Category Archives: Rittman Mead

Getting Started with Spark Streaming, Python, and Kafka

Last month I wrote a series of articles in which I looked at the use of Spark for performing data transformation and manipulation. This was in the context of replatforming an existing Oracle-based ETL and datawarehouse solution onto cheaper and more elastic alternatives. The processing that I wrote was very much batch-focussed; read a set of files from block storage ('disk'), process and enrich the data, and write it back to block storage.

In this article I am going to look at Spark Streaming. This is one of several libraries that the Spark platform provides (others include Spark SQL, Spark MLlib, and Spark GraphX). Spark Streaming provides a way of processing "unbounded" data - commonly referred to as "streaming" data. It does this by breaking it up into microbatches, and supporting windowing capabilities for processing across multiple batches. You can read more in the excellent Streaming Programming Guide.

(image src)

Why Stream Processing?

Processing unbounded data sets, or "stream processing", is a new way of looking at what has always been done as batch in the past. Whilst intra-day ETL and frequent batch executions have brought latencies down, they are still independent executions with optional bespoke code in place to handle intra-batch accumulations. With a platform such as Spark Streaming we have a framework that natively supports processing both within-batch and across-batch (windowing).

By taking a stream processing approach we can benefit in several ways. The most obvious is reducing latency between an event occurring and taking an action driven by it, whether automatic or via analytics presented to a human. Other benefits include a more smoothed out resource consumption profile. We can avoid the very 'spiky' demands on CPU/memory/etc every time a batch runs by instead processing the same volume of data processed but in smaller intervals. Finally, given that most data we process is actually unbounded ("life doesn't happen in batches"), designing new systems to be batch driven - with streaming seen as an exception - is actually an anachronism with roots in technology limitations that are rapidly becoming moot. Stream processing doesn't have to imply, or require, "fast data" or "big data". It can just mean processing data continually as it arrives, and not artificially splitting it into batches.

For more details and discussion of streaming in depth and some of its challenges, I would recommend:

Use-Case and Development Environment

So with that case made above for stream processing, I'm actually going to go back to a very modest example. The use-case I'm going to put together is - almost inevitably for a generic unbounded data example - using Twitter, read from an Apache Kafka topic. We'll start simply, counting the number of tweets per user within each batch and doing some very simple string manipulations. After that we'll see how to do the same but over a period of time (windowing). In the next blog we'll extend this further into a more useful example, still based on Twitter but demonstrating how to satisfy some real-world requirements in the processing.

I developed all of this code using Jupyter Notebooks. I've written before about how awesome notebooks are (along with Jupyter, there's Apache Zeppelin). As well as providing a superb development environment in which both the code and the generated results can be seen, Jupyter gives the option to download a Notebook to Markdown. This blog runs on Ghost, which uses Markdown as its native syntax for composing posts - so in fact what you're reading here comes directly from the notebook in which I developed the code. Pretty cool.

If you want can view the notebook online here, and from there download it and run it live on your own Jupyter instance.

I used the docker image all-spark-notebook to provide both Jupyter and the Spark runtime environment. By using Docker I don't have to really worry about provisioning the platform on which I want to develop the code - I can just dive straight in and start coding. As and when I'm ready to deploy the code to a 'real' execution environment (for example EMR), then I can start to worry about that. The only external aspect was an Apache Kafka cluster that I had already, with tweets from the live Twitter feed on an Apache Kafka topic imaginatively called twitter.

To run the code in Jupyter, you can put the cursor in each cell and press Shift-Enter to run it each cell at a time -- or you can use menu option Kernel -> Restart & Run All. When a cell is executing you'll see a [*] next to it, and once the execution is complete this changes to [y] where y is execution step number. Any output from that step will be shown immediately below it.

To run the code standalone, you would download the .py from Jupyter, and execute it from the commandline using:

/usr/local/spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2

Preparing the Environment

We need to make sure that the packages we're going to use are available to Spark. Instead of downloading jar files and worrying about paths, we can instead use the --packages option and specify the group/artifact/version based on what's available on Maven and Spark will handle the downloading. We specify PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS for this to get passed correctly when executing from within Jupyter.

import os  
os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = '--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2 pyspark-shell'  

Import dependencies

We need to import the necessary pySpark modules for Spark, Spark Streaming, and Spark Streaming with Kafka. We also need the python json module for parsing the inbound twitter data

#    Spark
from pyspark import SparkContext  
#    Spark Streaming
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext  
#    Kafka
from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils  
#    json parsing
import json  

Create Spark context

The Spark context is the primary object under which everything else is called. The setLogLevel call is optional, but saves a lot of noise on stdout that otherwise can swamp the actual outputs from the job.

sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonSparkStreamingKafka_RM_01")  

Create Streaming Context

We pass the Spark context (from above) along with the batch duration which here is set to 60 seconds.

See the API reference and programming guide for more details.

ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 60)  

Connect to Kafka

Using the native Spark Streaming Kafka capabilities, we use the streaming context from above to connect to our Kafka cluster. The topic connected to is twitter, from consumer group spark-streaming. The latter is an arbitrary name that can be changed as required.

For more information see the documentation.

kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, '', 'spark-streaming', {'twitter':1})  

Message Processing

Parse the inbound message as json

The inbound stream is a DStream, which supports various built-in transformations such as map which is used here to parse the inbound messages from their native JSON format.

Note that this will fail horribly if the inbound message isn't valid JSON.

parsed = v: json.loads(v[1]))  

Count number of tweets in the batch

The DStream object provides native functions to count the number of messages in the batch, and to print them to the output:

We use the map function to add in some text explaining the value printed.

Note that nothing gets written to output from the Spark Streaming context and descendent objects until the Spark Streaming Context is started, which happens later in the code. Also note that pprint by default only prints the first 10 values.

parsed.count().map(lambda x:'Tweets in this batch: %s' % x).pprint()  

If you jump ahead and try to use Windowing at this point, for example to count the number of tweets in the last hour using the countByWindow function, it'll fail. This is because we've not set up the streaming context with a checkpoint directory yet. You'll get the error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: The checkpoint directory has not been set. Please set it by StreamingContext.checkpoint().. See later on in the blog for details about how to do this.

Extract Author name from each tweet

Tweets come through in a JSON structure, of which you can see an example here. We're going to analyse tweets by author, which is accessible in the JSON structure at user.screen_name.

The lambda anonymous function is used to apply the map to each RDD within the DStream. The result is a DStream holding just the author's screenname for each tweet in the original DStream.

authors_dstream = tweet: tweet['user']['screen_name'])  

Count the number of tweets per author

With our authors DStream, we can now count them using the countByValue function. This is conceptually the same as this quasi-SQL statement:


Using countByValue is a more legible way of doing the same thing that you'll see done in tutorials elsewhere with a map / reduceBy.

author_counts = authors_dstream.countByValue()  

Sort the author count

If you try and use the sortBy function directly against the DStream you get an error:

'TransformedDStream' object has no attribute 'sortBy'

This is because sort is not a built-in DStream function. Instad we use the transform function to access sortBy from pySpark.

To use sortBy you specify a lambda function to define the sort order. Here we're going to do it based on the number of tweets (index 1 of the RDD) per author. You'll note this index references being used in the sortBy lambda function x[1], negated to reverse the sort order.

Here I'm using \ as line continuation characters to make the code more legible.

author_counts_sorted_dstream = author_counts.transform(\  
  (lambda foo:foo\
   .sortBy(lambda x:( -x[1]))))

Get top 5 authors by tweet count

To display just the top five authors, based on number of tweets in the batch period, we'll using the take function. My first attempt at this failed with:

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '_jrdd'

Per my woes on StackOverflow a parallelize is necessary to return the values into a DStream form.

top_five_authors = author_counts_sorted_dstream.transform\  
  (lambda rdd:sc.parallelize(rdd.take(5)))

Get authors with more than one tweet, or whose username starts with 'rm'

Let's get a bit more fancy now - filtering the resulting list of authors to only show the ones who have tweeted more than once in our batch window, or -arbitrarily- whose screenname begins with rm...

filtered_authors = author_counts.filter(lambda x:\  
                                                x[1]>1 \
                                                or \

We'll print this list of authors matching the criteria, sorted by the number of tweets. Note how the sort is being done inline to the calling of the pprint function. Assigning variables and then pprinting them as I've done above is only done for clarity. It also makes sense if you're going to subsequently reuse the derived stream variable (such as with the author_counts in this code).

  (lambda rdd:rdd\
  .sortBy(lambda x:-x[1]))\

List the most common words in the tweets

Every example has to have a version of wordcount, right? Here's an all-in-one with line continuations to make it clearer what's going on. Note that whilst it makes for tidier code, it also makes it harder to debug...

    flatMap(lambda tweet:tweet['text'].split(" "))\
      (lambda rdd:rdd.sortBy(lambda x:-x[1]))\

Start the streaming context

Having defined the streaming context, now we're ready to actually start it! When you run this cell, the program will start, and you'll see the result of all the pprint functions above appear in the output to this cell below. If you're running it outside of Jupyter (via spark-submit) then you'll see the output on stdout.

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
Tweets in this batch: 188

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
(u'jenniekmz', 1)
(u'SpamNewton', 1)
(u'ShawtieMac', 1)
(u'niggajorge_2', 1)
(u'agathatochetti', 1)
(u'Tommyguns_____', 1)
(u'zwonderwomanzzz', 1)
(u'Blesschubstin', 1)
(u'Prikes5', 1)
(u'MayaParms', 1)

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
(u'RitaBezerra12', 3)
(u'xKYLN', 2)
(u'yourmydw', 2)
(u'wintersheat', 2)
(u'biebercuzou', 2)
(u'pchrin_', 2)
(u'uslaybieber', 2)
(u'rowblanchsrd', 2)
(u'__Creammy__', 2)
(u'jenniekmz', 1)

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
(u'RitaBezerra12', 3)
(u'xKYLN', 2)
(u'yourmydw', 2)
(u'wintersheat', 2)
(u'biebercuzou', 2)

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
(u'RitaBezerra12', 3)
(u'xKYLN', 2)
(u'yourmydw', 2)
(u'wintersheat', 2)
(u'biebercuzou', 2)
(u'pchrin_', 2)
(u'uslaybieber', 2)
(u'rowblanchsrd', 2)
(u'__Creammy__', 2)

Time: 2017-01-11 15:34:00
(u'RT', 135)
(u'Justin', 61)
(u'Bieber', 59)
(u'on', 41)
(u'a', 32)
(u'&', 32)
(u'Ros\xe9', 31)
(u'Drake', 31)
(u'the', 29)
(u'Love', 28)

You can see the full output from the job in the notebook here.

So there we have it, a very simple Spark Streaming application doing some basic processing against an inbound data stream from Kafka.

Windowed Stream Processing

Now let's have a look at how we can do windowed processing. This is where data is processed based on a 'window' which is a multiple of the batch duration that we worked with above. So instead of counting how many tweets there are every batch (say, 5 seconds), we could instead count how many there are per minute. Here, a minutes (60 seconds) is the window interval. We can perform this count potentially every time the batch runs; how frequently we do the count is known as the slide interval.

Image credit, and more details about window processing, here.

The first thing to do to enable windowed processing in Spark Streaming is to launch the Streaming Context with a checkpoint directory configured. This is used to store information between batches if necessary, and also to recover from failures. You need to rework your code into the pattern shown here. All the code to be executed by the streaming context goes in a function - which makes it less easy to present in a step-by-step form in a notebook as I have above.

Reset the Environment

If you're running this code in the same session as above, first go to the Jupyter Kernel menu and select Restart.

Prepare the environment

These are the same steps as above.

import os  
os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = '--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2 pyspark-shell'  
from pyspark import SparkContext  
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext  
from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils  
import json  

Define the stream processing code

def createContext():  
    sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonSparkStreamingKafka_RM_02")
    ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 5)

    # Define Kafka Consumer
    kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, '', 'spark-streaming2', {'twitter':1})

    ## --- Processing
    # Extract tweets
    parsed = v: json.loads(v[1]))

    # Count number of tweets in the batch
    count_this_batch = kafkaStream.count().map(lambda x:('Tweets this batch: %s' % x))

    # Count by windowed time period
    count_windowed = kafkaStream.countByWindow(60,5).map(lambda x:('Tweets total (One minute rolling count): %s' % x))

    # Get authors
    authors_dstream = tweet: tweet['user']['screen_name'])

    # Count each value and number of occurences 
    count_values_this_batch = authors_dstream.countByValue()\
                                .transform(lambda rdd:rdd\
                                  .sortBy(lambda x:-x[1]))\
                              .map(lambda x:"Author counts this batch:\tValue %s\tCount %s" % (x[0],x[1]))

    # Count each value and number of occurences in the batch windowed
    count_values_windowed = authors_dstream.countByValueAndWindow(60,5)\
                                .transform(lambda rdd:rdd\
                                  .sortBy(lambda x:-x[1]))\
                            .map(lambda x:"Author counts (One minute rolling):\tValue %s\tCount %s" % (x[0],x[1]))

    # Write total tweet counts to stdout
    # Done with a union here instead of two separate pprint statements just to make it cleaner to display

    # Write tweet author counts to stdout

    return ssc

Launch the stream processing

This uses local disk to store the checkpoint data. In a Production deployment this would be on resilient storage such as HDFS.

Note that, by design, if you restart this code using the same checkpoint folder, it will execute the previous code - so if you need to amend the code being executed, specify a different checkpoint folder.

ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate('/tmp/checkpoint_v01',lambda: createContext())  
Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Tweets this batch: 782
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 782

Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Author counts this batch:    Value AnnaSabryan   Count 8
Author counts this batch:    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 7
Author counts this batch:    Value socialvidpress    Count 6
Author counts this batch:    Value SabSad_   Count 5
Author counts this batch:    Value CooleeBravo   Count 5

Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value AnnaSabryan   Count 8
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 7
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value socialvidpress    Count 6
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value SabSad_   Count 5
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value CooleeBravo   Count 5


Time: 2017-01-11 17:10:10
Tweets this batch: 5
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 245

Time: 2017-01-11 17:10:10
Author counts this batch:    Value NowOnFR   Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value IKeepIt2000   Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value PCH_Intl  Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value ___GlBBS  Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value lauracoutinho24   Count 1

Time: 2017-01-11 17:10:10
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value OdaSethre Count 3
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value CooleeBravo   Count 2
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value ArrezinaR Count 2
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value blackpinkkot4 Count 2
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value mat_lucidream Count 1

You can see the full output from the job in the notebook here. Let's take some extracts and walk through them.

Total tweet counts

First, the total tweet counts. In the first slide window, they're the same, since we only have one batch of data so far:

Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Tweets this batch: 782
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 782 

Five seconds later, we have 25 tweets in the current batch - giving us a total of 807 (782 + 25):

Time: 2017-01-11 17:09:00
Tweets this batch: 25
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 807 

Fast forward just over a minute and we see that the windowed count for a minute is not just going up - in some cases it goes down - since our window is now not simply the full duration of the inbound data stream, but is shifting along and giving a total count for the last 60 seconds only.

Time: 2017-01-11 17:09:50
Tweets this batch: 28
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 1012

Time: 2017-01-11 17:09:55
Tweets this batch: 24
Tweets total (One minute rolling count): 254

Count by Author

In the first batch, as with the total tweets, the batch tally is the same as the windowed one:

Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Author counts this batch:    Value AnnaSabryan   Count 8
Author counts this batch:    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 7
Author counts this batch:    Value socialvidpress    Count 6
Author counts this batch:    Value SabSad_   Count 5
Author counts this batch:    Value CooleeBravo   Count 5

Time: 2017-01-11 17:08:55
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value AnnaSabryan   Count 8
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 7
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value socialvidpress    Count 6
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value SabSad_   Count 5
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value CooleeBravo   Count 5    

But notice in subsequent batches the rolling totals are accumulating for each author. Here we can see KHALILSAFADO (with a previous rolling total of 7, as above) has another tweet in this batch, giving a rolling total of 8:

Time: 2017-01-11 17:09:00
Author counts this batch:    Value DawnExperience    Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value Alchemister5  Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value uused2callme  Count 1
Author counts this batch:    Value comfyjongin   Count 1

Time: 2017-01-11 17:09:00
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value AnnaSabryan   Count 9
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value KHALILSAFADO  Count 8
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value socialvidpress    Count 6
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value SabSad_   Count 5
Author counts (One minute rolling):    Value CooleeBravo   Count 5


What I've put together is a very rudimentary example, simply to get started with the concepts. In the examples in this article I used Spark Streaming because of its native support for Python, and the previous work I'd done with Spark. Jupyter Notebooks are a fantastic environment in which to prototype code, and for a local environment providing both Jupyter and Spark it all you can't beat the Docker image all-spark-notebook.

There are other stream processing frameworks and languages out there, including Apache Flink, Kafka Streams, and Apache Beam, to name but three. Apache Storm and Apache Samza are also relevant, but whilst were early to the party seem to crop up less frequently in stream processing discussions and literature nowadays.

In the next blog we'll see how to extend this Spark Streaming further with processing that includes:

  • Matching tweet contents to predefined list of filter terms, and filtering out retweets
  • Including only tweets that include URLs, and comparing those URLs to a whitelist of domains
  • Sending tweets matching a given condition to a Kafka topic
  • Keeping a tally of tweet counts per batch and over a longer period of time, as well as counts for terms matched within the tweets

Web-Based RPD Upload and Download for OBIEE 12c

I was among the people who were dancing and singing after finding out some of the OBIEE 12c new features. The feature I liked the most was a scripted deploy of an RPD file from a developer’s computer. I hate to make dozens of clicks for every deploy of an RPD in 11g. You may object and say that there is WLST in 11g which can do the same and even more. Well, you are right. Except for one thing: WLST is a server-side thing. Information security folk don’t like to give direct access to a server to OBIEE developers. And not every developer is capable of using it.

In OBIEE 12c the only way to upload and download RPDs from a developer’s local machine to the OBIEE server is through the command line. We’re big fans of the command-line approach because it enables automation, reduces the risk of error, and so on. But not all people like a script everything approach as we do. Many of OBIEE developers don’t like to use a command line to do what they used to do with their mouse for years. And today we have a solution for them!

Disclaimer. Everything below is a result of our investigation. It’s not a supported functionality or Oracle’s recommendation. It makes use of undocumented web services that Oracle may remove or change at any time.

Some time ago Robin Moffatt lifted the lid on OBIEE 12c Web Services. He found out how to use curl to do the same things Oracle does with their data-model-cmd (datamodel now) script. But that was purely for geek interest and intended to give us more understanding of what's going on inside of the OBIEE, not give us a new tool. So the next obvious step was to make a user-friendly interface over that web services so any OBIEE developer could utilise this sacred knowledge.

The Simplest Sample

Modern computer technologies offer us a lot of tools to build GUIs, but we wanted to keep it as simple as possible and because OBIEE’s front end is web-based, use of HTML for our RPD tool was the obvious choice too.


Let's start with RPD download.
Here is the curl script to call OBIEE web service and get RPD file.

curl -X "POST" "" \  
--data-urlencode "target-password=Admin123" \
--basic --user weblogic:Admin123 \
> downloadrpd.rpd

an animated gif of curl download

As you can see it's pretty simple. We send a message to http://<host>:<port>/bi-lcm/v1/si/ssi/rpd/downloadrpd using POST method. As a parameter, we send a password to set to the downloaded RPD file (target-password=Admin123) and authentication information (weblogic:Admin123). As a result, we get bytes of the RPD which we redirect to the downloadrpd.rpd file. And now we want a GUI for this script. Actually, Robin already did it.

      <FORM action=""
         method="post" target=_blank>
           New password for downloaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="target-password"><BR>
            <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

pic of a local download HTML form

This is not a snippet of code you somehow should incorporate into your system. No. That's almost complete GUI for RPD download! The only thing you need to do is to change hostname and port to match your system. That's all. Simply create an HTML file, put this code into it, change host and port, open with a browser, Enjoy!

This form has no field for authentication because OBIEE server will ask us for login and password at the first call and will maintain this session later.


The upload was a little bit more tricky from the curl side. Let's take a look at the script:

curl -X POST \  
     "" \
     --form "file=@sample.rpd;type=application/" \
     --form "rpd-password=Admin123" \
     --basic --user weblogic:Admin123

an animated gif of curl upload

Here we call another service to upload our file. Our parameters are:

  1. sample.rpd - the RPD file to upload
  2. type=application/ - MIME type of this file (that was the main trick).
  3. rpd-password=Admin123 - the password of sample.rpd
  4. weblogic:Admin123 - information for authentication.

But the GUI for this task is surprisingly simple. I expected it to be monstrous with lots of JS but in fact, it is small and easy. The minimum viable version is almost as simple as the upload one.

      <FORM action=""
         method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target=_blank>
           File to upload <INPUT type=file name="file"><BR>
           Password for uploaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="rpd-password"><BR>
           <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

pic of a local upload HTML form

The use of this piece of code is exactly the same as for download. Simply put it into an HTML file, change host and port. Use it.

Keep in mind that for the both forms field names are fixed and shouldn't be changed. For example, the field for a file to upload should have name "file" and for a password - "rpd-password". Without it, magic won't work.

But there is a thing about this part that we could still improve. Depending on the browser you use it shows the response message either in the same window or downloads it as a text file. And this message is a JSON file.

In real life, this message is a one line JSON but here it is a more human-readable formatted with jq and slightly polished by hands.

  "clazz": ["rpd-response"],
  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": ["self"]
  "properties": {
    "entry": [
        "key": "si",
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "ssi"
        "key": "description",
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "RPD upload completed successfully."
        "key": "desc_code",
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
        "key": "status",
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "SUCCESS"
  "title": "RPD-LCM response, SI=ssi, action=Upload RPD"

As you can see here, we have "description" field which holds a human readable message, "desc_code" field is the same but more suitable for automated processing and "status" field which is the first candidate to be used in automatic procedures.

It's easy to read this file but most of the time you'd prefer a simple "Success" message, right?

Going Further

These HTML forms do the trick. A developer can now download and upload RPD file easily with a minimum of clicks and without a need to learn a command-line interface. Security is managed by Weblogic server. Sounds good, right? But we can do it even better. From my point of view absolutely necessary improvements are:

  1. Add some JS to make diagnostics more user-friendly.
  2. Put these forms to a server so every developer in an organisation can use them.

Adding Some JavaScript Magic

My intent from the very beginning was to keep things as simple as possible. I’m not sure that this time my choice of JavaScript library (JQuery) was the simplest for this task, but anyways the code I have to write is very small so I like it.

<script src="./jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>  


$("#upload").on('submit', function( e ) {
    $.ajax( {
        url: $(this).attr('action'),
        type: 'POST',
        data: new FormData( this ),
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        dataFilter: function (data, type){$("#response").html(JSON.parse(data).properties.entry[1].value.value);$("#response").append('<details>'+data+'</details>');}

<FORM id=upload action=""  
         method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
           File to upload <INPUT type=file name="file"><BR>
           Password for uploaded RPD file? <INPUT type="password" name="rpd-password"><BR>
           <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

<div id=response></div>


The script reads the form and sends it content to the server, then it reads the answer, parses it and shows in a user-friendly way. Note that it does need the Jquery library to work. The problem with this code is that it won't work locally. If you try to use it in the same way as previous samples it won't do anything. But if we take a look at the developer console of the browser we immediately find the answer. OBIEE blocks my cross-domain JavaScript call.

a pic of developer console

That could become a problem but I was going to put these files on a server anyway so that all developers could access it.

Deploying It to a Server

What I want to do now is to put my forms to some place accessible with a browser from a server where OBIEE works. To achieve that I should do a few steps.

  1. Create a directory on the server.
  2. Put my files to that directory.
  3. Expose the directory with a web server.

There are no special requirements for the place for a directory I will create. It just should be accessible by a web server (Weblogic). I prefer to keep all user content in one place so my choice is to place it somewhere inside $ORACLEHOME/userprojects.

a pic of location

But there is one special requirement for the directory content. It should have a subdirectory WEB-INF with web.xml file inside.

a pic of web.xml

For my current purposes, almost empty web.xml is just fine. That may be not the best option for the real life but I'm trying to keep things simple, remember?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<web-app xmlns=""  

I combined both download and upload forms into one rpdtools.html file and added some styling for a nicer look. From the functional point of view, these forms and script were not changed. And then I put this combined file and Jquery library into my "static" directory.

a pic with directory contents

Now everything is ready for the final step. I need to deploy this directory to Weblogic server so the users can access it with a browser.

Login to Weblogic console and deploy static folder as an application.
a pic of wls console

For more details on deploying folders to WLS, see the Official documentation on web.xml and Deploying Using Shared Folders.

And now the most exciting part of the process. Witness the power of this fully operational battle station! I mean RPD tools.
a pic of the final result


We showed here a very simple way of adding a web-based GUI for uploading and downloading RPD to any OBIEE 12c system. You can take it and adjust to suit your needs and be a useful day-to-day tool. Deploying this code to a server allows to give an access to it to all OBIEE developers in an organisation and add some cool JavaScript effects. But keep in mind that it uses non-documented services and is not supported by Oracle in any way. This means that it can stop working after an upgrade. Well, in that case, we'll have to invent something new for you.

In case you want to play with this tool, here is a link to our GitHub obi-web-rpd-tools.

Python for Analytics – Exploring Data with Pandas

A Crack Team!

At Rittman Mead, we're always encouraged to branch out and pursue new skills in the field in an effort to improve upon our skill sets, and as a result, become more technically fluent. One of the great things about working here, aside from the previous, is that while we all have a really solid foundation in Oracle technologies, there are many who possess an incredibly diverse range of skills, fostered by years of working in tech-agnostic engagements. It's a great feeling to know that if you ever run up against some sort of bizarre challenge, or have to integrate some piece of arcane tech into an architectural solution, more than likely, someone, somewhere within Rittman Mead has had to do it. It is this freedom to pursue, within reason of course, other technical exploits that has nurtured a real spirit of innovation around the company within the past year. Our GitHub is overflowing with open source visualizations and performance monitoring and maintenance scripts that are simply there for the taking! We've put a lot of time into developing this stuff so our clients and partners don't have to.


python logo But I digress. This blog is about Python, and well, I haven't really mentioned it up until this point. It is in this spirit of innovation, learning, and frankly, automating the boring stuff, however, that a lot of us have been pursuing automation and analytical endeavors using the Python language. It has been touted by many as THE language for data science, and rightfully so, given its accessibility and healthy selection of libraries perfectly suited to the task, such as NumPy, Seaborn, Pandas, Matplotlib. In today's exercise, we're going to walk through common data munging, transformation, and visualization tasks using some of these libraries in order to deliver quick insights into a data set that's near and dear to my heart, Game of Thrones battles and character deaths!

GoT Logo

Through this process, we will be creating our own data narrative that will help to expound upon the idle numbers and labels of the data set. We'll see that the process is less a hard and fast, rigid, set of rules for which to approach data exploration, and something more akin to solving a crime, clue by clue, letting the data tell the story.


Aside from its myriad, community driven and maintained libraries, the greatest thing, to me anyway, about Python is its relatively low barrier to entry. Even with little to no previous programming skills, an enterprising lad or lady can get up and running, performing basic, functional programming tasks in no time. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll start coming up with daily tasks that you can throw a bit (or a lot) of Python at. Today, we'll be tackling some tasks like these, common to the everyday processes of data analysis and data science. Utilizing the Pandas library, in addition to a few others, we'll see how we can programmatically go from question to answer in no time, and with most any structured or unstructured data set. The primary audience of this blog will be those with a bit of Python fluency, in addition to those with an interest in data science and analytics. I will be explaining the steps and providing a Jupyter notebook (link here) for those who wish to follow along, however, for those who might need the extra guidance. So don't bail now! Let's get to it. In this instance, we'll be downloading the Game of Thrones data set from kaggle, a great site that provides open data sets and accompanying analysis projects in multiple languages. Download the data set if you'd like to follow along.


stepping stones Let's begin by taking some steps to get our heads on straight and carve out a clear work flow. I find this is really helpful, especially in programming and/or analytical scenarios where one can begin to suffer from "analysis paralysis". So, at a high level, we'll be doing the following:

  1. First, we'll take a cursory look at the Python libraries we'll be incorporating into our data sleuthing exercise, how they're used, and some examples of their output and ideal use cases.

  2. Next we'll use the tools in these libraries to take a deeper dive into our data set and start to construct our initial line of questioning. This is where we get to be a bit creative in coming up with how we're going to wrap our heads around the data, and what kind of questions we're going to throw at it.

  3. We'll then chase down any leads, incorporating additional analyses where necessary, and begin to construct a narrative about our data set. At this point we'll be formulating hypotheses and attempting to construct visualizations that will help us to further or disprove our investigation.


Any great detective must always have with them a toolkit with which to thoroughly examine any crime scene, and that's essentially what we have in the Pandas, Seaborn, and Numpy ("num-pie") libraries for the Python programming language. They provide a set of methods (functions) that can take an input, or a number of inputs, do some magic, and then provide us with lots of really useful information. So let's begin by examining these libraries and what we can do with each.

Pandas and Numpy


Pandas is great at doing a bunch of really common tasks related to data exploration, not limited to, indexing and selection, merging and joining data sets, grouping and aggregations, and visualizing data. This will be the library with which we'll be doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Pandas also provides us with the Dataframe object that greatly expands on the comparatively more rigid Numpy's ndarray object. These 'objects' are simply containers that hold data of some kind, and allow us to interact on that data.

Matplotlib and Seaborn


Matplotlib is a robust visualization library built to enable interactive, MATLAB style plotting on most any platform or back-end. This library, along with Seaborn, should be your go-to for producing super malleable graphs and visualizations. Working alongside matplotlib, seaborn pitches itself as a go-to for statistical based visualizations, but also supports complex, grid and algorithm based charts as well. Both of these libraries will help us to make quick and insightful decisions about our data, and help us to gather evidence further supporting, or disproving and hypotheses we might form.



Now that we've armed ourselves with the tools we need to thoroughly examine any potential data set we're given, let's do just that! Opening up the Game of Thrones csv files from above, let's first take a look at what kinds of information we have. The basic stats are as follows:


  • Battles - a complete listing of the battles in the book series and their stats! Attacker, defender, army size, you name it, we've got it.

  • Character Deaths - something the series/show is quite known for, who died? This contains some great info, such as allegiance and nobility status.

  • Character Predictions - The more morbid of the lot, this data set lists predictions on which character will die. We won't be using this sheet for our exercise.

A Hypothesis of Thrones

Having just finished the monumental series myself, you could say that at this point I'm somewhat of a subject matter expert; that at this point, we have a situation not unlike that which you might find in any organization. We've got an interested party that wants to look further into some aspect of their data. We can use our investigatory tool-set to get real results and gain some valuable and informative insights. As subject matter experts though, we should ideally be coming at our data with at least some semblance of a hypothesis, or something that we're trying to prove using our data (or disprove for that matter). For the sake of this exercise, and fitting in with the theme of the data, I'm going to try and dig up an answer to the following:

Does House Lannister, for as evil and scheming as they are, and as much as they get away with, eventually get what's coming to them?

No lannisters!

As much as I'd like to believe it's true, however, we're going to need to run the numbers, and let our data do the talking.

Importing the Data

You can follow along in the Jupyter notebook here now. Working with our Pandas library, we first need to get our data into some sort of workable object. As we stated before, this is the data frame. It is simply a table type object that is really good at handling empty values and data of many different types. We can easily perform operations on these objects and visualize them with minimal fuss. So, enough talk. Let's do it!

Working in your favorite IDE (Pycharm is easy to use and comes in a free version), we start a new project, import the libraries we need, and then drop in our first piece of code. This is the section that imports our csv data set and then converts it to data frame. So, now that we have our object, what do we do with it?


A Graph Has No Name

Now that we have our data frame object, we can begin to throw some code at it, crunch some numbers, and see if, in fact, the Lannisters really did get what was coming to them by the end of book 5. Starting with the battles data set, let's see how they fared in the field through the arc of the story. Did they lose more or less troops comparatively? We can do this easily by breaking our data frame into smaller, more manageable chunks, and then graph these data points, accordingly. We are going to use the data set to build a step by step, set of analyses that examines the Lannister victories and defeats throughout the story.

Battle / Troop Loss Over Time

Did the Lannisters hit a losing streak, or did they do well throughout the story? Did they win or lose more of their battles over time?

  1. Start with new data frame based on house and troop sizes:
    troop sizes

  2. Filter to get new results (Lannisters only):

Lannister Troops

Right away we see we have some data issues, that is, there are some holes in the attacker size column. The good thing is that we can more or less look at this small table and get the all the info we need from it right away. The numbers drop down significantly through the years, and that's all there really is to it. But, was this in fact, because they lost more troops, or simply threw less at the problem as they began to carve out their claim to the kingdom? This analysis is not very telling. We're going to need to do some digging elsewhere to answer our question. Let's do some comparisons.

% of Battles Won / Lost

So how did the Lannisters do in the field? Of the 8 battles they fought in, how many did they win? How does this compare with the other armies of Seven Kingdoms?

As we did before, lets get a new data frame together, and then do our grunt work on it to try and answer these questions. Grabbing the columns we need, let's run the numbers on how the Lannisters stack up against the other houses of Westeros in the field.

How many battles did they fight compared to the other Houses?

battles fought

How many did they actually win?


We can see right away, that out of all the battles they fought throughout the series (which is decidedly more than the other houses in the series), that they came out on top. Could the Lannisters be the dominating force on the field, as well as at court? The Starks are the only house that meet them conflict for conflict, and the Lannisters still reign supreme! Let's take things down to a finer grain and see how those who aligned themselves with the Lion did compared to those who didn't.

Death by Allegiance

Opening up our character deaths file, right away we see we have some pretty good info here. We have a laundry list of characters, their death year, and the house, if any, to which they were aligned. Let's start by building a data frame, and first, filtering out those who are unaligned, in the Night's Watch, or a Wildling. We want to get a comparison between houses, and these groups will just muck up the works. Let's do the numbers. We can now plot this info on a basic bar chart to get a basic rundown of the massacre.

death by alignment

Things are starting to look up...depending on your point of view, I guess. The Lannisters, for all their dirty business, do seem to, in fact, lose the most named characters tied to their house. Of these, let's see how many were actually nobility, or rather, the most influential in furthering their cause!

noble deaths to total

It would seem our Lannisters aren't too good at keeping their hands clean, and letting those of lesser station do their dirty work for them. Although they have the second most aligned character deaths in the series, roughly 75% of them are Noble deaths, meaning that people important to their cause are dying! The only other houses that come close unfortunately, are the Starks (the Red Wedding, no doubt), and the Greyjoys. What this also means, however, is that our claim is gathering more support; the Lannisters may have climbed the royal ladder, but at what cost?

Paying Your Debts


We can see from the donut chart above (excuse the repetition of colors) that indeed, the Lannisters have one of the highest % to total death numbers out of all the major houses in the Seven Kingdoms. This actually goes quite a long way in backing up our hypothesis; that of all the named characters in the series, the Lannisters lost the lion's share (pun intended). The disconcerting thing is that they either seem to bring down many others with them, or the other noble houses aren't terribly great at keeping themselves among the living either.


Are these figures, combined with their high noble of ranking noble deaths enough to satisfy my desire for vengeance? Did they truly reap what they have sown? I have to say I am ultimately undecided in the matter, as, although they did lose a great many, they in turn took a a greater number down along with them. It seems that despite these losses, any notion of vengeful satisfaction must be tempered by this fact; that although the Lannisters did end up getting hit pretty hard with significant losses, this is bittersweet when compared to the real and lasting damage they did throughout the span of the book's and show's history. Were you able to come up with any additional evidence for or against my case? Link out and show us! Thanks for reading.

ETL Offload with Spark and Amazon EMR – Part 5 – Summary

This is the final article in a series documenting an exercise that we undertook for a client recently. Currently running an Oracle-based datawarehouse platform, the client asked for our help in understanding what a future ETL and reporting platform could look like, given the current landscape of tools available. You can read the background to the project, how we developed prototype code, deployed it to Amazon, and evaluated tools for analysing the data.

Whilst the client were generally aware of new technologies, they wanted a clear understanding of what these looked like in practice. Is it viable, as is being touted, to offload ETL entirely to open-source tools? Could they do this, without increasing their licensing costs?

The client are already well adopted to newer technologies, running their entire infrastructure on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Given this usage of AWS, our investigation was based around deployment of the Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) Hadoop platform. Many of the findings made during the investigation are as applicable to other Hadoop platforms though, including CDH running on Oracle's Big Data Appliance.

We isolated a single process within the broader part of the client's processing estate for exploration. The point of our study was not less to implement this specific piece of functionality in the most optimal way, but to understand how in general processing would look on another platform in an end-to-end flow. Before any kind of deployment into Production of this design there would be further iterations, particularly around performance. These are discussed further below.

Overview of the Solution

The source data landed in Amazon S3 (similar in concept to HDFS), in CSV format, once per hour. We loaded each file, processed it to enrich it with reference data, and wrote it back to S3.

The enriched data was queried directly, with Presto, and also loaded into Redshift for querying there.

Oracle's Data Visualization Desktop was used as the front end for querying.


Cost Benefits

  • By moving ETL processing to Hadoop-based platform, we free up capacity (and potentially licensing costs) on the existing commerical RDBMS (Oracle) where the processing currently takes place
  • Costs are further reduced by the 'elastic' provisioning and cost model of the cloud service. You only pay for the size of the cluster necessary for your workload, for the duration that it took to execute.

Technology Benefits

In this solution we have taken advantage of the decoupling of storage from compute. This is a significant advantage that cloud technology brings.

  • Amazon S3 provides the durable data store for our data (whether CSV, Parquet, or any other data format). With S3 you simply pay for the storage that you use. S3 can be accessed by dozens of client libraries as well as HDFS-compatible APIs. Data in S3 is completely compute-target agnostic. Contrast this to data sat in your proprietory RDBMS database, and if you want to process or analyse this in another system.
  • In this instance we wanted to enrich the data, and proved Spark as an appropriate tool to do so. Running on Elastic Map Reduce we could provision this automagically, run our processing, and have the EMR cluster terminate itself once complete. The compute part of the equation is entirely isolated, and can be switched in and our of the architecture as required.

Moving existing workloads to the cloud is not just a case of provisioning servers running in someone else's data centre to perform the same work as before. To truly benefit (dare I say, leverage) from the new possibilities, it makes sense to re-architect how you store your data and perform processing on it.

As well as the benefit of cloud technology, we can see that we don't even need an RDBMS for much of this enrichment and transformation work. Redshift has proved to be useful for interactive analysis of the data, but the processing of the data that would typically get done within an RDBMS (with associated license costs) can instead be done on technology such as Spark.

Broader Observations

The world of data and analytics is changing, and there are some interesting points that this project raised, which I discuss below.


The client for whom we carried out this work are already cloud 'converts', running their entire operation on AWS already. They're not alone in recognising the benefits of Cloud, and it's going to be interesting to see the rate at which adoption continues to occur elsewhere, particularly in the Oracle market as they ramp up their offerings.

Cloud Overview

The Cloud is of course a big deal nowadays, whether in the breathless excitement of marketing talk, or the more gradual realisation amongst more technical folk that The Cloud brings some serious benefits. There are three broad flavours of Cloud - Infrastructure, Platform, and Software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS respectively):

  • At the lowest level, you basically rent access to tin (hardware). Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) can include simply running virtual machines on someone else's hardware, but it's more clever than that. You get the ability to provision storage separately from compute, and all with virtualised networking too. Thus you store your data, but don't pay for the processing until you want to. This is a very long way from working out how big a server to order for installation in your data centre (or indeed, a VM to provision in the cloud) - how many CPUs, how much RAM, how big the hard disks should be - and worrying about under- or over-provisioning it.

    With IaaS the components can be decoupled, and scaled elastically as required. You pay for what you use.

    The additional benefit of IaaS is that someone else manages the actual hardware; machine outages, disk failures, and so on, are all someone else's concern.

  • IaaS can sometimes still be a lot of work; after all, you still have the manage the servers, or architect and manage the decoupled components such as storage and compute. The next 'aaS' up in Platform as a Service (PaaS). Here, the "platform" is provided and managed for you.

    A clear example of PaaS is the Hadoop platform. You can run a Hadoop cluster yourself, whether on Oracle's Big Data Appliance (BDA), or maybe on your own hardware (or indeed, on IaaS in the cloud) but with a distribution such as Cloudera's CDH. Point being, you still have to manage it, to tune your Hadoop parameters, and so on. Hadoop as a platform in the cloud (i.e. PaaS) is offered by many companies, including the big vendors, such as Oracle (Big Data Cloud Service), Microsoft (HDInsight), Google (Dataproc) -- and then the daddy of them all, Amazon with it's Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) platform

    Another example of PaaS is Oracle's BI Cloud Service (BICS), in which you build and run your own RPD and reports, but Oracle look after the actual server processes.

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) is where everything is provisioned and managed for you. Whereas on PaaS you still write the code that's to be run (whether a Spark routine on Hadoop, or BI metadata model on BICS), on SaaS someone has already done that too. You just provide the inputs, which obviously depend on the purpose of the SaaS. Something like GMail is a good example of SaaS. You're not having to write the web-based email, you're not having to provision the servers on which to run that - you simply utilise the software.

Cloud's Benefit to Analytics

Cloud brings benefits - but also greater subtleties to our solutions. Instead of simply provisioning one or more servers on which to hold our data and process it, we start to unpick this into separate components. In the context of this study, we have:

  • Data at rest, on S3. This is storage paid for simply based on how much you use. Importantly, you don't have to have a server (or in more abstract terms, 'compute') running. It's roughly analogous to network mounted storage. You can access S3 externally to AWS, such as your laptop or a server in your data centre. You can also access it, obviously, from within the AWS ecosystem. You can even use S3 to serve up files just as a web server would.
  • Compute, on EMR. How often do you need to carry out transformations and processing on your data? Not continuously? Then why pay for a server to sit idle the rest of the time? What about the size of the server that it does run on - how many CPUs do you need? How many nodes in your cluster? EMR solves both these problems, by enabling you to provision a Hadoop cluster of any size and spec, on demand - and optionally, terminate itself once it's completed its work so that you only pay for the compute time necessary.
  • Having a bunch of data sat around isn't going to bring any value to the business, without Analytics and a way of presenting that to the user. This could be done either through loading the data into a traditional RDBMS such as Oracle, or Redshift, and analysing it there - or potentially through one of the new generation of "SQL on Hadoop" engines, such as Impala or Presto. There's also Athena which is a SQL interface directly to data in S3 - you don't even need to be running a Hadoop cluster to use this.

Innovation vs Execution (or, just because you can, doesn't mean you should)

The code written during this exercise could, with a bit of tidying up, be run in Production. As in, it does the job that it was built to do. We could even expand it to audit row counts in and out, report duff data, send notifications when complete. What about the next processing requirement that comes in? More bespoke code? And more? At some point we'd probably end up refactoring a whole bunch of it into some kind of framework. Into that framework we'd obviously want good things like handling SCDs, data lineage, and more. Welcome to re-inventing the in-house ETL wheel. Whether Spark jobs nowadays, PL/SQL ten years ago, or COBOL routines a decade before that - doing data processing at a wider scale soon becomes a challenge. Even with the best coders (or 'engineers' as they're now called) in the world, you're going to end up with a bespoke platform that's relient on inhouse skills to support and maintain. That presumes of course that you can find the relevant skills in the market to write all the processing and transformations that you need - and support them, of course. As you aquire new staff, they'll need to be trained on your code base - and suddenly the "free" technology platform isn't appearing so cheap.

Before you shoot me down for a hyperbolic strawman argument, there is an important dichotomy to draw here, between innovation and execution. Applicable to the world of big data in general, it is a useful concept spelt out in the Oracle Information Management & Big Data Reference Architecture. For data to provide value, it doesn't have to land straight away into the world of formalised development processes, Production environments, and so on. A lot of the time you will want to 'poke around' with it, to explore it -- to innovate. Of the technology base out there, you may not know which tool, or library, is going to yield the best results. This is where the "discovery lab" comes in, and where the type of hand-cranked Spark coding that I've demonstrated sits:

Sometimes, work done in innovation is complete once it's done. As in, it has answered the required business question, and provided its value. But a lot of the time though it will simply establish and prove the process that is to be applied to the data, that then needs taking through to the execution layer. This is often called, in an abuse of the English language, "productionisation" or "industrialisation". This is where the questions of code maintenance and scalability need to be seriously considered. And this is where you need a scalable and maintainable approach to the design, management, and orchestration of your data processing - which is exactly what a tool like Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) provides.

ODI is the premier DI tool on the market, with good support for "big data" technologies, including the ability to generate Spark code to perform transformation. It can be deployed to run on Amazon's EMR, as illustrated here, as well as Oracle's Cloud platform. As can be seen from this presentation from Oracle Open World in September 2016, there's additional capabilities coming including around Kafka, Spark Streaming, and Cassandra.

Another route to examine, alongside ODI, is the ecosystem within AWS itself around code execution and orchestration with tools such as Lambda, Data Pipeline, and Simple Workflow Service. There's also AWS Glue, which like Athena was announced at re:Invent 2016. This promises three key things of crucial importance here:

  • A Data Catalog, populated automatically, and not only just supporting multiple formats and sources, but including automatic classification (e.g. "Web Log") of the data itself.
  • Automatic generation of ETL code. From the release announcement notes this looks like it is pySpark-based code. So the code that I put together for this exercise here, manually (and at times, painfully), could be automagically generated based on source/target and operators required. The announcement notes also specifically mention the inclusion of standard ETL processes such as handling bad data
  • Orchestration and management of ETL jobs. One of my main objections above to taking 'proof of concept' pySpark code and trying to use it in a Production scenario is that you end up with a spaghetti of scripts, which are a nightmare to maintain and support. If Glue lives up to its promises, we'd pretty much get the best of all worlds - a flexible yet robust platform.

Hadoop Ecosystems

A single vendor for your IT platform gives you "one throat to choke" when it comes to support, which is usually a good thing. But if that vendor's platform is closed and proprietary it makes leaving it, or even just making use of alternative tools with it, difficult. One of the evangelical claims made about the new world of open source software is that the proliferation of open standards would spell an end to vendor lockin. I was interested to see during the course of this exercise a few examples where the big vendors subtly pushed you towards their own tool of choice, or away from an alternative.

For example, Amazon EMR makes available Presto as part of the default build, but to run the latest version of Impala you'd have to install it yourself. Whilst it is possible to install it yourself, of course, this added friction makes it less likely that people will. This friction increases when we consider that the software usually needs installing - and configuring - across multiple the nodes of the Hadoop cluster. Given an open field of tools all purporting to do the same or similar things, any impedance to using one over the other will count. The same argument could be made for the CDH distribution, in which Impala is front and center, and deploying Presto or Drill would be a manual exercise. Again, yes, installing it may be relatively trivial - but manual download and deployment across a cluster is never going to win out over a one-click deploying from a centralised management console.

This is a long way from any kind of vendor lockin, but it is worth bearing in mind that walls, albeit thin ones, are being built around these various gardens in the Hadoop ecosystem.


I hope you've found this series of article useful. You can find a list of them below. In the meantime, please do get in touch if you'd like to find out more about how Rittman Mead can help you on your data and analytics journey!

ETL Offload with Spark and Amazon EMR – Part 4 – Analysing the Data

We recently did a project we did for a client, exploring the benefits of Spark-based ETL processing running on Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) Hadoop platform. The proof of concept we ran was on a very simple requirement, taking inbound files from a third party, joining to them to some reference data, and then making the result available for analysis.

The background to the project is here, I showed here how I built up the prototype PySpark code on my local machine, and then here how it could be run on Amazon's EMR hadoop platform automatically.

In this article I'm going to discuss the options for analysing the data and producing reports from it.

Squeegee Your Third Eye

Where do we store data for analysis? Databases, right? That's what we've always done. Whether Oracle, SQL Server, or even Redshift - we INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT our data in a database, and all is well and happy with the world.

But ... what if you didn't need a database per se to query your data?

One of the things I wanted to explore during this project was the feasibility and response times that "SQL on Hadoop" engines could bring. Hive is probably the most well known of these, with other options including Apache Impala (incubating), Apache Drill, Presto, and even Oracle's Big Data SQL. All these tools read data that is not stored in a proprietory database format but stored in an open format, such a simple text file, on open storage platform such as HDFS. More commonly, formats (also open, non-proprietory) which are optimised for performance such as Parquet or ORC are used.

The advantage of these is that they provide multiple options for working with your data, starting from the same base storage place (usually HDFS, or S3). If one tool has benefits over another in a particular processing or analytics scenario we have the option to switch, without having to do anything to the actual data at rest itself. Contrast this to the implicit assumption that the data starts in an RDBMS (such as Oracle). With the data in a proprietary database the only options for switching tools are which ones you use to submit workload (over JDBC/ODBC/OCI etc). If another database platform is better in a given use case you end up either duplicating the data, or re-platforming the data entirely.

So whilst the flexibility of SQL-on-Hadoop is very appealing, there are limitations to it currently, in areas including performance and levels of ANSI SQL support.

Throughout this evaluation, my considerations were:

  • Performance. The client we were doing this project for performs both batch querying as well as ad-hoc analytics
  • Complexity, in two areas:
    • Configuration and optimisation : The more configuration and careful tending that a platform needs, the greater the overall cost. Oracle may have its license implications compared to open-source software, but how to operate it for optimal performance is well known and documented. It's also an extremely mature product, having solved many of the problems that newer technologies are only just starting to realise, let alone solve.
    • Load process: Whilst the SQL-on-Hadoop engines don't "load" the data, they sometimes require it to be laid out in a particular pattern of folders, or in a particular format for optimal performance.
  • Compatibility. JDBC or ODBC interfaces are needed to be able to use the tool with BI tools such as OBIEE or Oracle's Data Visualization Desktop. As well as the interface, the SQL language support needs to be sufficient for analytical queries.

For an overview of SQL-on-Hadoop engines see this presentation from Greg Rahn. It's a couple of years old but pretty much still current bar the odd version and feature change.


Redshift is not SQL-on-hadoop - it is a full-blown database. Specifically, it is a proprietory implementation of Postgres by Amazon, running as a service on their cloud. Just as you can provision an EMR cluster of any required size, you can do the same for Redshift. As your capacity and processing requirements change, you can scale your Redshift cluster up and down.

Redshift has both JDBC and ODBC drivers, making it accessible from both Data Visualization Desktop (supported) and OBIEE (works, but not supported).

To work with Redshift you can use a tool just as SQL WorkbenchJ, or the psql commandline tool. I installed the latter on my Mac using brew and brew install postgres.

With the processed data held on S3, loading it into Redshift is as simple as defining the table (with standard CREATE TABLE DDL), and then issuing a COPY command:

COPY ACME FROM 's3://foobar-bucket/acme_enriched/'
CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX;aws_secret_access_key=YYYYYYYYYYYY'
NULL AS 'null'

This takes any file under the given S3 path (and subfolders), parses it as a CSV, and loads it into the table. It presumes that the columns in the table are in the order that they are in the CSV file.

As a rough idea of load timings across several separate load jobs:

  • 2M rows in 10 minutes
  • 6M rows in 30 minutes
  • 23M rows in 1h18 minutes

Just like with the Spark coding, I didn't undertake any performance optimisations or 'good practices'. No sort keys or distribution configuration - just however it came by default, I used.

Out of the box, response times were pretty good - here's a sample of the queries. They're going across the same set of data (23M rows), stored on Redshift with no defined sort keys, distribution keys, etc - just however it comes out of the box with a vanilla CREATE TABLE DDL.

  • COUNT all records - 0.2 seconds

    dev=# select count(*) from acme3;
    (1 row)
    Time: 225.053 ms
  • COUNT, GROUP BY - 2.0 seconds

    dev=# select country,site_category, count(*) from acme3 group by country,site_category;
    country | site_category  |  count
    GB      | Indirect       |  512519
    (34 rows)
    Time: 2043.805 ms
  • COUNT, GROUP BY day (with DATE_TRUNC function) - 1.6 seconds

    dev=# select date_trunc('day',date_launched),country,count(*) from acme3 group by date_trunc('day',date_launched),country;
    date_trunc           | country | count
    2016-01-01 00:00:00  | GB      |  24795
    (412 rows)
    Time: 1625.590 ms
  • COUNT, GROUP BY week (with DATE_TRUNC function) - 3.8 seconds

    dev=# select date_trunc('week',date_launched),country,count(*) from acme3 group by date_trunc('week',date_launched),country;
    date_trunc           | country |  count
    2016-01-18 00:00:00  | GB      | 1046417
    2016-01-25 00:00:00  | GB      |  945160
    2016-02-01 00:00:00  | GB      | 1204446
    2016-02-08 00:00:00  | GB      |  874694
    (77 rows)
    Time: 3871.230 ms
  • COUNT, GROUP BY, WHERE, ORDER BY - 5.4 seconds

    dev=# select supplier, product, product_desc,count(*)  from acme3 where lower(product_desc) = 'beans' group by supplier,product,product_desc order by 4 desc limit 2;
    supplier             |      product    | product_desc | count
    ACME BEANS CO        | baked beans     | BEANS        |  2967
    BEANZ MEANZ          | beans + saus    | Beans        |  2347
    (2 rows)
    Time: 5427.035 ms

Hive (on Tez)

Hive enables you to run queries with SQL-like language (Hive QL) on data stored in various places including HDFS, and S3. It supports multiple formats of data, including simple delimited text files like CSV, and more advanced formats such as Parquet.

The version of Hive that I was using on EMR was automagically configured to use Tez as its execution engine, instead of the traditional map/reduce of the original Hadoop platform.

To query the data, simply define an EXTERNAL table. Why an EXTERNAL table? Well if you just define a TABLE, and then drop it ... it will also delete the underlying data. It's one of those syntax decisions that makes brutally logical sense, but burnt me and I'm sure has burnt many others. But, you won't do it again (or at least, not for a while).

product_desc STRING,
product STRING,
product_type STRING,
supplier STRING,
date_launched TIMESTAMP,
LOCATION 's3://foobar-bucket/acme_enriched';

With the table defined you can test that it works using the LIMIT clause to only pull back some of the records:

hive> select product_desc,supplier,country from acme3 limit 5;
Baked Beans       BEANZ MEANZ  GB
Tinned Tom      VEG CORP      GB
Tin Foil  FOIL SOLN   GB
Shreddies    CRUNCHYCRL     GB
Lemonade  FIZZ POP        GB

Whilst Hive technically enables you to query your data, the response times are so high that it's not even really a candidate for batch reporting.

Here's a couple of examples against a very small set of data, held in CSV format:

hive> select count(*) from acme;
Time taken: 58.063 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

hive> select country,count(*) from acme group by country;
US      21216
Time taken: 50.646 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

Tez helpfully provides a progress report of queries, such as this one here - a simple count of all rows, on a much larger dataset (25M rows, CSV files). After seven minutes, I gave up - with 3% of the query complete

hive> select count(*) from acme3;
Query ID = hadoop_20161019112007_cca7d37f-c5af-47f2-9d7d-3187342fbbb3
Total jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Tez session was closed. Reopening...
Session re-established.

Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1476873946157_0002)

Map 1            container       RUNNING  107601       3740        5   103856       0       6
Reducer 2        container       RUNNING      1          0        1        0       0       0
VERTICES: 00/02  [>>--------------------------] 3%    ELAPSED TIME: 442.36 s

As with elsewhere in the exercise - I'm well aware that there are optimisations that could be made that could help with response time, such as storing the data in more optimal formats (ORC/Parquet) and layouts (partitioning) as well as compresing it.

Don't write Hive off though - the latest versions (being developed by Hortonworks, and not on EMR yet) are moving to use in-memory components and competing well against Impala.


Impala is Cloudera's open-source offering in the SQL-on-Hadoop space. I was hoping to try out Impala against the data in S3, especially given a recent post by Cloudera with some promising performance metrics. Unfortunately this was for Impala 2.6, and the only version available prebuilt on EMR was 1.2.4. Given time, it would have been possible to build my own CDH-based Hadoop cluster (using Director to automate it) with the latest version of Impala installed - but this will have to be for another day. The current Cloudera documentation also suggests that S3 is:

[...]more suitable for holding 'cold' data that is only queried occasionally

although it's not clear if that's still true in the context of the latest Impala S3 optimisations.


Presto is an open source project that originated at Facebook. Similar to Apache Drill (below), it can query across data (and federate the results) from multiple sources including Hive (and thus S3), MongoDB, MySQL, and even Kafka.

For Presto to query against the data in S3, you need to define the table in Hive first. Presto uses the Hive metastore to retrieve the definition of the table, and carries out the actual query execution itself. First, a simple smoke test that we can pull back some data:

$ presto-cli --catalog hive --schema default

presto:default> select product_desc,supplier,country from acme limit 5;
product_desc | supplier | country
(0 rows)

Query 20161019_110919_00004_ev4hz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 1 total, 1 done (100.00%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

No data. Hmm. The exact same query against the same Hive table does return data. Turns out that Presto, by default, won't recursively query subfolders, whilst Hive, by default, does. After amending /etc/presto/conf.dist/catalog/ to set hive.recursive-directories=true and restarting Presto (sudo restart presto-server) on each EMR node, I then got data back:

presto:default> select count(*) from acme_latam;
(1 row)

Query 20161019_200312_00003_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 44 total, 44 done (100.00%)
0:10 [1.99M rows, 642MB] [203K rows/s, 65.3MB/s]

This was against a 1.9M row dataset, held in CSV format. Run again soon after, and the response time was 3 seconds.

Querying a bigger set of data was slower - 4 minutes for 23M rows of data:

presto:default> select count(*) from acme3;
(1 row)

Query 20161019_200815_00006_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 52,970 total, 52,970 done (100.00%)
4:04 [23.1M rows, 9.1GB] [94.8K rows/s, 38.2MB/s]

Same timing for doing a GROUP by on the data too:

presto:default> select country,site_category, count(*) from acme3 group by country,site_category;
country |  site_category     |  _col2
GB      | Price comparison   |     146
GB      | DIRECT RETAIL      |   10903
Query 20161019_201443_00013_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 52,972 total, 52,972 done (100.00%)
4:54 [23.1M rows, 9.11GB] [78.6K rows/s, 31.7MB/s]

Presto includes a swanky web interface for seeing the status and execution of queries

Loading to ORC

Taking a brief detour into one of the most common recommendations for performance with Presto - storing data in ORC format.

First, in Hive, I created an ORC-stored table:

product_desc STRING,
product STRING,
product_type STRING,
supplier STRING,
date_launched TIMESTAMP,
LOCATION 's3://foobar-bucket/acme_orc/';

and then loaded a small sample of data:

hive> insert into acme_orc select * from acme_tst;

Querying it in Presto:

presto:default> select count(*) from acme_orc;
(1 row)

Query 20161019_113802_00008_ev4hz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 2 total, 2 done (100.00%)
0:01 [29.9K rows, 1.71MB] [34.8K rows/s, 1.99MB/s]

With small volumes this was fine - 90 seconds to load 30k rows into an ORC-stored table, and a second to then query that from Presto with a count across all rows.

Loading 1.9M rows into an ORC-stored table took 30 minutes, and didn't actually (on the surface) speed things up. Caveat: this was a first pass at optimisation; there'll be a dozen settings and approaches to try out before any valid conclusions can be drawn from it:

  • COUNT GROUP BY from 1.9M rows, ORC - 3 seconds

    presto:default> select country,site_category, count(*) from acme_latam_orc group by country,site_category;
    country | site_category |  _col2
    LATAM   | null          | 1993955
    (1 row)
    Query 20161019_202206_00017_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 46 total, 46 done (100.00%)
    0:03 [1.99M rows, 76.2MB] [790K rows/s, 30.2MB/s]
  • COUNT over 1.9M rows, CSV - 3 seconds

    presto:default> select country,site_category, count(*) from acme_latam group by country,site_category;
    country | site_category |  _col2
    LATAM   | null          | 1993955
    (1 row)
    Query 20161019_202241_00018_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 46 total, 46 done (100.00%)
    0:03 [1.99M rows, 642MB] [575K rows/s, 185MB/s]
  • Function and filter, 1.9M rows, ORC

    presto:default> select count(*) from acme_latam_orc where lower(product_desc) = 'eminem';
    (1 row)
    Query 20161019_202558_00019_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 44 total, 44 done (100.00%)
    0:04 [1.99M rows, 76.2MB] [494K rows/s, 18.9MB/s]
  • Function and filter, 1.9M rows, CSV

    presto:default> select count(*) from acme_latam where lower(product_desc) = 'eminem';
    (1 row)
    Query 20161019_202649_00020_xa352, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 44 total, 44 done (100.00%)
    0:03 [1.99M rows, 642MB] [610K rows/s, 196MB/s]

Trying to load greater volumes (23M rows) to ORC was unsuccessful, due to memory issues with the Hive execution.

Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1476905618527_0004)


VERTICES: 00/00  [>>--------------------------] 0%    ELAPSED TIME: 13956.69 s
Status: Failed
Application application_1476905618527_0004 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1476905618527_0004_000002 exited with  exitCode: 255

In the Tez execution log was the error

Diagnostics: Container [pid=4642,containerID=container_1476905618527_0004_01_000001] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 1.0 GB of 1 GB physical memory used; 2.7 GB of 5 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.

With appropriate investigation (and/or smaller chunks of data loading) this could obviously be overcome, but for now halted any further investigation into ORC's usefulness. The other major area to investigate would be partitioning of the data.

A final note on performance - this blog does a comparison of Presto querying data held in S3 vs HDFS on EMR. HDFS on EMR is quicker, generally about 1.5 times or so - but you of course need your data loaded into HDFS on a running EMR cluster, whereas S3 is there on demand whenever you want it.


Apache Drill is another open-source tool, similar in concept to Presto, in that it enables querying across data held in multiple sources. I've written about it previously here and here. Whilst EMR has an option to provision a Drill cluster as part of an EMR build, it didn't seem to work when I tried it - and with Presto running I didn't spend the time digging into Drill. Given another time and project though, I'd definitely be looking to run it against this kind of data to see how it handled it. A recent thread on the Drill mailing list gave some interesting information on performance.


Amazon's Athena tool was announced at re:Invent 2016. Even though it was made GA after the client project being discussed here and therefore not evaluated, it is definitely worth mentioning. It provides "serverless" SQL querying of data held in S3. Under the covers it uses Presto (which is one of the tools I evaluated above). The benefit of Athena is that you wouldn't need to provision and configure actual servers to use Presto. You work with it through the web-based interface, or JDBC. This is a pretty big point to make - you can query your data, held in an open format, on demand, using SQL, without having to move it into a database or build a server to run a query engine.

Athena looks interesting, but one of the main things that struck me about it was that it is not something you would simply point at piles of data on S3 and build your analytics systems on. The cost is per query, and is currently $5 per TB scanned. FIVE DOLLARS, per terabyte of data SCANNED. Not retrieved. Scanned. So in order to not run up big AWS bills if you've got lots of data, you're going to need to do smart things to reduce the size of data scanned. Partitioning your data, and compressing it, will both help. As it happens, these are the things that are going to increase performance too, so it's not wasted effort. There's a good writeup here demonstrating Athena, and the difference that using an appropriate storage format for the data makes to performance and volumes of data scanned (and thus cost).

The cost consideration is a crucial point, because it means that data 'engineering' is still needed in any system you plan to build Athena on top of as the query engine. Sure, you can use it for adhoc 'fishing' expeditions in your 'data lake' (sorry....). Here the benefit of sifting through vast and disparate data without having to transform and/or load it into a queryable form first will probably outweigh the ad-hoc costs (remember : $5 per TB scanned). But as I said, if you're engineering Athena into your system as the SQL engine of top of data at rest in S3, you'll want to invest in the necessary wrangling in order to store the data (a) partitioned and (b) compressed.

You can read more about Athena here.

Front End Tools

All of the exploration so far has been from the commandline, but users want their data visually. The client for whom we were doing this work currently use OBIEE and BI Publisher to deliver the data. Both Redshift and Presto have JDBC and ODBC drivers, which means that they should work with OBIEE (although neither are on the supported databases list). Oracle's Data Visualization Desktop tool is also of interest here, bringing with it native support for both Redshift and Presto (beta).

A tool that we didn't examine, but is directly relevant given the Amazon context, is Quicksight. Currently in closed-preview Released in mid-November 2017, this is a cloud-based tool that enables querying of data in many sources including Redshift -- but also S3 itself.


For interactive analysis, Redshift performed well straight off. However, with some of the in-memory capabilities of the SQL-on-Hadoop engines, and the appeal of simply provisioning compute to query data held on S3 when required, it would be interesting to spend some time digging into the recommended optimisations and design patterns to see just how fast the querying could be.

Since all the query engines considered support JDBC, and any respectable front-end tool can query JDBC, we're not constrained in the choice of one by the other. Hooray for open standards enabling optimal choice and pairing of technologies! I liked using Oracle DV Desktop as it's a simple install and quick to get visualisations out of. Ultimately the choice of tool would come down to factors including complexity of requirements, scale of deployment - and of course, cost.

In the final article in this series we'll take a recap over the whole project, and look at some of the broader points of interest to draw from it.