7',name='Sales by brand 2',keepLink='f',icharset='utf-8',urlGenerator='qualified'

Be careful with your logging

Just because you can log everything, don’t be tempted to actually log everything. Bear in mind that we’re crossing over from simple end-user logging here into the very depths of the sawserver (Presentation Services) code, accessing logging that is extremely diagnostic in nature. Which for our specific purpose of tracking when someone deletes an object from the Presentation Catalog is handy. But as an example, if you enable saw.catalog.local.writeObject event logging, you may think that it will record who changed a report when, and that might be useful. But – look at what gets logged every time someone saves a report:

[2014-11-10T07:19:32.000-00:00] [OBIPS] [TRACE:1] [] [saw.catalog.local.writeObject] [ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000002efb,0:1] [tid: 2454759168] Succeeded with '/shared/Important stuff/Sales 01'[[
Path: /shared/Important stuff/Sales 01
SessionID: p8n6ojs0vkh7tou0mkstmlc9me381hadm9o1fui
AuthProps: AuthSchema=UidPwd|PWD=******|UID=r.mellie|User=r.mellie
ecid: 11d1def534ea1be0:15826b4a:14996b86fbb:-8000-0000000000002efb,0:1
ThreadID: 2454759168
HttpCommand: CatalogTreeModel
HttpArgs: path='/shared/Important stuff/Sales 01',action='wr',_scid='QR5zMdHIL3JsW1b67P9p',repl='t',followLinks='t',icharset='utf-8',modifiedTime='1415600931000',data='<saw:report xmlns:saw="com.siebel.analytics.web/report/v1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sawx="com.siebel.analytics.web/expression/v1.1" xmlVersion="201201160"><saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simpleCriteria" subjectArea="&quot;A - Sample Sales&quot;" withinHierarchy="true"><saw:columns><saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c1dff1637cbc77948"><saw:columnFormula><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Time"."T05 Per Name Year"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column></saw:columns></saw:criteria><saw:views currentView="0"><saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1"><saw:cvTable><saw:cvRow><saw:cvCell viewName="titleView!1"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:cvCell></saw:cvRow><saw:cvRow><saw:cvCell viewName="tableView!1"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:cvCell></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view><saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="titleView!1"/><saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" name="tableView!1" scrollingEnabled="false"><saw:edges><saw:edge axis="page" showColumnHeader="true"/><saw:edge axis="section"/><saw:edge axis="row" showColumnHeader="true"><saw:edgeLayers><saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c1dff1637cbc77948"/></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge><saw:edge axis="column" showColumnHeader="rollover"/></saw:edges></saw:view></saw:views></saw:report>',sig='queryitem1'

It’s the whole report definition! And this is a very very small report – real life reports can be page after page of XML. That is not a good level at which to be recording this information. If you want to retain this kind of control over who is saving what report, you should maybe be looking at authorisation groups for your users in terms of where they can save reports, and have trusted ‘gatekeepers’ for important areas.

As well as the verbose report capture with the writeObject event, you also get this background chatter:

[2014-11-10T07:20:27.000-00:00] [OBIPS] [TRACE:1] [] [saw.catalog.local.writeObject] [ecid: 0051rj7FmC3Fw000jzwkno0007PK000000,0:200] [tid: 3034580736] Succeeded with '/users/r.mellie/_prefs/volatileuserdata'[[
Path: /users/r.mellie/_prefs/volatileuserdata
ecid: 0051rj7FmC3Fw000jzwkno0007PK000000,0:200
ThreadID: 3034580736
task: Cache/Sessions

volatileuserdata is presumably just that (user data that is volatile, constantly changing) and not something that it would be of interest to anyone to log – but you can’t capture actual report writes without capturing this too. On a busy system you’re going to be unnecessarily thrashing the log files if you capture this event by routine – so don’t!


The detailed information is there for the taking in Presentation Services’ excellent granular log sources – just be careful what you capture lest you bite off more than you can chew.

OBIEE How-To: A View Selector for your Dashboard

A common problem report developers face is user groups having different needs and preferences, and as a consequence these user groups want to see their data presented in different ways. Some users prefer to see a graph when others want a table is a classic example. So, how do we do this? It’s a no brainer… we use a view selector. View selectors give us a great amount of flexibility by allowing us to swap out one analysis view for another. You might even take it a step further and use a view selector to swap out an entire compound layout for another one, giving the user an entirely different set of views to look at. Truly powerful stuff, right?

But view selectors do have one limitation… they’re only available at the analysis level. What if you wanted this selector functionality at the dashboard level so that you could swap out an analysis from one subject area for one from different subject area? Or what if you wanted to be able to switch one dashboard prompt for another one? You’re out of luck, it’s just not possible…

Just kidding… of course it’s possible. As it turns out, it’s fairly straightforward to build your own dashboard level view selector using other objects already provided by OBIEE out-of-the-box.

Create a dashboard variable prompt to drive the content. We need a way for the users to select the view they want to see. View selectors have a built in dropdown prompt to accomplish this at the analysis level. To do this at the dashboard level we’re going to use a dashboard prompt.

So, the first step is to create a new dashboard prompt object and add a variable prompt. You can name the variable whatever you wish, for this example we’re just going to call it P_SECTION. You can set the User Input to whatever you want, but it’s important that only one option is selected at a time… multiple values should not be allowed. Let’s set the user input to “Choice List” and add some custom values.

What you name these custom values isn’t important but the labels should be descriptive enough so that the users understand the different options. Just keep in mind, the values you use here will need to exactly match the analysis we create in the next step. For this example, let’s use ‘Section1′, ‘Section2′, and ‘Section3′ to keep things simple.

JFB - View Selector - P_SECTION Prompt

 Create an analysis to drive the conditional logic. We need to create an analysis that will return a set number of rows for each of the options in the prompt we just created. The number of rows returned then drives which section we see on the dashboard.

Ultimately, the logic of this analysis doesn’t matter, and there are a dozen ways to accomplish this. To keep things simple, we’re just going to use CASE statements. While not an elegant solution, it’ll work just fine for our basic example.

Add three columns to the criteria, we’ll use a Time dimension and modify the column formula with the following CASE statements. Make sure that the text strings match the Custom Values used in the prompt.

CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006') THEN 'Section1' END

CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006', '2007') THEN 'Section2' END

CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006', '2007', '2008') THEN 'Section3' END

JFB - View Selector - Table

Now we need to update the filter so that the appropriate rows are shown based upon what the user selects. Basically, we need the request to return 1, 2, or 3 rows based upon our P_SECTION presentation variable.

For our example we’re going to create a filter for each of the options and set them equal to the presentation variable we created earlier in our dashboard prompt. Only one filter will be true at a time so the operator between these filters has been set to OR. Also you’ll notice that the default value for the presentation variable has been set to ‘Section1′, across the board. If, for whatever reason, the P_SECTION variable isn’t set we want the dashboard to default to the first section.

JFB - View Selector - Filter

CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006') THEN 'Section1' END is equal to / is in @{P_SECTION}{Section1}
OR CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006', '2007') THEN 'Section2' END is equal to / is in @{P_SECTION}{Section1}
OR CASE WHEN "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" IN ('2006', '2007', '2008') THEN 'Section3' END is equal to / is in @{P_SECTION}{Section1}

So, let’s quickly walk through how this works. The end user selects ’Section1’ from the dashboard prompt. That selection is stored in our P_SECTION presentation variable, which is then passed to and used by our filter. With ‘Section1’ selected only the 1st line of the filter will hold true which will result in a single row returned. When ‘Section2’ is chosen, the second row of the filter is true which returns two rows, and so on.

We’re almost done, in the next step we’ll create some conditions on the individual dashboard sections and put it all together.

Create sections and set some conditions. We just need to create our sections and set some conditions so that they are shown/hidden appropriately. Create a new dashboard page. Edit the dashboard page and drag three empty sections on to the page. Create a condition on the first section using the Analysis created in the last step. The first condition we need to create should be True If Row Count is equal to 1.

JFB - View Selector - Condition

Are you beginning to see how this is going to work? The only time we’ll get a single row back is when the presentation variable is set to ‘Section1’. When P_SECTION is set to ‘Section2’ we’ll get two rows back from our analysis. Go ahead and create a second condition that is True If Row Count is equal to 2 for section 2. For section 3 create a condition that’s True If Row Count is equal to 3.

JFB - View Selector - Dashboard Editor

Since we aren’t adding content to these sections, you’ll want to make sure to enable the option to “Show Section Title” or add a couple text fields so that you can easily identify which section is rendered on the page. Lastly, drag the dashboard prompt onto the page. Save the dashboard page and let’s take a look.

When the page first renders, you should see something similar to the following screenshot. The prompt is set to ‘Section1’ and sure enough, Section 1 appears below it. If you change the selection to ‘Section2’ or ‘Section3’ and hit apply, Section 1 will be hidden and the corresponding content will appear. All that’s left now would be to go back and add content to the sections.

JFB - View Selector - Result

So, using only out-of-the-box features, we were able to create an extremely versatile and dynamic bit of functionality… and all it took was a dashboard prompt, an analysis to hold our conditional logic, and some sections and conditions.

This approach is just another tool that you can use to help deliver the dynamic content your users are looking for. It provides flexibility within the context of a single dashboard page and also limits the need to navigate (and maintain) multiple pages. Admittedly, the example was just walked through isn’t all that exciting, but hopefully you can see the potential.

Some of your users want a minimalist view allowing them to filter on just the basics, while others want to slice and dice by everything under the sun? Create two prompts, a basic and an advanced, and allow the users to switch between the two.

JFB - View Selector - BasicAdv

Want to pack a large amount of charts into a page while still minimizing scrolling for those poor souls working with 1024×768? No problem, have a low-res option of the dashboard.

JFB - View Selector - LowRes

 The finance department wants a to see a dashboard full of bar charts, but the payroll department is being totally unreasonable and only wants to see line graphs? Well, you get the idea…

Monitoring OBIEE with the ELK stack

Monitoring the health of an OBIEE system and diagnosing problems that may occur is a vital task for the system’s administrator and support staff. It’s one that at Rittman Mead we help customers with implementing themselves, and also provide as a managed service. In this article I am going to discuss the ELK stack, which fills a specific gap between the high-level monitoring and configuration functionality of Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control, and the Enterprise-grade monitoring, alerting and configuration management of Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control.

The ELK stack enables you to rapidly access both summary and detail information across the stack, supporting swift identification and diagnosis of any issues that may occur. The responsive interface lets you to drill into time periods or any ad-hoc field or filter as you wish, to analyse and diagnose problems. Data can be summarised and grouped arbitrarily, displaying relative error rates ensuring that genuine problems are not lost in the ‘noise’ of usual operation.

Out of the box, OBIEE ships with Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control (FMC), which as the name says is part of the Enterprise Manager line of tools from Oracle for managing systems. It is more of a configuration and deployment tool than it is really a monitoring and diagnostics one. The next step up is FMC’s (very) big brother, Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control (EM12c). This is very much its own product, requiring its own infrastructure and geared up to monitoring an organisation’s entire fleet of [Oracle] hardware and software. With this greatly enhanced functionally with EM12c also comes a license cost. The ELK stack conceptually fits perfectly alongside your existing EM FMC, providing a most excellent OBIEE monitoring dashboard and analysis tool, and allowing you to explore the kind of diagnostics and historical data that you could have access to in EM 12c.

In ELK we can see at a glance what kind of relative activity there has been on the system over the past few days:

There have been some errors, and the top three nQS and ORA error codes and messages are shown. This is an important differentiator to EM where you can search for errors, but cannot see straightaway if it is a one-off or multiple occurence. By grouping by error message it’s possible to quickly see what the biggest problem on a system may currently be:

At this point we might want to drill down into what was being run when the errors were being thrown. For example, from the error summary alone we can see the biggest problem was a locked database account – but which database was being queried? Lower down the dashboard page is a list of log details, and by clicking on the search icon against an error message we can filter the results shown:

We can use the search icon again to restrict results by ECID

And from there see all the related log entries, including which connection pool the request was against (and thus which database account is locked)

Another way of diagnosing a sudden rash of errors would be to instead drilldown on time alone to take a more holistic view at the logs (useful also given that ECIDs don’t always give the full picture). Using the system activity timeline along with the events log view it is a piece of cake to do this – simply click and drag a time window on the chart to instantly zoom into it.

Taking a step back up, we can see at a glance which areas of the OBIEE metadata model (RPD) are being used, as well as where we are pulling logs from – and all of these are clickable in order to filter the results further. So it’s easy to see, for a given subject area, what’s the current error rate? Or to quickly access all the log files for a specific set of components alone (for example, BI Server and OPMN). Any field that is displayed, whether in a chart or a detailed log view, can be clicked and used as the input for an ad-hoc filter.

It’s not just errors and logs we can monitor – the current and trending performance of the system (or a part of it; note the filtering by subject area and database described above) can be observed and of course, drilled into:

The ELK stack

The ELK stack is a suite of free software made up of three tools, the first letter of each giving it its name:

  • ElasticSearch
  • Logstash
  • Kibana

At a very high level, we collect and enrich diagnostic data from log files using logstash, store it in ElasticSearch, and present and analyse it through Kibana.

  • ElasticSearch is a document store, in which data with no predefined structure can be stored. Its origins and core strength are in full text search of any of the data held within it, and it is this that differentiates it from pure document stores such as MongoDB that Mark Rittman wrote about recently. Data is loaded and retrieved from ElasticSearch through messages sent over the HTTP protocol, and one of the applications that can send data this way and works extremely well is Logstash.
  • Logstash is an innocuous looking tool that at first glance one could mistakenly write off as “just” a log parser. It does a lot more than that and a healthy ecosystem of input, filter, codec and output plugins means that it can interface between a great variety of applications, shifting data from one to another and optionally processing and enriching it along the way.
  • The final piece of the stack is Kibana, a web application that enables one to build very flexible and interactive time-based dashboards, sourcing data from ElasticSearch. Interestingly, another of my favourite tools that I have written about before – and will write about again in this article – is Grafana which is forked from Kibana (and modified to source its data from time-series databases like graphite/carbon/whisper or InfluxDB) – thus if you’re at home with one you will be the other.

In this article I’m going to show how to set up your own ELK stack to monitor OBIEE, based on SampleApp v406.

Who is this for?

As you will see below, setting up and configuring the ELK stack does involve rolling up ones sleeves and diving right in. If you’re looking for an off-the-shelf monitoring solution then you should look elsewhere (such as EM12c). But if you want to have a crack at it I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what is possible once you get past the initially (bumpy) learning curve. The capabilities are great, and there’s an active support community as is the case with lots of open-source tools. With a bit of work it is possible to create a monitoring environment tailored pretty much entirely to your design.

Installing the stack

ELK runs on all common linux distributions (including Oracle Linux), as well as Mac OS. The only prerequisite is a JDK for ElasticSearch and Logstash, and web server for Kibana; here I am using Apache.

First up, let’s install JDK 1.7 (SampleApp has 1.6, which isn’t enough):

sudo yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64

Apache is already installed on SampleApp, which we can verify thus:

[oracle@demo ~]$ sudo yum install -y httpd
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Package httpd-2.2.15-29.0.1.el6_4.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
[oracle@demo ~]$ sudo service httpd status
httpd is stopped

It’s shutdown by default and that’s fine because we need to update the configuration on it anyway.


The easiest way to install ElasticSearch is using the yum repository:

sudo rpm --import http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch

cat > /tmp/elasticsearch.repo<<EOF
name=Elasticsearch repository for 1.3.x packages

sudo mv /tmp/elasticsearch.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install -y elasticsearch

I’d then set it to start at boot automagically:

sudo chkconfig elasticsearch on

and then start it up:

sudo service elasticsearch start

One final, optional, step in the installation is a plugin called kopf which gives a nice web dashboard for looking at the status of ElasticSearch:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin
sudo ./plugin -install lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf


There’s no repository for logstash, but it’s no biggie because there’s no install as such, just a download and unpack. Grab the download archive for logstash from the ELK download page, and then unpack it:

cd ~/Downloads
wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/logstash/logstash/logstash-1.4.2.tar.gz
# Need to use sudo because /opt is owned by root
sudo tar -xf logstash-1.4.2.tar.gz --directory /opt/
sudo mv /opt/logstash-1.4.2/ /opt/logstash/
sudo chown -R oracle. /opt/logstash/


As with logstash, Kibana just needs downloading and unpacking. There’s also a wee bit of configuration to do, so that the web server (Apache, in our case) knows to talk to it, and so that Kibana knows how to find ElasticSearch.

cd ~/Downloads/
wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/kibana/kibana/kibana-3.1.0.tar.gz
sudo tar -xf kibana-3.1.0.tar.gz --directory /opt
sudo mv /opt/kibana-3.1.0/ /opt/kibana/
sudo chown -R oracle. /opt/kibana/

Now to configure Apache, telling it where to find Kibana. If you have existing sites configured, you’ll need to sort this bit out yourself, but on a vanilla SampleApp v406 you can use the following sed command to set up the needful:

sudo sed -i'.bak' -e 's/DocumentRoot.*$/DocumentRoot "\/opt\/kibana\/"/g' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Lastly, Kibana needs to know where to find ElasticSearch, which is where it is going to pull its data from. An important point here is that the URL of ElasticSearch must be resolvable and accessing from the web browser you run Kibana on, so if you are using a DNS name it must resolve etc. You can update the configuratinon file config.js by hand (it’s the elasticsearch: definition that needs updating), or use this sed command:

sed -i'.bak' -e 's/^\s*elasticsearch:.*$/elasticsearch: "http:\/\/demo.us.oracle.com:9200",/g' /opt/kibana/config.js

Finally, [re]start Apache so that it uses the new configuration:

sudo service httpd restart

You should be able to now point your web browser at the server and see the default Kibana dashboard. So for sampleapp, if you’re running Firefox locally on it, the URL would simply be http://localhost/ (port 80, so no need to specify it in the URL). Note that if you’re doing anything funky with network, your local web browser needs to be able to hit both Apache (port 80 by default), and ElasticSearch (port 9200 by default).

Configuring ELK end-to-end

Now that we’ve got the software installed, let’s see how it hangs together and create our first end-to-end example. There’s a good logstash tutorial here that covers a lot of the functionality. Here, I’ll just look at some of the very basics, creating a very simple logstash configuration which will prompt for input (i.e. stdin) and send it straight to ElasticSearch. The kopf plugin that we installed above can show that the data made it to ElasticSeach, and finally we will create a very simple Kibana dashboard to demonstrate its use.

Logstash works by reading a configuration file and then running continually waiting for the configured input. As well as the input we configure an output, and optionally in between we can have a set of filters. For now we will keep it simple with just an input and output. Create the following file in /opt/logstash and call it logstash-basic.conf:

input {
        stdin {}
output {
        elasticsearch {}

It’s pretty obvious what it’s saying – for the input, use stdin, and send it as output to elasticsearch (which will default to the localhost).
Run this with logstash:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/
cd /opt/logstash
bin/logstash -f logstash-basic.conf

After a few moments you should get a prompt. Enter some text, and nothing happens… apparently. What’s actually happened is that the text, plus some information such as the current timestamp, has been sent to ElasticSearch.

Let’s see where it went. In a web browser, got to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/kopf/. 9200 is the port on which ElasticSearch listens by default, and kopf is a plugin we can use to inspect ElasticSearch’s state and data. ElasticSeach has a concept of an index, in which documents, maybe of the same repeating structure but not necessarily, can be stored. Crudely put, this can be seen as roughly analogous to tables and rows of data respectively. When logstash sends data to ElasticSearch it creates one index per day, and in kopf now you should see an index with the current date, with a “document” for each line you entered after running logstash:

ElasticSearch can be queried using HTTP requests, and kopf gives a nice way to construct these and see the results which are in JSON format. Click on the rest (as in, REST API) menu option, leave the request as default http://localhost:9200/_search, and click send. You’ll see in the response pane a chunk of JSON in amongst which are the strings that you’ve entered to logstash:

Enter a few more lines into the logstash prompt, and then head over to http://localhost/ where you should find the default dashboard, and click on the Logstash Dashboard option:

It’s fairly bare, because there’s very little data. Notice how you have a histogram of event rates over the past day at the top, and then details of each event at the bottom. There are two things to explore here. First up, go and enter a bit more data into logstash, so that the create events have been spread out over time. Click the refresh icon on the Kibana dashboard, and then click-drag to select just the period on the chart that has data. This will zoom in on it and you’ll see in greater definition when the events were created. Go and click on one of the event messages in the lower pane and see how it expands, showing the value of each field – including message which is what logstash sent through from its input to output.

Now let’s get some proper data in, by pointing logstash at the BI Server log (nqsserver.log). Create a new configuration file, logstash-obi.conf, and build it up as follows. First we’ll use the file input to get data from …wait for it….a file! The syntax is fairly obvious:

input {
        file {
                path => "/app/oracle/biee/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/nqserver.log"

Now we need to tell Logstash how to interpret the file. By default it’ll chuck every line of the log to ElasticSearch, with the current timestamp – rather than the timestamp of the actual event.

Now is time to introduce the wonderful world of the grok. A grok is one of the most important of the numerous filter plugins that are available in logstash. It defines expected patterns of content in the input, and maps it to fields in the output. So everything in a log message, such as the timestamp, user, ecid, and so on – all can be extracted from the input and stored as distinct items. They can also be used for further processing – such as amending the timestamp output from the logstash event to that of the log file line, rather than the system time at which it was processed.

So, let us see how to extract the timestamp from the log line. An important part of grok’ing is patterns. Grok statement are written as Regular expressions, or regex (obXKCD), so to avoid continual wheel-reinventing of regex statements for common objects (time, ip addresses, etc) logstash ships with a bunch of these predefined, and you can build your own too. Taking a line from nqsserver.log we can see the timestamp matches the ISO 8601 standard:

So our grok will use the pre-defined pattern TIMESTAMP_ISO8601, and then everything else (“GREEDYDATA”) after the timestamp, map to the log message field. The timestamp is in square brackets, which I’ve escaped with the backslash character. To indicate that it’s a grok pattern we want to match, it’s enclosed in %{ } markers.

\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}

This can be broken down as follows:

\[                                  The opening square bracket, escaped by \
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}      Capture an ISO 8601 timestamp, store it in a field called 'timestamp'
\]                                  The closing square bracket, escaped by \
%{GREEDYDATA:log_message}           Capture everything else ('GREEDYDATA' is also a grok pattern) and store it in the 'log_message' field

A grok operator in logstash is part of the filter processing, so we need a new stanza in the configuration file, after input and before output. Note that the grok operator is matching our pattern we built above against the message field, which is pre-populated by default by the input stream. You can grok against any field though.

input {
        file {
                path => "/app/oracle/biee/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/nqserver.log"
filter {
        grok {
                match => ["message","\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"]
output {
        elasticsearch {}

Now we can see in the resulting capture we’ve extracted the timestamp to a field called “timestamp”, with the remainder of the field in “log_message”

But – the actual timestamp of the log entry that we have attached to the event stored in ElasticSearch, a special field called @timestamp is still reflecting the timestamp at which logstash read the logfile entry (30th September), rather than when the logfile entry was created (11th June). To fix this, we use a new filter option (grok being the first), the date filter:

date {
        match => ["timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ"]

This matches the timestamp field that we captured with the grok, and converts it into the special @timestamp field of the event, using the mask specified. Now if we go back to kopf, the ElasticSearch admin tool, we can see that a new index has been created, with the date of log entry that we just parsed and correctly extracted the actual date from:

And over in Kibana if you set the timeframe long enough in the filter at the top you’ll be able to find the log entries showing up, now with the correct timestamp. Note that ElasticSearch accounts for the timezone of the message, storing it in UTC:

A large part of setting up your own ELK stack is this configuration of the filters in order to imbue and extract as much information from the log as you want. Grok filters are just the beginning – you can use conditional paragraphs to grok certain fields or logs for certain strings (think, error messages and ORA codes), you can mutate output to add in your own fields and tags based on what has been read. The point of doing this is that you enrich what is in the logs by giving the different pieces of data meaning that you can then drive the Kibana dashboard and filtering through.

Tips for using logstash

To think of the logstash .conf file as merely “configuration” in the same way a simple .ini is would be to underestimate it. In effect you are writing a bit of data transformation code, so brace yourself – but the silver lining is that whatever you want to do, you probably can. Logstash is a most flexible and powerful piece of software, and one in which the model of input, filter, codec and output work very well.

In the spirit of code development, here are some tips you may find useful:

  • Grok patterns can inherit. Study the provided patterns (in the logstash patterns folder), and build your own. Look for commonality across files and look to reuse as much as possible. If you have multiple unrelated patterns for every type of log file in FMW then you’ve done it wrong.
  • When you’re building grok statements and patterns, use the superb http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com. The advantage of this over a standard regex debugger is that it supports the grok syntax of capture groups and even custom patterns.
  • For building up and testing regex from scratch, there are some useful sites:

    On the Mac there is a useful tool called Oyster which does the same as the above sites but doesn’t require an Internet connection.

  • By default a failed grok will add the tag _grokparsefailure to the event. If you have multiple grok clauses, give each its own unique tag_on_failure value so that you can see from the output message which grok statement failed.

    grok {
        match => [  "message", "%{WLSLOG}"
        tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure","grok03"]

  • You can use # as a comment character, so comment your code liberally, particularly whilst you’re finding your way with the configuration language so you can find your way back from the gingerbread house.
  • grok’ing takes resources, so target your grok statements by using conditionals. For example, to only parse nqquery logs for an expected string, you could write :

    if [path] =~ /nqquery/ {
        # Do your grok here

    NB the =~ denotes a regex match, and the / delineate the regex string.

  • Use a conditional to split the output, writing and grok failures to stdout and/or a file, so that it is easier to see what’s failing and when. Note the use of the rubydebug codec here to prettify output sent to stdout.

    output {
        if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags] {
            elasticsearch { }
        } else {
            file { path => "unprocessed.out" }
            stdout { codec => rubydebug }

  • Use the multiline codec to work with log messages that span multiple lines, and watch out for newline characters – grok does not like them so use a mutate gsub to fix them out.

Building a Kibana dashboard

Now that we’ve got the data streaming through nicely from logstash into ElasticSearch, let us take a look at building dashboards against it in Kibana. Kibana is a web application that runs within an existing web server such as Apache, and it builds dashboards from data stored in ElasticSearch.

The building blocks of a Kibana dashboard are rows, which contain panels of a given pane width, up to twelve per row. On a panel goes one of the types of object, such as a graph. We’ll see now how to build up a dashboard and the interactions that we can use for displaying and analysing data.

When you first load Kibana you get a default dashboard that links to a few other start dashboards. Here we’re going to properly start from scratch so as to build up a picture of how a dashboard is created. Click on Blank Dashboard, and then in the top-right corner click on Configure Dashboard. Click on Index and from the Timestamping option select day. What this does is tell Kibana which ElasticSearch indices it is to pull data from, in this case using the standard Logstash index naming pattern – which we observed in kopf earlier – logstash-YYYY.MM.DD. Click Save, and then select Add a row. Give the row a title such as System Activity, click on Create Row and then Save. A new row appears on the dashboard.

Now we’ll add a graph to the row. Click on Add panel to empty row, and select Histogram as the Panel Type. Note that by default the width is 4 – change this to 12. You’ll note that there are plenty of options to explore, but to start with we’ll just keep it simple, so go ahead and click Save. By default the chart will show all data, so use the Time filter dropdown option at the top of the screen to select a recent time period. Assuming your data has loaded from logstash into ElasticSearch you should see a graph similar to this:

This is a graph of the number of events (log file entries) per time period. The graph will amend the resolution according to the zoom so that a reasonable resolution of data is shown, or you can force it through the Resolution option in the graph properties. In the legend of the chart you can see the resolution currently used.

Assuming you’ve selecting a broad time interval, such as the last week, you’ll presumably want to drill into the data shown. This is very intuitive in Kibana – simply click and drag horizontally over the time period you want to examine.

There are two important concepts for selecting and grouping data in Kibana, called filters and queries. A query groups data based on conditions, and we’ll explore those later. Filtering is a predicate applied to all data returned. Think of it just like a WHERE clause on a SQL query. You can see the current filter(s) applied at the top of the dashboard.

You may well want to hide these, and they can be collapsed – as can the query row and all of the dashboard rows – by clicking on the little triangle

From the Filter area you can also add, amend, disable and remove filters.

So far all we’ve got is a graph showing system activity over time, based on events recorded in a log file. But, we’ve no way of seeing what those logs are, and this is where the Table panel comes in. Add a new row, give it a title of Log messages and add the Table panel to it specifying the span as 12. You should now see a list of messages with timestamps corresponding to the time period shown in the graph. You can customise the Table panel, for example specifying which fields to show; by default it shows _source which is the raw row returned by ElasticSearch. More useful to us is the log_message field that we parsed out using the grok in logstash earlier. You can do this by selecting the relevant field from the Fields list on the left (which can be collapsed for convenience), or editing the Table panel and specifying it in the Columns area.

From the Table panel it is possible to select the data shown even more precisely by adding additional filters based on data in the table. Clicking on a particular row will expand it and show all of the associated fields, and each field has a set of Action options. You can filter only for that value, or specifically excluding it, and you can also add each field into the table shown (just like we did above for logmessage). So here I can opt to only display messages that I’ve tagged in logstash as coming from the BI Server component itself:

You’ll note in the second screenshow, once the filter has been applied, that the graph has changed and is showing less data. That is because a filter is global to a dashboard. But what if we want to show on the graph counts for all logs, but in the data table just those for BI Server? Here is where queries come into play. A query also looks like a predicate, but rather than restricting the data returned it just identifies a set of data within what is returned. To illustrate this I’m first going to remove all existing filters except the time period one:

And now in the Query area click on the + (to the right of the line). Now there are two queries, both with a wildcard as their value meaning they’ll each match everything. In the second query box I add the query Component: OracleBIServerComponent – note for this to work your logstash must be sending messages to ElasticSearch with the necessary Component field. Once updated, the second query’s impact can be seen in the graph, which is showing both the “all” query and the BI Server component tows. Use the View > option in the top left of the graph as a quick way of getting to the graph settings, including disabling cumulative/stack view:

Each panel in Kibana can be configured to show all or some of the query groups that have been defined. This is most useful for creating breakdowns of data, including those that are splitting it in different ways and you wouldn’t want all of the options displayed in entirety on all panels. You might want to group out the components, and the types of error, and then show a break down of system activity by one or the other – but not necessarily both. To configure which query a panel is to show use the Configure option in the top-right of a panel and go to the Queries tab. If it’s set to all then each and every query set will be shown individually on the panel.

If it’s selected then you can select one or more of the defined query sets to display

There are about a dozen types of panel in Kibana, and I’m not going to cover them all here. The other ones particularly of interest for building this kind of OBIEE monitoring dashboard include:

  • Terms is basically a SELECT FIELD, COUNT(*) ... GROUP BY FIELD. It shows the top x number of terms for a given field, and how frequently they occurred. Results can be as a pie or bar chart, or just a table:From a Terms panel you can add filters by clicking on a term. In the example above, clicking on the pie segment, or table row icon, for ERROR would add a filter to show just ERROR log entries
  • Trends shows the trend of event occurrences in a given time frame. Combined with an appropriate query you can show things like error rates
  • Stats shows a set of statistics, so you can identify mean response times, maximum users logged on, and so on – assuming you have this data coming through from the logstash parsing.

Once you’ve built your dashboard save it (Kibana stores it in ElasticSearch). The dashboard is defined in json and you can opt to download this too.

The complete OBIEE monitoring view

Parsing logs is a great way to get out valuable information from the text stored and build visualisations and metrics on top of it. However, for pure metrics alone (such as machine CPU, OBIEE DMS metrics, and so on) a close-relation to Kibana, Grafana, is better suited to the task. Thus we have the text-based data going into ElasticSearch and reported through Kibana, and the pure metrics into a time-based store such as whisper (graphite’s database) and reported through Grafana. Because Grafana is a fork of Kibana, the look and feel is very similar.

Using obi-metrics-agent the DMS metrics from OBIEE can be collected and stored in whisper, and so also graphed out in Grafana alongside the system metrics. This gives us an overall architecture like this:

Obviously, it would be nice if we could integrate the fundamental time-based nature of both Kibana and Grafana together, so that drilling into a particular time period of interest maybe from an error rate point of view in the logs would also show the system and DMS metrics for the same period. There has been discussion about this (1, 2, 3) but I don’t get the impression that it will happen soon, if ever. One other item of interest here is Marvel, which is a commercial offering for monitoring ElasticSearch – through Kibana. It makes use of stock Kibana panel types, along with some new ones including the Nodes panel type, which suits the requirements we have of monitoring OBIEE/system metrics within a Kibana view, but unfortunately it looks like currently it is going to remain within Marvel only.

One other path to consider is trying to get the metrics currently sent to graphite/whisper instead into ElasticSearch so that Kibana can then report on them. The problem with this is twofold. Firstly, ElasticSearch is fundamentally a text-based store, whereas whisper fits much better for time/metric data (as would another DB such as influxDB). So trying to crow-bar the two together may not be the best solution, and instead better for it to be resolved at front end as discussed above. Secondly, Kibana’s graphing capabilities do not conceptually extend to multiple metrics in the same graph – only multiple queries – which means that graphing something that would be simple in Grafana (such as CPU wait/user/sys) would be overly complex in Kibana.

Architecting an ELK deployment

So far I’ve shown how to configure ELK on a single server, reading logs from that same server. But there are two extra things we should consider. First, Logstash in particular can be quite a ‘heavy’ process depending on how much work you’re doing with it. If you are processing all the logs that FMW writes, and have lots of grok filters (which isn’t a bad thing; it means you’re extracting lots of good information), then you will see logstash using a lot of CPU, lots IO, possibly to the detriment of other processes on the system – a tad ironic if the purpose of using logstash is to monitor for any system problems that occur. Secondly, ELK works very well with mutiple servers. You might have a scaled out OBIEE stack, or want to monitor multiple environments. Rather than replicating the ELK stack on each server instead it’s better for each server to push its log messages to a central ELK server for processing. And since the processing takes place on the ELK server and not the server being monitored we reduce the local resource footprint too.

To implement this kind of deployment, you need something like logstash-forwarder on the OBI server which is a light-touch program, sending the messages to logstash itself on the ELK server, over a custom protocol called lumberjack. Logstash then processes the messages as before, except it is reading the input from the logstash-forwarder rather than from file. An alternative approach to this is using redis as a message broker, with logstash running on both the source (sending output to redis) and ELK server (using redis as the input). This approach is documented very well here / here, and the former of using logstash-forwarder here. Logstash-forwarder worked very well for me in my tests, and seems to fit the purpose nicely.


Responsive monitoring tools are crucial for successful and timely support of an OBIEE system, and the ELK stack provides an excellent basis on which to build beyond the capabilities of Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. The learning curve is a bit steep at first, and you have to be comfortable with installing unpackaged tools, but the payoff makes it worth it! If you are interested in finding out about how Rittman Mead can help with your OBIEE implementation or other areas, please contact us.